Chap 45... mindfuck oO I need next chapter aaaaah

The next three chapters are just going to leave you wanting more. Nothing happens the way you expect it will.

how do you know?

Because Ch.45 came out a month ago. English chapters are behind the Korean ones. The people who buy the Korean chapters always discuss what happens on this message board. I've already read Ch.46-48 so that's why I know. This upcoming Monday Ch. 49 will come out.
And sorry (Because I know someone will ask) , I can't link to raws because I buy the chapters on my Lezhin account and I won't give out my login.
WHat's that cliffhanger ??!!! Siwon tell him you love him fuuucck... Just don't leave him alone
Taemin! Names matter. He is not Siwon, he is Taemin. Please call him by his real name. If you've been reading since the beginning, at least get the MC's name right.
My bad the name Siwon was in my mind
Positive-person isn't being very positive. Calm yourself. Korean names are hard to remember especially when a person has two and isn't called by one of them often. It's easy to forget that his name I Taemin. So chill out.
*is Taemin
Thank you haha, you are right and even if i'm used with Korean name sometimes I call him Siwon and then Taemin because some character call him Siwon. Anywaayy life is beautiful
Haha yes life IS beautiful! :3