I'm not entirely sure if I do have precognitive dreams or these are just delusions that were caused by my mental illness where I think I also am schizophrenic (cuz there are a lot of times where I suddenly "see" things that aren't there like looking at the ceiling and I see letters, lines, or objects seemed to follow my eyes, and how I sometimes hear voices) the thing is I'm self aware that these are not normal at least that's why I'm not in a mental institute.
Going back to my topic, I almost always remember my dreams but also always forgets them. Like when I know which character I'll get in a gatcha game cuz I saw it in my dream and I actually got them. Or when the instances called "deja vu" where apparently my brain thinks it saw it in a dream or it happened before but it actually doesn't. In my case it's like seeing a dream that happened years before it came true. Like I saw myself in an unfamiliar place where I know I've never been before, but with faceless people that felt familiar and close to me. Then years later I'll suddenly remembered that I "dreamed" of it before. My mind doesn't say "deja vu" tho, it just predicts the action and words of the ppl in that situation like I knew what was gonna happen next.
Of course I brushed it off as another of my delusions cuz I'm self aware that I'm mentally ill. Tho there are huge accidents that made me think otherwise like the death of my uncle where days prior to that I kept having nightmares and I couldn't breathe properly. It's like I'm going through a panic attack that I don't know the cause of. I also thought it was just asthma so I brushed it off at first, but after 3 days and I still couldn't breathe properly and my heartbeat is still panicking for no reason I went to the hospital to get checked. We went to multiple hospitals cuz the doctors doesn't know what was wrong with me. It wasn't asthma and it wasn't also covid. But when I was finally admitted and was given medicine to calm down, I was greeted by the news that my uncle passed away the same hour I was admitted—to be exact he was murdered. I also found out that the suspect was eyeing them for 3 days after the murder took place from my cousin. But who knows maybe it's another coincidence.
The same thing happened with my aunt from my mother's side, but less dramatic than my first experience. I also just brushed it off as coincidence cuz I drank coffee that time (I don't usually have palpitations whenever I drink coffee it's a rare occurrence)
Anyway I hope u enjoyed reading my story (there are still more "coincidences" but there are on the minor sides so I won't say more.
It's ok if u don't believe me, I didn't tell the full details of how he died cuz that's gonna be a whole lot of paragraphs and it's gonna make the story longer. Also I am mentally ill and unstable—I did say I sometimes hallucinates and hear voices. But I also did say that it might all be coincidences that it happened and I'm just dotting things inside of my head.
FUCK THIS NOVEL I READ, I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE AUTHOR'S HEAD OR THEY JUST LIKE TORTURING THEIR FEMALE LEAD (she was literally subjected to public humiliation, r*pe, abuse, and torture—the most severe torture is burning her the scars on her hands with silver then got slashed in the back for more than an hour—almost leading her to death which she wanted but unfortunately she survived that(she wanted to die I mean who wouldn't???)—and another humiliation in front of her only friend/the real male lead.
I was only able to keep going because I thought it was just another toxic, shitty, dark psychotic ml, but when I read that torture that son of a bitch did to her and in front of public at that, I just skimmed through the chapters hoping to see if it gets better and I found out her only friend was the actual male lead, but I still dropped and just continued to the part that the real male lead wants to kill the psycho villain.
I'm more concerned about the spoiler about uncle bill dying, my heart can't bro