Damn, this is pure gore.
There was no redemption, the police didnt catch him, he got to roam around and get Bran in the end, and maybe many others.
I would've liked for there to be a moment where the police finally corners Andy, and before they catch him, he sort of realizes he is wrong and twisted and messed up in the head, so the character saves and redeems himself just by a little bit.
But that didn't happen, omygod. I'm sorry but I didn't like that the evil character was triumphant :(
I'm sorry, but you get kidnapped, whisked away to an unknown island, and all you do is act and appear cutesy? or at least that's how you were drawn to be, but still!!!!!
also all siwon does is think and sit around, yes he was thinking where were his clothes or the stone, but he couldn't be bothered to bring that up when that asshole Lu Xuan was cooking for him, or even when they first met in the swimming poolll????!!!!
i am like siwon why are you like thissss, he's become a lost and oblivious damsel in distress, he couldn't be bothered to stand up for himself and just fight this bastard, instead he just sits around and think about things and occasionally think about Kang Jinha and what he would do in this situaton. god the frustration, i hope the author fixes this character and the story in general, cuz it's really gone downhill.