The duke's public execution but the first see his whole family go first last him, and for any britches disagrees gurl what he did were was treason and the punishment can be that heavy.

I was thinking too, I mean shouldn’t it be considered treason for one-sidedly imprinting on a royal? Or idk how this imprinting shit works, like the prince said HE imprinted on the duke. He must’ve not done it on purpose so ofc he was forced to. Duke corrupted the prince on purpose, why is no servants or the prince’s ppl speaking up????

Me thinks him and duke were lover but duke's just trick him in imprinting cause when his neck bleed the got concerned( still I will not ship them I hate the duke bastard ). I think the Duke were more powerful now cause he made crown prince to his puppet I mean the soldiers did what he ordered than the prince with scream how powerful he is.

I'm not done with the novel but I did like MC's stance on this matter.
In the first timeline before regression. He considered the dukes son to be too young and he wouldn't kill him maybe lock in a tower.
MC's goal is always to kill the Duke but banish the rest of the family. The Duke has 7 kids.
But this didn't happen because mc died first.

*First timeline MC's pov up till his death*
Which isn't the truth but what mc discovered so he believed was true.
1) Mc learned that ml had an omega bond but was broken. Mc didn't know who it was but was afraid to ask.
2)Ml always had an particular omega smell on him from his subordinate omega.
3) Mc and ml both were poisoned. Mc learned it was a fake poison plot. Ml pretended to give me the only antidote while ml suffered from side effects. It was a lie. Not really poisen but this plot gave me lots of perks.
A) MC's trust
B) got MC to turn on the powerful nobles
C) got MC to allow ml's military into the territory.
D) also access to the castle when ml wanted.
4) ml notted in MC to make a baby. Which MC was happy until he realized every puzzle pieces falling together.
A) poisoning was a scam for power
B) ml's background any why he wants revenge.
C) ml was never sincere because he always had an omega pheromones on him and on his bed.
D) ml gave MC a choice. Give birth and marry by co-ruling or sign over compensation and give the baby ml's name but rights to the throne. Mc is still bonded with the first partner so he knew regardless he was going to die during childbirth and give ml the rights to the throne both ways. Regardless of outcome MC was going to die so he took all the abortion pills at once before bed and died.
Then the real truth is revealed. But damn I was so against ml too at MC's pov.

So during mc's dying scene. Ml's pov was revealed.
Mc (16) and ml (13) met as kids. Both were tricked by the Duke. Mc was depressed after his parents died. Went to dukes villa to recouperate without aids (so Duke could take advantage of mc without any obstacles)
Mc started showing signs of apparition of 2nd gender. It was very painful and mc didn't know anything because he always thought he was a beta so no omega education. Duke tricked mc to do a one side bond. Duke told mc that a bond will make the heat go easier but that was a lie. Mc ran and ml found him at a log cabin. Ml is a family branch of the Duke so he lived nearby.
Duke had told ml before the same thing that bonding will help omega heat. It will ease the pain. So ml bonded with mc hoping to help mc
(Fyi bonding is just biting so mc and ml didn't do anything beyond biting)
Mc -> bit Duke. One sided bond to Duke
Ml -> bit mc. One sided bond to mc.
You can tell when someone is bonded but you can't tell to who. So Duke framed ml, saying ml forced bond with mc. They caused ml's family to be accused of treason. ml's parents were hung and ml was banished. Mc was unconscious for days so he didn't know what happened till after. Duke also locked MC for months raping him
So ml always wanted revenge. Ml always has to have an omega pheromones on him because if he spends too much time with MC's pheromones he will be bonded again. So ml isn't cheating.
Ml does love mc but he has to kill MC. His omega subordinate grew up together. The omegas dad was a knight commander and died with ml's dad but horribly. Limbs cut, tongue cut, then head cut so omega wants mc dead.
Ml was surprised by MC's personality. Loved his childishness. He started making excuses to not kill MC. Kinda love but in denial. At the end of MC's life. Ml cried and told Dr to do anything to save MC but too much blood was lost. This is why mc decided to save ml in the 2nd life.
After mc's death. Ml was already bonded to Mc again because they were together for too long. It reactivated the bond. But this made ml happy because it proved Mc was alive. Ml ended up dying horribly alone because of rut without bondmate for many years, but ml didn't want to brake the bond.
After mc's death he realized mc wasn't at fault for his parents death and it wasn't worth losing mc. He swolled the 2 wedding rings so they would remain with him in death.
*the end of first timeline*
Everything he told mc that sounded like a lie was really true after all but mc thought it was a lie
Things ml told mc
1) mc was ml's only omega
2) if mc didn't want the military to attack then ml won't attack.
3) marriage: ml wanted to marry mc for love but mc thought ml wanted to marry and have a kid to have the rights to the thrown. After mc died of childbirth, the crown will be taken from the baby and ml will marry his true omega in a year and be king and queen.
I can't remember everything but some of the things ml says is so sweet with a cold face that it sounds like sarcasm than the truth so mc thought ml ment the opposite.
2nd life is happy ending but...... like almost at the very end of the chapter

It's a regression story. I didn't read the English summary version so idk but I copied the Korean version for you.
Royal wedding:
Caution: The names and uses of drugs that appear in this work are fictitious based on the worldview of the novel. There are coercive and violent scenes, so please be mindful when using the book.
Prince Perance, the current heir to the throne and omega of the Ustad Kingdom, had a secret. It is said that when the previous king died and was just appearing, he was imprinted on him through the scheme of the regent Amandaris. From then on, the government falls into the hands of Amandaris, and Ferrance lives wearing a false crown. Then one day, a visitor from a foreign country visits Ustad. Rumor has it that he knows how to undo engravings... … . To break the imprint, Ferrance proposes a deal called contract marriage to the foreigner. As painful efforts to undo the imprint continue, Jungkook becomes suspicious of Braille, and in the meantime, Ferrance gradually discovers his spouse's true identity. He is a survivor of a noble family who was caught up in a rebellion a long time ago and was exiled abroad. The moment he learns that his purpose is revenge, Ferrance faces a legacy crisis, and eventually Ferrance dies without knowing each other's true feelings. Then, when Ferance returned to the past and opened his eyes, it was just before a rebellion occurred in the Kingdom of Wystad. I could do it now. Preventing a tragedy from happening to your spouse's family, and saving him or her. And to win his affection without misunderstanding

I need to share my 2 fav scenes.
1) MC is gloating to ml's lover over his deal with ml. Ml can't marry after mc died.
Mc: *laughs and giggles* because he thinks he won ml's lover: "wtf....." *Disgusted look*
Mc: what?........
Ml's lover:......... What makes you think that would even happen.
Mc: don't pretend. I know you love ml.
Ml's lover: ewww
Mc: then why do you hate me?
Ml's lover: you killed ml's parents
*Mc didn't kill ml's parents. Also because of this mc realized that omega isn't ml's lover*
2) MC is dying because of inhibitor drugs. He always thought he was gonna die first but when ml was stabbed he freaked out. Mc doesn't mind dying first but can't stand the thought ml might die first. So mc made a point to communicate and get rid of all misunderstanding.
Both are injured. Mc in bed. Mc want to interrogate ml about all the misunderstanding.
Mc: sit close enough to me so I can hit you if I feel like it.
Ml: ok.
Mc: take off your shoes and socks.
Ml: ok but I can still run even without socks and shoes.
Mc: ok. Take off all your clothes and underwear.
Ml: ......... No. * Takes off shoes and socks* I won't run away. *
*Finally resolved all misunderstanding*
Mc gets better with ml's help they marry live happily
Huso is kinda leaning in green flag here while the Ariana grande tanned guy were sooo fuck his using mc desperateness to his own gain so I'm not rooting for him.
OMG the Ariana Grande make me spit my coke
lmao I just wanna be creative(≧∀≦)
I meant to likee