Jewel February 24, 2025 1:36 pm

Bro I’m gonna kill that stupid system ffs. Thought I could enjoy the new season a but why is it tryna kill moondae again

Jewel February 17, 2025 2:20 pm

Asura is prolly led by a straight male, bc we alr had scenes of liu and the female demon king literally making out being naked together. So I feel like this is the double standard of men thinking lesbians are hot

Jewel February 17, 2025 3:35 am

I’m mad disappointed guys. Y’all were hyping up the kiss so much I thought it would be good but it’s just sexual harassment..? Hard to enjoy a crime…

    Babs February 17, 2025 3:42 am


    asdf February 17, 2025 4:11 am

    have you never read a romance before? if you've read enough of them then a lot of authors make their characters do this. i get that you think this is SA but jigu did just ONE LITTLE KISS. he didn't continue forcing himself and stopped. some people like you always have to ruin other peoples fun. if you dont like it then stop reading it or just keep it to yourself altogether since a lot of korean bl manhwas will have stuff like this.

    Jewel February 17, 2025 2:20 pm
    have you never read a romance before? if you've read enough of them then a lot of authors make their characters do this. i get that you think this is SA but jigu did just ONE LITTLE KISS. he didn't continue for... asdf

    “You’re ruining my fun of romanticizing a crime grrr how dare you!” How you sound rn.

    asdf February 17, 2025 3:31 pm
    “You’re ruining my fun of romanticizing a crime grrr how dare you!” How you sound rn. Jewel

    Yeah thats basically it but not the crime part. He may have forced himself but it was just a peck on the lips and nothing more. Jigu stopped himself after right? If youre so mad about this manhwa turning into a "romanticising crime" kinda thing then stop reading. Thats not the point of this whole romance. Its about the relationships and stuff. What, have you never gotten a kiss from someone before? We're reading this story cuz its a cute fluffy manhwa for the characters and their relationships, not for the "sexual harrassment crimes" thst you want to consistently bring up. If you have a problem with it then contact the author or smth. You've clearly never read a bl manhwa before. I get it if you got harrassed or something like this before but if you dont like it then stop dwelling over it and stop reading this. Its that easy.

    asdf February 17, 2025 3:51 pm
    Yeah thats basically it but not the crime part. He may have forced himself but it was just a peck on the lips and nothing more. Jigu stopped himself after right? If youre so mad about this manhwa turning into a... asdf

    I also looked thru your wanting to, reading, and finished reading manhwas and I can name a lot that has a lot of very obvious and purposefully done SA that you would've hated on like you do now on this manhwa (also dont come at me thinking im a stalker or anything, the profiles aren't on private so anyone can check). Like codename anastasia for example. You've wanting to read that right? Its in your wanting to read list for im assuming so. Or maybe you've already read it idk. But that has obvious sexual assualt and rape in it that you're going to not like so im warning you. But that is part of the plot of the story so you cant exactly hate on it. But for this manhwa, the author obviously didn't intend to make it seem like sexual assualt and wanted to make into a cute interaction between the two characters. And yeowoon definitely has some kind of attraction towards high so we wouldn't know entirely what he thought of the ONE SMALL PECK ON THE LIPS until the next chapter. So maybe instead of hating and calling this out for sexual assualt you could also try to read the novel or at least wait for the next chapter to jump to conclusions. If yeowoon really liked jigu then he wouldn't think bad of the kiss right? I get that it would make you uncomfortable if someone kissed you while you were unconscious when you actually weren't but this story is about the cute relationship between high and yeowoon so obviously they need some development between them. Also, if all you could think of to say was '“You’re ruining my fun of romanticizing a crime grrr how dare you!” How you sound' then youre underestimating the people who read illegally online. I want you to come to me with all you have if this is going to turn into some kinda debate. Im writing all this cuz you're attitude pissed me off. You could have rounded it up a bit better like 'this was cute but im not really a fan of the small peck that made me a bit uncomfortable so im going to drop this and mind my own business from now on'. If you said something like that then I wouldn't minded my own business as well and we couldn't gone our own separate peafpceful lives. But since youre full on hating in this manhwa over some small kiss then im going to hate on you as well. Maybe before you start hating on a very unharmful manhwa go fix your attitude towards the authors and stories who worked hard to deliver something cute and pleasureable to people who actually appreciate what they get. Thank youu

    asdf February 17, 2025 3:54 pm

    Also please read it all since I took my time to read thru a lot of your comments on other manhwas including this one and went thru the very short time of ten minutes thru your profile to write that about you and hate on you. Since you wasted a lot of my time I would love it if you could return the favour and try your best to hate on me too. Since you obviously fricking hate sexual assualt so much to go bother and leave a hateful comment when you could've minded your business.

    asdf February 17, 2025 4:15 pm

    You've also stated very clearly in your description on your profile that you dont like romance. If you don't like then dint read. If you dont like it and are still reading it then why go out of your way to hate on it when you know you dont like it. Very confusing but OK?

    Jewel February 18, 2025 3:22 pm
    Yeah thats basically it but not the crime part. He may have forced himself but it was just a peck on the lips and nothing more. Jigu stopped himself after right? If youre so mad about this manhwa turning into a... asdf

    I’m not dwelling over it it’s been two days dawg all I’m doing now is replying to comments that replied to me I don’t actually give a fuck, I just thought the kiss scene would be better; it’s mid as hell for the hype it got. I’m not even complaining enough that would Warrent have the shit your crazy ass is spewing. I do not care enough about you to check your profile or anything. All I know is you are mad obsessed.

    Jewel February 18, 2025 3:22 pm
    Yeah thats basically it but not the crime part. He may have forced himself but it was just a peck on the lips and nothing more. Jigu stopped himself after right? If youre so mad about this manhwa turning into a... asdf

    I’m not dwelling over it it’s been two days dawg all I’m doing now is replying to comments that replied to me I don’t actually give a fuck, I just thought the kiss scene would be better; it’s mid as hell for the hype it got. I’m not even complaining enough that would Warrent half the shit your crazy ass is spewing. I do not care enough about you to check your profile or anything. All I know is you are mad obsessed.

    Jewel February 18, 2025 3:24 pm
    I also looked thru your wanting to, reading, and finished reading manhwas and I can name a lot that has a lot of very obvious and purposefully done SA that you would've hated on like you do now on this manhwa (... asdf

    Thank you for the warning on Codename Anastasia. I haven’t read anything in that list (hence why it’s in there) i literally don’t know much at all about the manhwa in there besides the little dialogue at the bottom and the art

    Jewel February 18, 2025 3:26 pm
    Also please read it all since I took my time to read thru a lot of your comments on other manhwas including this one and went thru the very short time of ten minutes thru your profile to write that about you an... asdf

    Also, fym “minded my own buisness” AFTER YOU WENT THROUGH MY PAGE TO TRY AND HATE ON ME who’s the one not minding who’s buisness?? Also, you’re the one who commented on MY comment. Unless you made this manhwa, actually even if you did, I’m still minding my own buisness stating MY opinion on the scene??

    asdf February 19, 2025 4:09 am
    Also, fym “minded my own buisness” AFTER YOU WENT THROUGH MY PAGE TO TRY AND HATE ON ME who’s the one not minding who’s buisness?? Also, you’re the one who commented on MY comment. Unless you made th... Jewel

    i have slight anger issues. i stayed up the whole night cuz your comment got me pissed. i just didnt like how you assumed and went on to have to say it to the whole world. soz

    Jewel February 19, 2025 8:28 pm
    i have slight anger issues. i stayed up the whole night cuz your comment got me pissed. i just didnt like how you assumed and went on to have to say it to the whole world. soz asdf

    Slight anger issues is an understatement, get some sleep (/TДT)/ and ofc ima say it in the comment section, that’s what it’s for lol

Jewel February 12, 2025 1:27 am

Why is literally everyone a novel reader lmaooo

    Hooble February 12, 2025 1:30 am

    I wonder that lit all the time lmao

    -人間- February 12, 2025 1:36 am

    Almost had me turn into a novel reader, but I already have too much to read, so I tossed that thought lol

    Goodbyeworld February 12, 2025 5:20 am

    Probably because there’s 1200+ chapters imfaoooooo

Jewel February 7, 2025 12:34 am


Jewel January 30, 2025 2:00 am

I just gotta know. Why is there a shounen ai tag?? Everything I kinda saw recommending this mentioned it’s a Bl but like where’s the bl? Lmaooo it’s good without it, I’m just curious

    ecilA February 3, 2025 10:25 am

    It's just the Shounen tag, there is no ai behind it.

    Jewel February 7, 2025 12:54 am
    It's just the Shounen tag, there is no ai behind it. ecilA

    Thank you my ass is blind I was so confused the whole time

Jewel January 24, 2025 5:57 pm


    Robin-chan January 25, 2025 12:05 pm

    the prince is afraid of him getting hurt

    Jewel January 25, 2025 4:48 pm
    the prince is afraid of him getting hurt Robin-chan

    Oh… okay that makes sense thanks :)

    Robin-chan January 26, 2025 9:53 pm

    Ced is really possessive hahahaha

    Jewel January 27, 2025 4:59 pm
    Ced is really possessive hahahaha Robin-chan

    Damn I said ignore the gays but the answer to my question was “they’re gay” that’s crazy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Jewel January 11, 2025 4:34 am

I’m just making an educated guess…

Gren totally dies. Next 10 chapters I guarantee he dies. They’re doing all these showcases and clips of him “getting better” and loving his brother and all this nice stuff, bein all cute. Then lets us know “oh ya they’re watching him to kill him!” And thinks we ain’t gonna know he’s boutta die?

    VulpesInculta January 11, 2025 5:15 am

    Yeah spoiler but right around the corner.

    Chapter 88

    MangaMoon January 11, 2025 5:17 am

    Shh. I was trying to stay in denial.

    vstrnee January 11, 2025 7:58 am
    Yeah spoiler but right around the corner. Chapter 88 VulpesInculta


Jewel December 29, 2024 7:12 pm

Chapters like 100+ actually make me want to off myself
I don’t think I can enjoy this shit anymore at all. Art was doing so well until he wasn’t. Fucking creeper bro waiting for a 13 ye old you watched grow up as a man in his 40’s so you can marry her is so gross holy ew. He’s mentioned MULTIPLE times that his physical state doesn’t affect his mental, so he knows damn well he’s too old for her. Like bruh the main character is literally a pedophile how the fuck am I supposed t enjoy reading this?

    Yuki December 30, 2024 11:28 am

    Yup, quite disappointing I thought I'll like this since I just read omniscient viewers and Eleceed. But instead of story progressing all we saw is him securing a teenage wife knowing how old he truly is.. I have to skip when the two is showing.

    Jewel December 30, 2024 7:00 pm
    Yup, quite disappointing I thought I'll like this since I just read omniscient viewers and Eleceed. But instead of story progressing all we saw is him securing a teenage wife knowing how old he truly is.. I hav... Yuki

    Pretty much what I have to do, it makes me so uncomfortable seeing him with her anymore

    Mess January 14, 2025 3:02 am

    If you read the novel you will find an interesting detail about the love situation of the characters ngl

    Jewel January 14, 2025 9:47 pm
    If you read the novel you will find an interesting detail about the love situation of the characters ngl Mess

    I don’t like novels but tell me the detail anyways

    Mess January 15, 2025 2:51 pm
    I don’t like novels but tell me the detail anyways Jewel

    Maybe it's already illustrated in the manhwa( since i stopped around 160+ so I'm not really sure bout that)

    But tess, art, and elijah are connected in the past. In short they are the reincarnation of each other. Past Tess and past art liked each other, and past eli like past tess.
    Art don't want to strain shit against the two so he let go, fast forward eli and tess got engaged (correct me if I recalled wrong), then comes the time tess and art need to duel each other, art won. Nico(past eli) thought art killed tess but nahh.

    Mess January 15, 2025 2:56 pm
    .......Maybe it's already illustrated in the manhwa( since i stopped around 160+ so I'm not really sure bout that)But tess, art, and elijah are connected in the past. In short they are the reincarnation of each... Mess

    (sorry bout the broken English when i said "in short they are the reincarnation of each other" what i mean is
    In short all of them got reincarnated. So the three of them are about the same age.

    Jewel January 16, 2025 8:44 pm
    .......Maybe it's already illustrated in the manhwa( since i stopped around 160+ so I'm not really sure bout that)But tess, art, and elijah are connected in the past. In short they are the reincarnation of each... Mess

    HELPPP I KNEW YOU WERE GONNA SAY THAT. It’s the most cliche thing this story could have done and is still weird because neither Tess nor art know about Tess’s past life, and the maturity didn’t carry on

Jewel December 15, 2024 8:40 pm

The random ass vibrator in their universe has me cackling

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