Aho Fujoshi January 8, 2021 9:19 pm

Kick him in his private area and tell him to fuck the fuck off ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Aho Fujoshi December 2, 2020 11:09 am

Just if I was her I would fo the classic will Smith showing off position and ask " don't you see this beautiful mand right here? He my husband, so fuck off bish"

Aho Fujoshi November 18, 2020 2:13 pm

Want to Sangwoo people sometimes, you know?

Aho Fujoshi November 18, 2020 1:04 pm

They are cute and all but tha wedding suit is unconfotable for the eyes

Aho Fujoshi November 10, 2020 1:25 pm

The diabetes is strong on this one

Aho Fujoshi November 3, 2020 11:03 am

Change my mind.

The kiss look so much like yaoi it had me drooling, i think the author wanted to do Yaoi but wanted money as well so he made an yaoi trap for the fujoshis and a straght couple to normal people

Aho Fujoshi November 3, 2020 10:56 am

Prove me wrong *sips tea*

Aho Fujoshi October 23, 2020 1:18 pm

This is the only author that makes me feel like peeping tom just seeing them fully clothed , omg, this is melting me and making me blush(⊙…⊙ )

Aho Fujoshi September 30, 2020 9:16 pm

Oscar can fuck the fuck off (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 the dude have no balls his sister got his instead aparently ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I hope the crown prince shows himself soon so they can get married then destroy the aristocratic faction holding hands watching the house burn the fuck downヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Aho Fujoshi September 23, 2020 8:54 pm

She was a victim, she was raped. she wasn't with him because she wanted to she was blackmailded by her rapist because she was preg with his rape baby, do you realize how absurd is to blame a victim? BLAME HIM she was far from a role model but she was pressured by society telling her that she should be a virgin, telling her that it was her fault that she was raped by a pig, does that make any sense to you? put yourself in her shoes, but not as a 21th century person, think if you are a mais in middles age, think how disgunting everything would feel ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Aho Fujoshi September 23, 2020 8:56 pm

    sorry i got quite mad, as a women i thing slut shame and guilt trap is root of toxicity in society till this day, PLESE NEVER BLAME A VICTIM ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Re:moon September 23, 2020 11:54 pm

    Fact and like seeing half the stuff people are writing out about her... congrats you proved what that bastard baron said right!

    She was treated like garbage every step of the way, from his emotional to physical blackmail, to the other maids not liking her just because of that and then after the assault things just go spiraling down. And when you're that deep in garbage, you make a home out of it, cause you honestly think it can't get any worse.

    Y'all are allowed to hate the aftermath all you want.

    I hope Astina can get her hands on her and steer her in the right direction. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Aho Fujoshi September 23, 2020 11:59 pm
    Fact and like seeing half the stuff people are writing out about her... congrats you proved what that bastard baron said right!She was treated like garbage every step of the way, from his emotional to physical ... Re:moon

    I hope our queem can give this girl some hope, seriously she must be 17 at most, i pity her so much

    Alenira September 24, 2020 12:03 am
    Fact and like seeing half the stuff people are writing out about her... congrats you proved what that bastard baron said right!She was treated like garbage every step of the way, from his emotional to physical ... Re:moon

    Its not that the other maids didnt like her to begin with, but that the support of the duke backing her went to her head. She started getting angry at the other maids for no reason and critisicing them on their work and finaly snapped at them.
    From their perspective she was on the same level and them got ahead of her self and started to look down on them and be mean to them.

    While she was just a miad like the rest of them, she started to act like she was above them. And now that her support is gone she expected to still be able to act above them.
    Hell no now if anything they all look down on her, they couldnt complain before because a duke had her back nut now because she alianated them she is truly alone.

    Yes the maid was manipulated by the duke, but she made all the choices her self. She chose to break up with her fiance, she chose to stop contact with her family and she chose to look down-on and think she was better than the otehr maids.

    Aho Fujoshi September 24, 2020 12:33 am
    Its not that the other maids didnt like her to begin with, but that the support of the duke backing her went to her head. She started getting angry at the other maids for no reason and critisicing them on their... Alenira

    Dude you are talking like she chose to be with him, she was forced from the very beggining, she was treathened and abused in everyway posible, she was broke and turn out to be shitty, she did'nt want to be trash she just came to be after the mental abuse she was suffering, she broke up with her fiance and family cause that pig told her she was dirty cause she was raped it's not a choice when you are broke is opression

    Re:moon September 24, 2020 12:42 am
    Its not that the other maids didnt like her to begin with, but that the support of the duke backing her went to her head. She started getting angry at the other maids for no reason and critisicing them on their... Alenira

    Bro she did not think she was better than any maid. Did she power trip at the end of it? Absolutely. She even said so. But that power trip was the result of self hate. Combined with the pmsing cause she's preggo, I really wouldn't call that "no reason". But this information is something we know, the other maids will and did take that as no reason.

    Like yes she's just a maid like the rest of them, but that baron made damn well sure those other maids knew that she was a favorite. We all talk big on how "they could have been her second family/support group!" But if those other maids already didn't like her "cause she thinks she's all that just cause the baron likes her...whore" while she's running around trying to turn her employer down and not get fired, they're not gonna be the first source for help. The whole scene with the maids highlighted the non stop gossip at which she was the source BECAUSE of the baron and never wanted any of it. Her support is gone but she definitely isn't acting like she's better than them. She's on edgeShe deadass finally told them to leave her alone!

    Lulu September 24, 2020 4:10 am

    omg facts. i still couldn’t believe my eyesand felt like bleaching them after reading this victim blaming comment section

    Alenira September 24, 2020 8:54 am
    Bro she did not think she was better than any maid. Did she power trip at the end of it? Absolutely. She even said so. But that power trip was the result of self hate. Combined with the pmsing cause she's pregg... Re:moon

    You are saying she didnt think she was better than the other maid? Plz explain ch 18, page 5 where she slaps another maid and is told by that maid "you cant do this to us anymore" refering to slapping them around. It also says "she grew impatient and became angry over the smallest things" with her fellow maids in ch 18 page 7.
    So she started sanpping at them and they had no clue as to why she did this.

    Also none of the other maids knew about the "relationship" between the barron and her, only that she was given privliges and used those privliges!

    No matter how much pain and suffering you are experiencing it it not justified if you take it out on others!

    Btw the other maids only got anoyed at her onece her work became slower and they had to makeup for her lack of the work.
    Emagin working with your fellow workers and a max amount of work is destributed among you but one person dosnt finish theirs. If the work isnt done, noone gets paid and on top of that you can even get punished!. So now you have to work extra and get nothing out of it other than atitude from the person you just helped!

    gez.. you think she is the first maid to have been raped in that house?. You think she is the first to have been mistreated and abused?

    NO way in hell. But we are told only about her and yet the head butler is constantly refering to how nice it is to have Fl in controle because she is putting the barron and other aholes in their place and helping the workers by doing this.

    Re:moon September 24, 2020 9:44 am
    You are saying she didnt think she was better than the other maid? Plz explain ch 18, page 5 where she slaps another maid and is told by that maid "you cant do this to us anymore" refering to slapping them aro... Alenira

    Dude that slap was her defending herself. The pages 3 and 4 are all those maids talking shit about her cause "haha the baron can't protect her any more" page 4 was literally her saying talk shit get hit. On that same page 5 is where you see that other maids not sorry for the gossip and where she tells all of them what she wanted in the first place; to leave her alone!!

    Like yes none of the other maids knew her /specific/ privilege but they knew she had the baron as her back up. Maids love gossip so imagine what they were saying about that?? Page 7 lead on to explain she was preggers and again this becomes info that we as readers get to know, but the other maids just see it as her being an asshole.

    That whole scene with the slow work and getting mad about that is only valid to those other maid but I'm not hot on the throwing shit at other people to get a response. Page 8 is all her trying to get herself to miscarriage before that. She's preggers and can't/won't tell anyone which is why she in the end ran to the baron for help. Cause he made sure she knew that only he could help her! That's why she tells us on page 9 that she's venting her self hate on the other maids, which is not cool at all.

    Like I would hope the Duke's household would keep that shit to a minimum but hard to tell when you gotta throw out the entire committee.

    If you give a person a role(in this case the barons side piece), don't be mad when they play it??(using power for protection)

    By no means am I calling her a saint or asking you to forgive her, but she also falls into the category of "worker that needs help" The real issue her is she's taking her self hate and making it other people's problems.

    Alenira September 24, 2020 9:51 am
    Dude that slap was her defending herself. The pages 3 and 4 are all those maids talking shit about her cause "haha the baron can't protect her any more" page 4 was literally her saying talk shit get hit. On tha... Re:moon

    I wansnt saying she didnt need help, but your first respons came across as if she was the onlyone that needed and deserved help. I was simply trying to point out as to why the maid would say "you cant treat us like this anymore. after she slapped her. it makes no sense to say that if it was a one time ocurrence.

    Yes she needs help, and yes the entired higher calls in this household exept the duke and Fl seem to need to be purged.

    Re:moon September 24, 2020 10:33 am
    I wansnt saying she didnt need help, but your first respons came across as if she was the onlyone that needed and deserved help. I was simply trying to point out as to why the maid would say "you cant treat us ... Alenira

    She was the the main focus of the chapter, so I wanted to explain her situation since we got more information about her. Definitely don't want to imply that she's the only maid that matters and needs help! It just didn't sit with me right that the response to me explaining her specific situation was "she had no reason doing that" while the whole chapter explained it.

    We're having every english/literary teachers dream students convo so harm no foul homie ( ̄∇ ̄)

    Alenira September 24, 2020 11:32 am
    She was the the main focus of the chapter, so I wanted to explain her situation since we got more information about her. Definitely don't want to imply that she's the only maid that matters and needs help! It j... Re:moon

    I just posted a new rewision of all info and context given about her, try looking it up. I think we were both a bit too focusted on one side of the same coin.

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