KUROUI asked question about discord server

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL MANGAGO USERS!! What’s your New Year’s resolution?

KUROUI asked question about still a virgin

Drop a random picture from your photo album and leave absolutely no context

KUROUI asked question about question

If you could have anything that you wanted on Christmas, what would it be?

KUROUI asked question about question

What was the best the manga/hwa/hua you’ve read this year?

KUROUI asked question about question

Write down a review for anything

KUROUI followed question about chat about anything

I'll go first. Now this is something that geniunely happened and kept me awake at night for a while. It was around 8? pm that we (my sister, her friends and I) decided to leave the park that we were in. Its a closed garden/abandoned type but its in the neighbourhood and not really closed off so people can go in. I never really went there because th......

20 12,2023
KUROUI asked question about read 1000 manga or more

What’s your Roman Empire?

KUROUI asked question about read 1000 manga or more

What’s that one dream that you think about every now and then? Or has stuck with you in general

KUROUI asked question about read 1000 manga or more

I plan on becoming a therapist, one that does art therapy, and I was wondering what classes I should take to help me? I’m def doing AP psych, but would sociology be a good one too? I also heard somewhere that AP stat was good too. Pleaseeee help

KUROUI answered question about read 1000 manga or more
KUROUI asked question about question

Have you ever had a dream where you felt true fear? I’ll go first- This was just a part of the dream, but I was in my house when I saw a Chinese porcelain figurine sitting on a table right across where I was standing. Suddenly, everything starting to become pitch black, however, the figurine had like this light coming below it, which like illumi......

KUROUI answered question about how keep yourself happy
The cat looks so ridiculous and pathetic. Meanwhile, the horse is just being in their natural silly little state
KUROUI followed question about how keep yourself happy

I come here to destress and always see the most depressing or stupidst troll questions, now just share something you love that makes you happy give me memes, a manga/etc rec, a Screenshot that you find funny, fanarts you love To the trolls or haters whatever cant stop you just do your thing ig

05 12,2023
KUROUI asked question about cooking

Post the first photo in your camera roll and explain it if you’d like

KUROUI answered question about cooking
It’s so weird….one of the reasons why I love stepmother’s marchen bc there’s multiple characters that have melanin and not just the ml
KUROUI answered question about question
YES BITCH like sometimes I get emotional attachments to stories and when I know it’s coming to an end I just refuse to finish it
KUROUI asked question about first love

What was the most wildest thing that your eyes have had the misfortune of witnessing?