Just stopped at Chapter 20, because all the feels suddenly came crashing down to me and punching me so much that I cried. :((((((((
I already knew this manga will make me cry from the get go, seeing as the story revolves around school and bullying and sticking up for oneself, and who doesn't relate to that??
Jaerim makes me want to fight for myself more, I admire him so much I want him to be real so we can be friends XDDD
And the storyline bet. Yumin and Dohoon :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Made me cry so much, no manga has ever done that to me before :(((((((((
All the hardships Yumin had to go through, and still, his willingness to forgive Dohoon at the end is SO FUCKING BRAVE it hurtsssssss huhuhuhuhu
To wrap it up: LOVE NEVER UNDERSTAND (like a true otaku I just started reading this today and plowed through 20 chapters and have now declared my love for an unforgettable work of art!!!)
(wishing for Jaerim x Yuri developments pleaseeeee!!! dont let me down baby hahaha)

Well to not forgive him would also be a brave act because people expect you to forgive a bully as soon as he experiences his own trauma.

I agree. I think both lines of action are brave in their own way. But you know, it was like Yumin saw and realized that Dohoon was hurting too.
And if you read through their storyline, it's clear that Yumin wants for them to be together once again, together with his best friend again. That's why he wishes for Dohoon to turn back to his good self.
I think that's why Yumin chose to forgive him, because if he turned Dohoon away then they wouldn't have reconciled in the end. If it had gone another way, then they would only grow apart even more, and the hatred Dohoon feels for himself would put a black hole in his heart from which Yumin cannot save him.
And Yumin DOES want to save him.
It's because Yumin has this so much love that he has the capability to forgive him.
I think this is the kind of Yumin's character, the kind of his strength that the author wants to show.
I think this is what the author intended :))))))
I love these two!!!! They are so adorable, and so sexy, esp. Tetsuya hihihihi
Im so glad their story will continue after their backstory. :)))))))