Aho Fujoshi created a topic of PREVIEW

Why have the power to see previews of the worst things that can happen but having a brain dead kid with it

The "friend " is so fucking sus its unbelievable

The fact that the worst thing that could happen in your day is meet someone new should at least raise some big red flags, but dude was nah we gucci

I was not able to go pass chapter 18 so yeah

Not a spoiler but a big bet

A bet the friend is the villain and the protagonist is going to survive until the very last day by a tread of plot armor cause if he counts with his mental capabilities he'd be dead by now

Not a spoiler but a big hope

I would love love see him go to visit his parents and suddenly the protagonist is the cop unnie and the whole story turns into a revege cop plotline... but the author is not going to kill the main character

I end my rant here (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

This was never the best story one could read but it had a good ideia, it was poorly executed.

We have to remember she does not know as much as us, what she knows was in the novel she read once and he was not prominent there, it's like watchig a movie for the second time and then sudenlly there is young Johnny Depp being OP out of nowhere flirting with the villain, she does not know he is her partner in crime, she is slowly opening up to him, it will develop rather fast if she knows the truth

Aho Fujoshi asked a question

But, I have missed the comments and you guys so much, the option was disabled for too many years, I've been here for more than 10 years and I absolutely love this community!