Jimmy, a small-time thief, is caught pickpocketing by a middle-aged guy named Reese. Instead of hand...
- Author: Chongtak
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
After recently moving to Onomichi, Hiroshima, high school student Tasuku Kaname is thrown into despa...
- Author: kamatani yuhki,Kamatani Yuuki
- Genres: Drama / seinen / Romance / Seinen / Slice Of Life
The manga is the latest story that follows the lives of Rihito Saj? and Hikaru Kusakabe, the protago...
- Author: NAKAMURA Asumiko
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
A boy met a boy. They were in the flush of youth. They were in love that felt like a dream, like a s...
- Author: nakamura asumiko
- Genres: Drama / School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice of Life
A boy met a boy. They were in the flush of youth. They were in love that felt like a dream, like a s...
- Author: nakamura asumiko
- Genres: Drama / School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice of Life
“If I ever get brave enough to say I like you from the top of my lungs--" Bessho coincide...
- Author: Tsuyuki yuruco,Home-sha inc.
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Romance / School Life / Yaoi