This one has a girl who was adopted but she is torn between fulfilling her duty as the adopted daughter versus being with the son of the adopted family. If I remember correctly. And the son and her both work in the same family's (?) company??? It's a modern romance. Seems like they have a lot of sex. The first chapter opens with it. Idk if the guy likes her or is just lustful and controlling. The have been having this sexual relationship without the romance (from that one chapter I'd read). He basically calls her to his office I think? And she was "late" so she needs to be punished or something like that. I - I have no idea. It opened with his coming back from somewhere and calling her over. It was an office setting. At the time I thought it was too dark and skipped over it. So it's not quite an office relationship since they grew up together. But he seems to be mistreating her and seems like she can't say no to him. She seems sad. Idk since was only the first chapter or so. He said, if you hadn't come to me I would have come to your workplace and fucked you there. Would you rather have that?!? I think he ripped her leggings and you know, they did the fwop fwop.

Oh. I found it.
Destructive Desires

Busily policing everyone in how they consume media is the DEFINITION of toxic.

Did you know HOW stressed out I've been over the LAST three days?!? The last two days have been SOO exhausting because everyone keeps on attacking me.
It's like it's not enough to read it they have to go attack me too.
Why would I when I'm stressed out because those people are stomping all over me??? Take it elsewhere and stop coming after me.
I'm tired.
Just because I'm trying to make a point they're so unhappy with it they had to attack me, as person, personally. Calling me stupid when they're the one with the moral high grounds and then degrading me and then making me out to be some bad guy when I'm not. Look if I'm not into fiction then why would I read it?!? Stop making it about them and I need rest too. Every time I come back to the comment section, somebody is throwing a BRICK at me. Do you KNOW HOW STRESSFUL that is?!
This is my one or two or three posts. Did you know HOW many ppl have responded to me and how many times PER person?!? Right. Try 2×40 or 2x45 or whatever it is and see how you feel.

Well that’s kinda what happens when you start up something controversial. Both sides are doing the same thing. You’re annoyed by them so you talk about it. They’re annoyed too and they talk back. Your side happens to be the minority. I think we should take a step back and not read comments for a while.

It's like a witch hunt though. Even ppl who agree with me don't speak up. And they only attack me because I'm the ONLY one that actually takes the time to do the analysis and present it in details. Honestly. This is my first time in a forum like this so it is very different from my other apps. And ppl in the other apps are MUCH MUCH more civilized. They don't attack you personally either.
I'm ok going against the grain. I don't mind having a debate. But when you start to attack ME as a PERSON. That's not fine.
This is like going back to the Middle Ages where ppl do witch-hunts and stuff thinking it'll cure ppl of diseases and evil or something. Going by the same logic.
And even if it's controversial, why bring it to a god-damned safe place to explore those topics. Just because I don't want to talk about it doesn't make me a bad person. And it doesn't make it right either. Talking about freedom of speech.
It's controversial because they MAKE it controversial. And who made them the fucking reading police?!? Are they gonna go inside someone's mind to tell them NOT to fantasize about rape?!? I mean, if ppl weren't READING these things doesn't mean they don't fantasize about them. Makes no sense whatsoever for them to do that. Are they gonna go rail to the author because it DOESN'T sit well with them?!? Nobody is ramming this shit DOWN their throats. They HAVE the FREEDOM to chose (to read it or not) but keep railing against it and then putting other ppl down who don't want to engage in that topic or defending the right to read such things or even enjoy them then that's not acceptable.
I'm not having it. They don't have the freedom to go police other people's fantasies and desires that affect them none-at-all. As long as ppl don't act out or accept this irl why does it matter what they do in the private lives?!? I'm done trying to convince stupid dickheads otherwise.
And to those ppl that are being rude to me if I block them and they complain then I am not responsible for that. I'm doing that to protect myself from constant attacks on my person. Too many ppl attack me but don't even have the guts to talk back. But no, they attack not my thesis but my person then ran away to block me.

I mean, clearly this is fiction and idk why ppl keep applying and bringing in real world stuff.

Because liking a fictional story equals condoning everything that happens in todays time, it's good that people know right from wrong but yeah it gets tiring if we *always* have to talk about the bad aspects first when it should be common knowledge - also people are sick of the repetative abusive toxic relationships

Heres one of my favorite quotes for you. For educational purposes of course.
“To make an extreme example, just because an example of child porn was a cartoon, and therefore “didn’t hurt any real people”, or just because that creepy m/m romance by a straight woman wasn’t about real people and “therefore it can’t be fetishizing”, that doesn’t mean it has no effect in that area. A book or a cartoon or a song still applauds or condemns some form of behavior, and it can and does still reinforce a narrative about what’s okay and what isn’t.
tl;dr– Reality doesn’t matter. Perception of reality matters. If something like a book affects someone’s perception of reality/acceptable behavior/opinion on global warming, that’s just as good as affecting reality, because the person will act on that perception. ”

Tbh I find it best to just ignore people who do things like this.
I can’t stand moral warriors especially when they attempt to argue about morals on an illegal site that takes away from authors.
I’ve never understood why some people lack the common sense to just drop a story if they don’t like it. They’ll be like “oh but I wanna see how it ends” okay, that’s fine but stop complaining every time a new chapter comes out. It’s exhausting to listen to, the comment section isn’t your therapist.
However, I’m strongly against anything involving shota, but, red flag semes? I’m into that. (⌒▽⌒)

Good for you for bringing your morals into a story where it doesn't even belong. I'm only here to relax and destress not to bring in real world life morals.
I'm so done w this shit, agree w me or not, IDC anymore. Just gonna enjoy this for what it is and just shush everyone who just like to burst everyone else's bubbles just bcz they don't feel this is right. You're Literally in a fantasy section.

Ok well, I applaud you for bringing in the obvious. adults should be able to make such judgement for themselves.
Fantasy is a place where I go to relax and get away from real stuff, what's the point of bringing that baggage in here??? I'm not the moral police. And I give two shits about regulating anyone else's reading materials. So don't you worry about. Learn to give ppl freedom to make sound choices on their own. I'm not their parents. Adults should be old enough to make decisions. If you can't, not my problem. I'm not here to police anyone, and same should go for everyone else. I'm sure you're heard of creative freedom. Ideas gets spread around all of the time. It's up to individuals to figure out what's right and wrong. Nobody here is the police. Especially in a romance fantasy section. Hilarious. If it's not up to your taste, move on. No need to keep on CLINGING onto it and then whine about it EVERY SINGLE chapter as is this real life. Go fight a real cause. Nobody here is to debate moral dilemmas. I'm so sick of it. Always the same nasyaers preaching the same bullshit every single time. Oh, I am so right. You gotta listen to me -
This is so morally wrong. Well, good for you. - [whine whine whine whine. Boohoohoohoo.]
┗( T﹏T )┛ ┗( T﹏T )┛ ┗( T﹏T )┛

I remember I got hate by someone because I express my dislike to the character and two people commented and got angry, curse me called me a sexism since i said something be friending girls like that character will put them in danger since they can't defend themselves and too weak. They said that there's also that kind of guy in BL so why am I only hating the girl. I retort that I also does that if I find the MC annoying in BL and since they stalked my account, I asked them why didn't they dig deeper.
I told them that I'm just expressing my dislikes I didn't even care if people were to agree or not. I just expressing it. I told them that why are they cursing me for a fictional character. I didn't even curse anyone. That's a fictional and there's a lot good webtoon out there though the author tends to make fan service and it ruins the story.
If they want to express their opinion then go ahead and make a post and I wouldn't mind. It's actually tiring to debate with some one like that. xD I feel like talking to a Karen. They're so rude. But the other commentator is polite so I don't mind them.

That's been the recent case with me. I hadn't even realized I had posted this in the general forum and not to the comic's forum. But I had rectified that. But thank you SO MUCH for sharing your story. Initially (I am very tired now) I thought you were one of those ppl who came after me because of my opinion. But thank you. I'm glad you agree. It is taking a toll on my health. Even though I'm supposed to come here for fantasy. Not to worry about external life affairs but apparently it's not too much for ppl to comprehend. And then when they don't understand it, either attacked me personally, or INDIRECTLY, as if I'm "dumb" enough not to notice. Anyways, personal attacks and putting someone down and calling them names is the lowest of the low and a the most base element reflecting ones true animalistic nature, and complete immaturity.
I can't upload a photo but it's of a white haired guy gifting a black-haired guy a flower. The black-haired looks like a boss and is smoking and the white haired looks like a cute puppy (without animal features). I did Google lens searches but to no avail. You can see it via the stamps on their Cupid Scans page. For example you can see at the bottom of this comic: https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/reverse_thinking/uu/to_chapter-1/pg-1/
It might be wolf in the cage?
The characters look similar
Tysm!! I was able to join their discord server and asked the same thing!!!
I'll check it out. Thanks!!!