not yet pls please pls dont like him yet its a crimeeeejshdibdjdbx PLEASE

bru why would it be a crime? yes, i know he didn't graduate yet and the woman is a lot more older than him yada yada... but still, it doesn't make sense to me. I'll explain why:
1. people are okay with the fact when a male MC is a lot older than the girl itself.
but when its the other way round ...
2. it is accepted by society when 2 high schoolers fall in love and even MAKE Love at a certain point but people describe it as a crime when a older boy/girl falls in love with a high schooler (or the other way round). I DONT CARE. LOVE IS LOVE. AGE DOESNT MATTER!!! As long as the girlfriend/boyfriend doesnt abuse each other, THAN ITS FINE.
in certain countries its legally allowed to make love at the age of 14. sooo....... i think high schoolers are capable of jugding for themselves and taking their own responsibility.
be it an older man or a women. DOESNT MATTER.

Ok so I'm dialing 911 right now. I mean wtf did you just say? You know why its a crime? Cause an adult is way more mature than a teen and they can easily manipulate the young. There's no problem when they're two teens cause they're mentally in the same stage. And I can let this particular case go cause he's 17, so it's kinda borderline but you mentioned 14 years old!!!! Are you sick?

na sry i ain't sick. and its true, in some countries you can sleep with your boyfriend/girlfriend at the age of 14. (when both are the same age ofc. i didnt explain it properly in the first comment.) BUT there are some people who are mentally mature than others. even high schoolers can manipulate another high schooler. it is not limited to the older generation. and younger people can also manipulate older ones. there are all kinds of people in this world. there are 30 year olds who still have the mind of a kid and there are 19 year olds who think and act like old grandpas/grandmas. (=・ω・=) and in your first comment u said "pls dont like him yet its a crime" so I assumed you meant "loving a guy who is 10 years younger than u" is a crime. but now u are mentioning "manipulation". where tf is the women trying to manipulate the boy in the manga? she is clearly clueless.
"There's no problem when they're two teens cause they're mentally in the same stage." - two teens dont necessarily have the same mentality.

its true that the level of maturity ranges differently between people the same age and shit but that doesnt mean thats it’s okay for a kid to be having a relationship with a full grown functioning adult that has already stopped developing ??? what the fuck is wrong with you LMFAOOOOOOOOOO say you can’t get people your own age and go you miserable little thing get help. If you wanna talk about law you better know ur shit bc i sure i hell know mine lol dumbass

i knew this was normalized back then but the concept of incest breeding is so weird im glad we made it illegal

I had read the same things too on the other manga (monshou something I can't remember) they also explain the same reason why they married they own siblings. At that time I'm also felt it's kinda weird coz for me it is impossible to have romantic feelings towards ur siblings (maybe bcoz I always brawled with them I guess)