I don't know weather to cry because he's trying to find Dan or laugh bcz he's suffering. Like I love to hate this manhwa. Definitely a rollercoaster of emotions
BRO THE RELIEF I FEEL. I'm gonna be honest I cried. YES I KNOW DONT JUDGE I MAY BE SLIGHTLY HORMONAL. The feelings of thinking about loosing someone forever really hit HARD. Just like JJ hits hard
Why did I expect them to have a cute conversation and just end it at that. The long game i thought. Y'all you don't even have to say anything I know I'm delusional af. What tf did i expect
At this point, why tf am I even reading this. I must be sicker than Dan's grandma cuz I'm deluding myself into thinking that he will turn green soonat this point bitch is so red that it's more like black
The way I GAGGED. Quite literally as well when I was thinking about that D.... I'm sorry. I think i love this manhwa