I hope this is a happy ending. By that I mean I hope that the uke can get away from this groomer

Hmm... While the MC is a child, wasn’t the ML just 10 when they first met?
ML is a child himself and can he even grasp the idea of grooming?
Honestly, the MC and ML aren’t that far apart in age. Maybe the MC is simply naïve, or he truly loves the ML but understands he can’t marry him due to their laws against same-sex marriage.

Considering the MC and ML are close in age, I really don’t see how this could be considered grooming.
Power gap? The MC’s family is a Marquess!
Age gap? Maybe, but it’s only around 6 years. Besides, they met when the ML was just 10, ML was a kid himself!
The MC is mentally sound, comes from a privileged background, and even became a division commander. He’s clearly capable of distinguishing right from wrong.
I don’t understand why people treat the MC like a helpless child incapable of making his own decisions or understanding the ML’s actions?

People keep saying the age gap makes it not grooming… HOWEVER, the ML displays all the signs of grooming behavior.
(1) He chose the MC as a target from a young age (6 years old). The ML was older at than him and had more of an understanding of society whereas the MC did not.
(2) He got to know the MC and establish a bond.
(3) He gave the MC gifts and started to initiate his plan NORMALIZE behaviors like holding hands all the time in the palace when he was YOUNG and probably started kissing/inappropriate touch with the MC despite not being in a relationship with him because the MC is completely unphased by this behavior which attribute to the MC thinking this is normal.
(4) He separated and isolated the MC from his family AND society (resulting in him being unable to learn social cues AND normal behavior) while keeping in touch with the MC via letters. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the ML constantly demoted the MC to send the MC away after he became eighteen to isolate him from society (and to keep him from getting married)
(5) He seems to want to maintain control over MC’s life by getting the MC to marry him.
(This is my response to a similar comment, this is copy and pasted from it)
I really hope he gets to die by the end of this