3 years of buildup to give us nothing, still a good story but,,,

i wasnt hoping for more romance, i was hoping for maybe more conflict, or at least for the portrayal of this conflict to be subversive or something. it was very "the curtains are red bc theyre red", and maybe just too obviously "subtle". I mean, its not bad, but... like... its not a john steinbeck book, its a manhwa

im so sorry, i might just be an unsympathetic brainrot reader, but for real, why did she even run in the first place? like, she didnt even want to and now shes freaking out bc she failed, like, girl why

Might be a stretch, buuuuuut. Maybe bc she was trapped in this power based relationship where she felt that whenever he gets bored of her he might just kill her and she didn't want to live in constant fear?
Honestly? I would have stayed and kept him enamoured, but I'm fucked up in the head so I don't count.

it was interesting at the beginning, but this season is literally just "things happening very fast" + if she wasnt a mary sue before, she DEFINITELY IS NOW. and like, the ML is being totally neglected by everyone in the story for no reason and its really really REALLY frustrating
and that whole thing of her going to the shitty snake while the snake is "in heat" (GROSS), like, this is so fucking weird, just focus on the ML actually, weve been glossing over the fact that hes been abused for like, forever, and the red haired father just keeps neglecting him too, like, if you were going to take in this kid and make him sect leader and whatnot, why are we ignoring the fact that his shitty grandpa was about to skin him, scoop out his guts, replace him, and also stole him from the damn sect? for like 12 years? or maybe were just gonna say "adopting this kid" was enough, when its not, and clearly you had some homosexual romance with his father, so why isnt this kid important to you like he probably should be? i just feel so bad about the male lead, its like his whole life has been twisted into something meant to be subservient to the female lead, and every other character in the novel beats him up for it.

"one last chapter!" literally wtf was that chapter (126), where every character LITERALLY did what i said they would. the elders LITERALLY kicked their way in and told someone who already had 10 years of their life stolen from them to go ahead into solitary confinement for another 10 years for what, looking kindly at the mc? and the father, when he heard the ml say allll that about leaving the sect to go ahead and die alone, just kind of looked at him? thats his "feeling bad"?? fuck off
this is so cheeks man, actual buns