I am going insane because I lowkey want it to be tragedy but I know I will cry a lot but i also know I would enjoy the angst and sad ending but at the same time i really want them to be happy. I really want to see gunho feel emotions. He really deserves to be happy with the guy he has liked. Whatever the ending maybe I hope it's satisfying. And I am ready to cry. Sad tears or happy tears.

Bro idec how seoin is, I just really like him. I am not sure if it's the dynamic or something with the uke but I love how he is just so much into uke but he doesn't know that. i like how he got hurt by what uke says cause if he actually didn't care or like the uke he genuinely wouldn't care about whatever hurtful the uke would have said. although it's probably not how it would play out but i really want uke to play hard to get. AH I JUST WANT MORE SLOW BURN. and hopefully no love triangles or at least a very one sided (?) love triangle
Gay ass chapter