The pink hair dude and the gray hair dude at the bar look kinda like May, don't they? Yeah, the cat died, that's sad and all and now the story seems less mysterious, but all I can think about is how the bloody pink and gray hair dudes look a lot like May... Wow... I fixate on the less important stuff and completely gloss over the main issues, damn... I'm horrible...

Ok, I don't think I'm the only one who noticed that this Nox, or Nux or whatever the hell his name is, and Jooyoung are twins? I mean, they look like the bloody same person... Er... Vampire... You get what I mean! Right?
Also what's the Directors problem? He loves Doyoon(?) and apparently the ONLY way to get him to date him is to THREATEN him?! Ok so, whatever happened to the traditional "I like/love you, go out with me, please!"???
I've never ONCE read ANY manga that had this kinda thing? Is this the new trend, or something? Threatening the person you like/love and guilt tripping them into dating you?
Director : *thinks* Oh, Doyoon(?) definitely DOESN'T like me... How do I get his to date me WITHOUT having to CONFESS MY FEELINGS TO HIM?
Director : *thinks* Oh! I know! I'll threaten him! Yeah, that DEFINITELY DOES not SEEM LIKE A BAD IDEA!
Orange/white hair dude in the Cafe (can't remember which one it was) : So, how'd you two start going out?
Director : I threatened him with loosing his job, to guilt trip him into dating me, great idea, right!
One of the two dudes : Yeah totally!
Me : *really dumbfounded face* THE ACTUAL FUCK? Where's the romance?! Where's the moment?! Ugh!!!! I wanted my romantic moment! *sulks* I'ma just sit here and bloody well wait for my romantic moment...
( ̄へ ̄)

Does anyone else want this to be an ACTUAL game? I mean, as far as I can tell by the Manga, it's an awesome game.
I absolutely adore the in-game graphics and fighting a dungeon boss seems extremely fun and challenging. The "town/farm world/beginners hunting ground, etc..." are beautifully designed and the character designs, don't get me started on the character designs! I mean, oh my God! They're just PERFECT! The facial features, the way the bodies were designed, the hair color/style, the accessories, the outfits! And the different "classes" (Hunter, Archer, Warrior, ect...) and "races" (Elves & Humans, and whatever else there is) are really cool too.
I really wish this were an actual game, I'd never wanna stop playing!

Me, seeing the Manga for the first time : Hmm... This looks interesting...
Me, after reading the description : OK, so this Yashima guy likes the other guy
Me, after finishing the Manga : Aww~ They're cute together~
Me now, having thought about the Manga for a few moments : Hmm... Is it just me or was that kinda predictable...? I mean, you could already tell who's who from the description of the Manga and you could kiiiiinnnnnndaaaaaaa tell that Yashima had a thing for Haruto ((the curry guy, you know who I mean) or something like that, I forgot his name already... Wow, I suck...). What I think is the cutest moment of the Manga, was when the curry guy hugged Yashima and said 'Hurray! (...) We did it (...)'
Dont you agree?
OK, I MIGHT just be over thinking this, because I'm REALLY tired...

I'm sad that this manga has ended,h though the ending was really sweet. We got to watch the two of them grow into the characters they are 'today'. We grew to love, respect, support and sometimes even get pissed at them, but in the end we got to see them get together and Jiwon's heart heal (⌒▽⌒)
I'm sad that it's ended, but this manga is so good, that it definitely deserves multiple re-read. Am I right?
I'm so confused about this "new/old" Omega... I can't bloody tell what "it"'s gender is... Is "it" a "she" or a "he"?
Also, the fact that Heesoo's breaking/has already broken up with his 'master', because "It's the right thing to do" kinda thing is complete and total bullshit. HEESOO, YOU PROBABLY NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED YOUR 'MASTERS' FEELINGS, DID YOU?!
It's a "He"
I call that piece of shit omega “bitch”
Oh, ok, thanks
Couldn't have put it any better myself