the fact that they're now delving into heo hyuns character and dimensions oml i wanna cry. the fact that people will idealized anything that's close to perfection and worship them out of their own need to achieve perfection while putting a mere human whose working so much harder on a pedestal so high that when they fall there's no soft sand to break the fall. forgetting the flaws that each human is born with and the envy that envelops us due to our incompetency that blinds us to believe in the truth because someone so perfect cannot have flaws of the average person. dragging the mental strengths a person is capable of handling and ostracized him to face the harsh reality that it truly is different. but people don't understand that the difference is solely created because of hardwork not just being gifted to it.

I love the density in the character of his dad. Tbe fact that people who are slightly above standard visual appeal are pushed into squares of prejudice and stereotyping and how easy it is because the common envy and fear to believe keeps the voice of believing in the general good hidden while also how it's true that while it's easy to be subjected to such stereotypes as much as yiu work hard you really have nothing to your name because they crush it to the equivalence of just a pretty face and if you have no social and economical backing you really just give up because you have no where to turn to cursing the rat race you were forced in. the female leads dad is just another example of envy and stereotype presented and the fact that no matter how much you try to justify your need to uplift the little inferiority complex will never allow one to listen through.

The fact that she has mediocre looks makes it all the more better w character flaws nobody is born absolutely phenomenal looking and no one has to be carzy visually appealing to stimulate and satisfy your needs to a manhwa because in the end of the day the representation that her normality gives is what makes her character her. the fact that how she is makes her more kinder her lacking and being grounded drives her to face her reality with all that she has and with all the kindness she can collect from where she is is so aspiring. shitting and nitpicking on a characters visuals is just you projecting your need to perfecting things when in all of us in our own very realities are forced to face all variabilities of sorts. demeaning to not being standardly attractive and then will go on to chant hypocritically about feminism and empowering while acting like a teenage bully w a fucking non existent character
lowk need to learn his game