Just finished rereading Papa's Assassin, and once again I conclude, THIS IS AMAZING!!!
Papa Daniel is still my dream daddy
(like i would kneel down to him the very moment he becomes real without having a second thought) them muscles and hair thooooooooo, and that face!!!!!! so fcking handsooooome mygoddddddd
hokay, and this relationship Ryuu has with Papa will keep me reading because i want to know what happens to them, if they will leap to being lovers (HOMAYGAD what a chapter that will be I WILL DIE)
or, if something happens and they choose to remain father-and-son (I will be sad because clearly Ryuu doesnt want to change and is hoping for an opportunity that they will turn into lovers) (but then hey, that's reality, avoiding incest relations, so i wouldnt mind getting hit with reality)
this story is explosive, with inner drama and action mixing. Where does this story of Ryuu being the son of a royal family go? I don't know, I want to see it,
so I will stay tuned!!!!
Thank you author!!!
(I also realized that I've read most of the author's works hehe, will go on a rereading spree <3)

OH YES, I am following this!
I'm a sucker for middle eastern inspired, mythological historical hybrid stories :D
their world is so interesting, i love reading
and then there's the shota factor,,,, hehehe
plus with a hot, sometimes caring but mostly sadistic master Azure-sama,
loving it so much

heehee saame! ;)
that body and cock on shouyuu daddy-san tho ;P so jealous of the love he gives lucky seme voice actor
(unashamed hentai side released)