Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

i know dan's granny gonna be gone in the next few ch. and now probably gonna get kidnapped. WHEW, this man cant take a break hope jk lose his shit bro

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

please be a lost match, i cant bare his horse face.

Miss Thang created a topic of Dead or alive

the body?? the chest hair?? THE UNCUT DDDDDDDD??!!!?! im barking

Miss Thang created a topic of A Thousand Cranes

how many times have i come back to read this? yes.

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

i think that was a wake up call for dan

Miss Thang created a topic of Limited Run

bro failed to say he loves him

Miss Thang created a topic of Yours to Claim

why is this ho crying when cain was gone isnt he the one who want cain gone like gurl..... stop with the bullshit

Miss Thang created a topic of Jinx

probably the best sex scene ive seen in a while wow (is that weird to say pls tell me)

Miss Thang created a topic of Waterside Night

the translation is not translatingggg honeyyy

anyway please headlock me with your big juicy biceps taeju

Miss Thang created a topic of Cry Me a River
Miss Thang created a topic of Yours to Claim

are we gonna get 50 more chapters of this sickening, disgusting, trash, garbage, dumpster, human waste of these three dumb idiots??????

Miss Thang created a topic of 1 to 10

chat i think he wants a big dick inside him

Miss Thang created a topic of Yours to Claim

i know the author forced themselves to do this cuz no way its that cringy

Miss Thang created a topic of Yours to Claim

that literally sounds like a historian name shit or sumn