Jasper ◕`ε´◕  followed a goer

An older gentleman in a suit is truly a weapon of ass destruction.

1 hours

And so I'm waiting for the manhua to end
We're still in the mid story
I can't waittttttttt to see the ending it was both sad and happy endings

The mL and the FL step aside plz....
I want the emperor instead
His dimples......kyahhhhhhhh

I've been so busy with mah work as well as typsetting and cleannin manga that's im working on right now (only 3people) I haven't had much time to relax and THIS! THISSSS just made my day(灬º‿º灬)♡
Thank you dear fellow uploader for this

I saw her with blood all over her meanwhile the prince/crown prince(?) was holding her

Jasper ◕`ε´◕  asked a question


There's a total of 3 seasons.
I'm already done till s2 but then right after s2 comes scan translations that starts from s1 chp2 till side stories and extra.6
So am i supposed to just skip the scan Translations and read from season3 chp 1?
Or is it a different story

I'm getting confused
I wanna read this manhwa but then
I don't understand, after season2 chpter 43
Am I supposed to skip and start s3 or????
Because after s2 chp43 it starts scan Translations chp2 till side stories extra .6 and so on I'm so confused

I mean, what the MC said about how ML will do this and that.
Bcoz I've seen way too many dramatic plots

We all knew the seme fed him the flower

Now whose gonna cheer me up on a bad day? :(


Now I'm wondering
How umm...big? The dingledangle will be

Jasper ◕`ε´◕  created a topic of Shadow crown

Kinda pissed me off, I mean. Warning were written at the end of the chapter saying 'below consist of spoiler so stop here' but then if I stop there how tf am I supposed to go to the next chapter? Scroll back to the top just to go to the next chapter?????#-.-). (I stopped at the chapter where the uploader put up the ending spoiler)
Please dear uploaders stop putting up spoilers not everyone likes it there's comment section if readers wants spoilers.
But what pissed me more was the story.·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
I mean idk wtf I just read

I really wish I could help in fixing the chapters but like-
I can't just Outta nowhere tell the (scan Translators) uploader to remove their work since officials are already being posted (but got mixed up due to their translated uploads)
I feel like I wuld sound very oversmart and like "out of my place" requesting them to remove their work meanwhile me whose also uploading fan Translations (no official chapters out yet for Volume 6) ( ;∀;)

Jasper ◕`ε´◕  asked a question

Soo right now I'm working on a manga called
The Affairs of the Other World Depend on the Corporate Slave

I had 2 (A and B)translators but the translator B is not responding at all even thought B's work is supposed to be scheduled to be uploaded tomorrow!!
I tried contacting for continuous 3days but still no response. (We contacted each other before 3days bck
And so right now translator A is having a hard time due to my negligence of not finding a genuine translator!!


I binge read this for 2 days straight (specially at night....I mean ya I didn't sleep coz the story kept me up all night culdnt stop)

I wuld say this is one of the best time travelling manhwa I've read and completed witout stopping!
The plots were done well, it didn't drag on for long.
(0.2 for not making some extras for the twins XD)