tinhvặn September 5, 2020 1:40 pm

a a a, seme and uke so cuteee!!!!

reading for twice!

tinhvặn August 19, 2020 2:31 pm

Thanks for translation, really really thank you for bringing such a good story.

This story so beautiful, pure, sweet, cute.

There is no misunderstanding, no sleep around, no tragedy, no drama, no dumbs. It's been a while since I read such a good story, thank you again, dear translate group!

tinhvặn August 12, 2020 10:54 am

the story cute, but why in many mangas, uke always the one who doesn't dare to confess? waiting seme first confess, or uke sleep around, meeting after many years, and then, uke has the courage to confess?

I waited they meeting after many years, uke is the one who actively pursues seme (sigh)

tinhvặn August 7, 2020 11:17 am

uke so cute! how he straight forward so lovely!!! ah, seme adorable too, ha ha.

tinhvặn August 4, 2020 3:31 pm

ha ha ha, cute couple, seme so cute, busy with imagines. LOL

tinhvặn August 4, 2020 2:37 pm

it funny, two couples so sweet, but...the story very sad. They are pitiful, forced sex, forced pregnancy, to be treated like animals. I want to kill those researchers!

tinhvặn July 16, 2020 5:26 pm

re-read it, still lovely. It just oneshot, but so great, really want it become series (sigh)

tinhvặn July 15, 2020 4:00 pm

I was very surprised, abuse and like hurt, I thought this was a twisted plot, sex, drug, violence, but! It so heartwarming, comfort! This is a story of two people saving each other. I felt the tender love in it.

I like it a lot!

Thank translator for translating such a good story.

tinhvặn July 13, 2020 4:51 pm

I'm still reading, again and again. It just shounen ai oneshots, but, so cute, sweet, lovely!

tinhvặn July 6, 2020 5:52 pm

actually, I ship Shiratori or anyone with Utou, not Sumi.

I didn't like Sumi at first because of his personality, but, I wish him happiness. He is Omega, whether he wants to or not, he is often raped, it not his fault!

But, you know, in omegaverse, when you bonded, it follow you to end life (or something like that). It is stronger than marriage, we can divorce without losing anything. When you bonded, you completely belong to someone else, whole life with only one!

Sumi asks Shiratori to pair up with him, from that moment on, the two were married. He have sex and bond with Shiratori, while he loves Utou, this is once cheat for Shiratori (his husband) and Utou.

Not to mention Shiratori is a bad guy, Sumi bonded and he still want Utou, he ask Utou have sex with him for two or three times, this is twice cheat.

Karasuma Miyabi alsso Omega, sell body for many people. I'm a fan virgin, but, I don't hate Miyabi, I admire him very much, an Omega with strong will!

By the way, I don't like Sumi, he so weak, both will and body.

I'm ship Shiratori, even though he is a bad person. ^0^

    ygirljae July 6, 2020 7:19 pm

    I can’t even comprehend what you’re saying like what’s your point? It sounds a bit like victim blaming to me and what is it about the cheat? Nobody cheated on anyone as far as I know?

    Queen anime July 6, 2020 7:52 pm

    I had to reread that several times. Dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Sumi didn’t cheat because they weren’t even in a relationship. So he can have sex with anyone, just like utou can. Are you even reading the manga, sumi didn’t know that shira was a bad guy. In fact prior to the bonding he was nice and the only who showed care for his condition, ofc he had ulterior motives

    Queen anime July 6, 2020 7:53 pm
    I had to reread that several times. Dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Sumi didn’t cheat because they weren’t even in a relationship. So he can have sex with anyone, just like utou can. Are you even reading th... Queen anime

    Don’t compare miyabi and sumi. Miyabi consented to selling his body. Sumi went into the company not knowing he was gonna he used as a replacement and had prior trauma from being raped, ofc he ain’t gonna be strong willed.

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 8:10 pm
    I can’t even comprehend what you’re saying like what’s your point? It sounds a bit like victim blaming to me and what is it about the cheat? Nobody cheated on anyone as far as I know? ygirljae

    A? I think I made it clear. There is something you do not understand?

    About cheat, in omegaverse, when you pair up (bonded), you and that person will be together forever, cannot live without that person or make love to someone else (read this manga), otherwise there will be very serious consequences, maybe death (read chapter 4 in vol 3), so when you decided to pair up, that means you have chosen that person to be the only one.

    Sumi ask Shiratori pair up with him, it is equivalent to getting married. They have sex alot, bite neck a few times, right? This relationship is purely voluntary and legally.

    But Sumi still love Utou, if it in his mind, don't count as cheat. But, he ask Utou have sex with him, about two or three times.

    Maybe you will say he love Utou, not Shiratori. In vol 3 chap 4, can delete bond. Why he don't erase it after know that Utou love him too? He still have sex, bite neck with Shiratori a few times, what I saw was that he was trying to love Shiratori back. So I said he cheated both Shiratori and Utou.

    That is the biggest problem for me.

    Second, there is only love in Sumi's head. I hate the kind of guy who doesn't love me and I'll kill myself, fall down. Why Sumi ask Shiratori pair up? Because he think Utou don't love him, don't want to rely on, bother Utou much. Perhaps this choice of Sumi is not wrong, but later developments were wrong.

    1. When he ask pair up, he should be loyal to Shiratori.

    2. When he still love Utou, can't forget, and know Utou love him back, he shoult erase bond immediately.

    That's why I said Sumi weak will and body. You can weak body (raped, abused), but you must have a strong will!

    ygirljae July 6, 2020 8:16 pm
    A? I think I made it clear. There is something you do not understand?About cheat, in omegaverse, when you pair up (bonded), you and that person will be together forever, cannot live without that person or make ... tinhvặn

    No it’s hard to understand what u mean bruh u don’t express yourself properly you’re just blaming sumi ignoring all he went through and no he didn’t love shiratori, the situation is complicated but you should read with an open mind to understand the whole drama. So no it’s not about being loyal or wtv because shiratori ain’t a good guy anyway he had his own motives he didn’t care about sumi so gurl chill nobody cheated on anybody. Sumi is a victim be glad he’s happy with utou now.

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 8:21 pm
    Don’t compare miyabi and sumi. Miyabi consented to selling his body. Sumi went into the company not knowing he was gonna he used as a replacement and had prior trauma from being raped, ofc he ain’t gonna be... Queen anime

    I mention Miyabi when comparing strong will, no other idea ^-^

    because I know comparing will cause a lot of controversy, while I love Keisuke and MIyabi alot.

    In this manga, I don't love any characters. Before every mistake starts, when Sumi say llove Utou, If Utou didn't hesitate, there wouldn't be much tragedy.

    Utou is sinner: He answered slowly. But also the victim, he has to pay the price to see the one he loves pair up with another

    Sumi is sinner: He decided in a hurry. But also the victim, tragedy in the past made him unconfident, made many wrong decisions.

    Shiratori is sinner: He purposely seduced Sumi. But also the victim, lost lover and want revenge on society.

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 8:31 pm
    Don’t compare miyabi and sumi. Miyabi consented to selling his body. Sumi went into the company not knowing he was gonna he used as a replacement and had prior trauma from being raped, ofc he ain’t gonna be... Queen anime

    I don't understand why you guys think this is not cheat?

    I say just briefly, Sumi ask Shiratori pair up with him beause he wants to end his relationship with Utou -> start a new love. Shiratori is a legal lover (Even though he hasn't loved Shiratori yet). But, he ask Utou make love, it is cheat!

    If you disagree with my way of speaking, what is the reason Sumi asked Shiratori to bite him neck? To avoid being group sex? Quit that company!

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 8:41 pm
    No it’s hard to understand what u mean bruh u don’t express yourself properly you’re just blaming sumi ignoring all he went through and no he didn’t love shiratori, the situation is complicated but you ... ygirljae

    yeah, I wish he happy, I wrote right in the first comment.

    I don't want to talk about it anymore, the three characters all make mistakes.

    ps: I really don't care who Sumi made love to, but, when I read he decide pair up....uhm, stop it.

    Have a goodnight, my friends ^^

    ygirljae July 6, 2020 8:44 pm
    I don't understand why you guys think this is not cheat? I say just briefly, Sumi ask Shiratori pair up with him beause he wants to end his relationship with Utou -> start a new love. Shiratori is a legal lo... tinhvặn

    No this is not cheating !! Sumi has been through so much and chose to run away even though he is in love with utou, he didn’t bond with shiratori to forget or wtv you’re talking as if they had a sweet loving relationship but no it wasn’t. shiratori didn’t even care about sumi so I’ll say it again it’s not cheating

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 8:48 pm
    No it’s hard to understand what u mean bruh u don’t express yourself properly you’re just blaming sumi ignoring all he went through and no he didn’t love shiratori, the situation is complicated but you ... ygirljae

    Reading manga won't feel the full power of pairing, bond. I read many fiction about omegaverse (especially like read about beta, so cool!), so I reacted strongly when Sumi decided to pair up, very difficult erase bond, it is harmful to health. perhaps the frustrating and painful mood when you see your children making the wrong decision, he he

    Queen anime July 6, 2020 8:51 pm
    I mention Miyabi when comparing strong will, no other idea ^-^because I know comparing will cause a lot of controversy, while I love Keisuke and MIyabi alot.In this manga, I don't love any characters. Before ev... tinhvặn

    Utou is not a victim. He is a grown ass man that is 34 years old. He messed up, it’s his fault. Everything started when utou forced himself to help sumi in chapter 1 when sumi didn’t ask. He went behind his back and found out about sumi being raped and didn’t tell him. He stopped helping sumi and didn’t tell him why. Sumi confessed, he didn’t do anything. He gave sumi mixed signals, with everything.

    Sumi went to shira to stop his burdening utou, and shira agreed. They weren’t in a relationship so how can you cheat.

    Sumi made a dumb decision to bond quickly but let’s not act like utou is innocent smh

    jiminsbae July 6, 2020 8:55 pm

    sooo dumb. sigh

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 9:05 pm
    Utou is not a victim. He is a grown ass man that is 34 years old. He messed up, it’s his fault. Everything started when utou forced himself to help sumi in chapter 1 when sumi didn’t ask. He went behind his... Queen anime

    yep, all three make mistakes. But if it wasn't so complicated, it wouldn't have been a story for us to read.

    I am just. . . so expect this sequel. I like Keisuke and Miyabi, not simply love, there are also many social issues in omegaverse. And then, I read this work, It's all about love confusions *sigh*

    In fact, when I wrote a comment, I knew I was going to be opposed, things that I believe to be true, someone will be said to be false. So, I just want to confess this unpleasant feeling, I don't usually write comt, I rarely have any stories that make me feel very intense to write down =v=

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 9:24 pm
    No this is not cheating !! Sumi has been through so much and chose to run away even though he is in love with utou, he didn’t bond with shiratori to forget or wtv you’re talking as if they had a sweet lovin... ygirljae

    My dear friend, we are not talking about emotions, just talk about the truth.

    After bond: Can't have sex with other, you see when Utou touch Sumi, he choked, trembling. If erase it, you will get very bad consequences (read vol 3 chap 4, the doctor said) If you want platonic love, no sex, ok, you can love with someone. If you not, you have to live with your pair partner for the rest of your life.

    Sumi can't make love with Utou, he have life with Shiratori rest of him life (If he not erase bond)

    Sumi don't erase bond after know Utou love him, still sex and bite neck with Shiratori, he isn't cheat? Ha ha.

    The truth is he doesn't love Utou so much, so when Utou confessed his feelings, Sumi didn't dare to go to the hospital immediately.

    The basic problem is he want bond because to avoid Utou, after Utou confessed, why he don't erase it? He wants both love and alpha.

    tinhvặn July 6, 2020 9:31 pm
    No this is not cheating !! Sumi has been through so much and chose to run away even though he is in love with utou, he didn’t bond with shiratori to forget or wtv you’re talking as if they had a sweet lovin... ygirljae

    Sumi made the wrong choice in the first place, If he wants to hide from Utou, he should quit his job. When bond, his whole life he couldn't love anyone but stay with Shiratori.

    that's my opinion, you cannot convince me, I cannot convince you. So, stop it, let's read another story to fun ^^

    ygirljae July 6, 2020 9:31 pm
    My dear friend, we are not talking about emotions, just talk about the truth.After bond: Can't have sex with other, you see when Utou touch Sumi, he choked, trembling. If erase it, you will get very bad consequ... tinhvặn

    Did u not read the last chapters ? Why are u so hung up on this bond thing they will erase it ??? It’s over he will be with utou so??? Nvm this is still not cheating there was nothing to start with.

    Char July 7, 2020 5:24 am
    Utou is not a victim. He is a grown ass man that is 34 years old. He messed up, it’s his fault. Everything started when utou forced himself to help sumi in chapter 1 when sumi didn’t ask. He went behind his... Queen anime

    the story and their development all started on chapter 1 why are u complaining if utou help him? If he doesnt help him Then there will be no connection between them at the first place.why are blaming chapter 1 lol? Do u expect for him to just let sumi do his thing and just watch? Then Chapter ended lol.

    So what if he ask about his background? He said it honestly that he is the only on who can protect him in the company even though originally sumi hates him a lot, whats wrong with that? Of course he needs to understand why sumi has an asshole personality towards beta if he wanted to help him from it. And he was away all the time, he even went to sumis place to check on him and ask whats wrong and sumi didnt say anything so how on earth will he help him if he didnt freaking say anyword, now its utou’s fault? Only because he say he wouldnt touch him out of the blue? Did u expect for him to just say i know u got gang raped in the past so yeah i wont touch you anymore. Like that? So what did he did? Sumi ask him to stay and guess what he freaking stay all day for him. So what the shit are u talking about that he stop helping him.

    So sumi confessed, he said sorry and what did sumi do? He run away before utou was able to explained him self, he conclude he was rejected without confirming him. Utou wanted to talk to him but when he didnt make it in time he conclude to just pair on shiratori without talking to utou how he feels. now its utou’s fault? Mix signals? With everything? Are you reading the manga? Utou is dumb on sumis feelings until he confess. He genuinely cares for him and sumi was triggered only because he heard utou and karasuma was supposed to be an item in the past. He was jealous thats why he conclude himself that all of utou’s action are only because he was a replacement. If there are mix signals from it, its shiratori because he keep saying he needs to have a pair immediately, he needs to resign to the company,keep beeing so nice and sumi is so dumb that he believes in it. Sumi even admit he just used him. Stop blaming utou on sumi’s dumb decision because utou is already stupid enough to realize that he was inlove until sumi became pair with someone. Thats why shiratori blame him coz his so slow on getting what he wants and its also because he has insecurity as a freaking beta. I like sumi and utou a lot as an individual character and its freaking annoying you u bash one of them

    Char July 7, 2020 5:25 am
    I don't understand why you guys think this is not cheat? I say just briefly, Sumi ask Shiratori pair up with him beause he wants to end his relationship with Utou -> start a new love. Shiratori is a legal lo... tinhvặn

    How the hell did sumi became a cheater?, first of all when he paired with shiratori utou wasnt his boyfriend! So what cheating are u talking about. ? So they have sex, they got paired and viola he went to utou and tell him to not worry anymore, utou is stupid so he confess out of frustration. This time utou wAs the one who kiss him first, sumi didnt freaking try to seduced him, sumi just want to make sure utou won't be disappointed in him, he didnt go there to freaking cheat, he went there to be forgiven . Sumi intend to stay with shiratori even though he love someone else, luckily shiratori is an ass and he admit he was just being used by him to get revenge. Sumi run away but shiratori already knew he will go to utou. He was in his heat period with a guy who freaking used him on his agenda so of course its understandable he went to someone he trully wants. So what cheating are u talking about? Its so annoying you blame sumi as a cheater where you praise karasuma who became a prostitute all the way in the 1st manga, at least sumi has a freaking guts to fight for his happiness unlike miyabi where most of his mind and decision always depends on his pair alpha

    Queen anime July 7, 2020 11:18 am
    the story and their development all started on chapter 1 why are u complaining if utou help him? If he doesnt help him Then there will be no connection between them at the first place.why are blaming chapter 1 ... Char

    I said what I said. Sumi didn’t ask for help, utou forced his help on him. Don’t be going into ppls past without their acknowledgment. They wasn’t even a relationship- they were simply co workers. So he had no right is what I’m saying. Utou did give mixed signals and he started it is what I’m saying. Sumi didn’t eagerly run to shira, shira approached him. Sumi messed up by bonding. I’m saying both utou and sumi are at faulty

    Queen anime July 7, 2020 11:20 am
    How the hell did sumi became a cheater?, first of all when he paired with shiratori utou wasnt his boyfriend! So what cheating are u talking about. ? So they have sex, they got paired and viola he went to utou ... Char

    I agree with what you are saying here (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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