She's great, her friends are great, and her relationship with Tyson is adorable. I love her as the main character!

Yeah, your spelling made that kind of obvious.
But, sure, have a more serious response: nothing Noelle's friends said was worse than what the comments calling her a bitch for not locking Tyson down are saying (and also that's just kind of... how people joke around with each other sometimes? Especially in a comic? Like, it's not that deep.), Noelle's desire to not rely on her older boyfriend's money and to push ahead with her career is reasonable if not commendable, and she's been very open about that with Tyson, so that ball's pretty firmly in his court. While, yeah, her decisions cause friction, it's 1) fine for characters to have flaws, and 2) the reason the story has, you know, a story instead of being a boring look in on a perfect couple. Additionally, while Noelle's goals do cause some conflict, so does Tyson's reticence to bring up his issues, which isn't Noelle's fault. Ultimately their negative aspects seem to play off each other, which, again, is good for the story.
Was that better?

Kinda spoilery, but only if you haven't caught up with the last batch of updates. I really like that one of the love interests is also significantly older than he looks bc it's always a lil creepy for me when the MC is like haha I'm actually an adult and then gets paired off with a 14 year old. Lucas is a nice subversion or whatever.

Huh, didn't think about it that way, but he could be about 2 or 3 thousand yrs old and the MCs age would not amount to 100 yrs (between both lifetimes), so still a little weird.
Although if you follow the whole reincarnation theory then mostly everyone is a reincarnated form of a another person, the difference is that they normally don't remember their past lives, unlike our MC.
But I get you on the ones where the original person died and the MC takes over their body (like in Shen Yi Di Nu, where a grown woman takes over the body of a 12 yr old.)

this thing doesn't bothered in other story but in here it does maybe bcos the other guys are so much older than Ijekiel, and Lucas being so much older even though he's asleep at that time is fine bcos at least both are adult.
and the whole reincarnation thing doesn't work like that in the story bcos if you don't remember it doesn't count so its different.
we all think kinda different so we all have different take/opinion ..

i just wanted to pop in and say that they did actually have some awareness of diabetes in ye olde midieval times. it was a condition referred to as honey urine because if you were rich enough to afford to have someone taste your pee (more common than you might think) it tasted sweeter than it should. imma go ahead and say elise dodged a bullet by being familiar enough to just diagnose it.

so the prince definitely also remembers, right?

oh cool! i took it as him also remembering the past which would at least give him a reason to be so ready to jump down her throat at the tea party (since, you know, he remembered how mc acted last time). although after reading this chapter and seeing that they actually, like, knew each other it might just be that he's noticed how different she is lmao.
sans what the fuck
mutation did it