Reading the novel was the best decision of my life, this manhwa is gonna be a pretty slow burn here you go ^^
I think their might be incest going on here, the big brother killing off anything that gets close to Helm and how he's obsessed with just keeping him alive by his side, can we stop getting incest
I actually agree here. Cause, really think about it. H-O2 had many opportunities to do that if he had wanted to. He had people sneak into Helms room and kill all his partners right after sex. If it was some type of jealousy, he would have murdered them, and then raped Helm. I think the issue is simpler than that.
Helm is his. Helm belongs to him. Helm is an object to H-O2. He doesn't care that Helm is afraid of him, because objects should be scared of being tossed away. He doesn't want anyone to touch Helm, because that is his and he did not give anyone the permission to touch it. He showed up to find Helm, because someone stole it from him, and he still found joy in looking at it. If Helm is harmed by himself, he feels distress, because he still was done with playing, but it isn't too big a deal, cause he can fix it. Helm is not a person, it is H-O2s toy.
Is there a novel for this? can someone please give me the link of the novel if there is one, I'm dying to read it T-T
i don’t think its gettng translate in english yet so youll just need to mtl it. also i don’t think theres a website that give the chapters all free..
Thank you!!!