Sovieshu's plan is to both acquire an heir and a perfect empress.
When he was a child, he sneaked into the previous empress's (his mother's) room and found cookies which he gave to young Navier. Navier suggested they ate it together. Soon after, the previous empress was more anxious than angry that he took the cookies because it was for a countess that was favored by the emperor at that time (this is where I gag at Sovieshu's hypocrisy. he literally hated his dad for having concubines but look at him now) Sovieshu found out the cookies were mixed with poison that caused miscarriage with a side effect of infertility. His mother asked him if he shared the cookies but he quickly replied no. He lied instinctively, feeling that it's something no one should find out.
So because there is still no child between Sovieshu and Navier, Sovieshu concludes that one of them is infertile.
At that point in time, he was very stressed with the pressure the nobles and aristocrats were putting on him for not having a child to inherit the throne. Not only that, if he didn't bear an heir soon the throne would go to his uncle's son and his bloodline would ultimately lose the reign of the monarchy. That's what scared him because he knew how brutal being a member of the royal family was. After all, he spent some of his childhood watching the previous emperor (his father) with his concubines while his mother was abandoned. So when Trashta comes in, she's like a stress relief away from everyone's prejudice as well as the seeming indifference of his wife Navier.
Mind you, Sovieshu may be an asswipe but he is not one to crave countless women in order to satisfy his ego. He'd consider it, but his pride would never let him. Even though Navier was not the perfect wife, she was the perfect empress and a child between them would've been perfect as well had it not been for that cookie. So if he could not bear a child with her, Trashta had to do (his plan sounded perfect in his own head lmao).
So Trashta is already pregnant but the child is still an offspring of a commoner so he/she cannot become a prince/princess. This is why Sovieshu kept bugging Navier to adopt Trashta's child, so that he/she will have a legitimate right to take the throne.
But because Navier would not give in to adopting the bastard child (thank goodness queen) Sovieshu diverts to a different plan: divorce Navier and make Trashta empress for a year so that the child claims a royal right. Then when that year ends, he takes Navier back and kicks Trashta out. So Sovieshu basically didn't see much value in Trashta except for her ability to get preggers and her "feminine" side that Navier didn't have. fsr he has this fetish with women who depended on him like damsels in distress. And because Navier was independent af he also had some type of inferiority complex.
Soveishu's downfall is not telling Navier of his plan. Before Trashta came along, like waaay before all the issues, Navier and Sovieshu loved and trusted each other. Idk how to describe their past relationship but if you'd ask me, Navier was not good at expressing herself and Sovieshu was the worst in understanding that trait of hers. That didn't become much of a problem until the topic of an heir was brought up. Sovieshu started worrying a lot and he basically started blaming it on Navier; saying crap like the reason they had no child was because she wasn't affectionate to him or that she was infertile all along. Regardless, Navier continued to love him silently and although at first Sovieshu did the same for her, he began to lose sight of his love for her as he focused on figuring out how to produce an heir.
Sovieshu will soon snap back to his senses though, but it'll be too late. Because by then, Navier would've fallen for Heinly already and he won't be able to do anything about it. Sovieshu was the one who pushed Navier away after all.
So not only were they colleagues (on the throne) they were childhood friends who knew each other by the back of their hands. But because of Sovieshu bitch's inferiority complex, he decided he could handle batshit on his own. He basically plotted everything and since he didn't tell Navier, he made it seem like he was in love with Trashta and hurt Navier beyong comprehension.
Another thing is that he didn't calculate how crafty and cunning Trashta could be. So shit was gonna get loose when Navier stepped down from the throne.
Soon, Sovieshu ends up mentioning his plan to Trashta (1-year empress trial). Without his knowledge, Navier was actually listening to their conversation. This makes Navier leave the palace where she bumps into Heinley in a pub. Heinley confesses that he needed a queen to stand by him in his kingdom (Heinley's home is a kingdom, not an empire) and he wanted Navier to be queen. Navier, remembering what Sovieshu told Trashta, then offers marriage and Heinly accepts but he's confused because she's still married.
Navier continues sending letters through the blue bird (Heinley's attendant) and Sovieshu takes notice of this; speculating Navier is communicating with Heinley. So he orders to kill any bird that goes near the empress's chambers. Navier sends a warning but the bird confuses it and ends up getting hurt (blood, feathers, and all). Sovieshu bitch even sends a bird stew to Navier as warning. The bird isn't dead though, because Trashta finds it and gives it to Duke Elgy (Heinley's friend and the man Trashta is borrowing money from) who then becomes the means of communication between Navier and Heinley.
Meanwhile, Trashta (already knowing Sovieshu's plan) feels that she cannot compare to Navier. Duke Elgy suggests she studies so that's what she does. She studies while being accompanied by Sovieshu but she keeps complaining so Sovieshu keeps comparing her to Navier which infuriates. This keeps happening; she studies, acts fake-cute af in front of Sovieshu, borrows money from Duke Elgy, and pays money to Viscount Rostechu. At some point, Trashta also hires assassins to kill the Troby couple (Navier's parents). Then Navier's brother also attempts to poison Trashta to kill her child. He ends up being exiled by Sovieshu for it. Sovieshu then uses Navier's brother's crimes as leverage to solidify the divorce.
On the day of the divorce with the High Priest present, Sovieshu embarrasses Navier and claims she tried to harm his daughter. This is when Heinley enters as Navier asks the High Priest to bless her second marriage.
Sovieshu is salty af and even locks Navier, Heinley, and Navier's fam in their house while he searches for any laws that could null Navier's second marriage. The blue bird (Heinley's attendant) then appears to take them all to the Western Kingdom (Heinly's kingdom). Sovieshu goes crazy and demands to find them.
Some time passed since Navier left and Sovieshu goes paranoid because he felt she really wasn't coming back. So he doesn't drop Trashta from the empress seat because he put a lot of effort into doing it (faking Trashta's noble background and shit) but he does question whether their daughter is his or not. He uses magic to clarify the paternity; he was scared because he made so many enemies by divorcing Navier just to have an heir so there's no way he could save his dignity as emperor if his plan backfired. If the child really wan't his, it'd also shatter his confidence that he isn't sterile because Navier was already pregnant with Heinley's child (Sovieshu and Navier are both infertile because of the cookie but Navier and Heinley did (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ on a magical bed which is why she got pregnant). Sovieshu prayed the child really was his because he couldn't bear to live with the possibility that he lost Navier for nothing.
The truth was that when Trashta left Allen (the Viscount's son) years ago, she was already pregnant with their second child. But because she was sleeping with Sovieshu soon after, she didn't know Allen was the baby daddy. At some point, she also gets a scar on her face so Sovieshu starts to lose interest in her cause like you know the taboo with women in high society having scars.
It's revealed that Duke Elgy had only been getting information from Trashta. He's Heinley's friend and so, by Heinley's request, he got close to Trashta and got her to borrow money from him. Everything Trashta did, he told Heinley.
So Trashta's crimes are brought to light and she's imprisoned. She also ends up killing herself in her cell.
Sovieshu rejects the bastard child and has no heir to the throne.
Heinley and Navier live happily ever after with their little twin babies :)
2020-12-26 17:36 marked
2019-08-03 22:23 marked
2019-07-17 21:23 marked
2019-06-03 18:13 marked
2019-05-26 11:49 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*picture of ceiling highlighting gothic side lamp*
*panel of Chanwoo's face, side profile, blindfolded and trembling*
Chanwoo: "ugh.. haaa..."
*panel of MD's face, side profile looking up *
MD: "Chanwoo"
*panel zoomed out showing Chanwoo tied up to a chair with his arms tied behind the chair, legs spread open and MD stroking his dick looking at a trembling chanwoo smiling*
MD: "Are you at your limit?"
Chanwoo: "Mmph.." "ugh..."
*panel of chanwoo getting frustrated and flustered. X-ray eyes just to show his expression underneath the blindfold*
Chanwoo: "I...can still continue with this!"
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
*panel of arial shot of MD on one knee stroking a tied and blindfolded chanwoo*
Chanwoo: "Ah...AH" "ugh"
*panel of MD looking up*
MD: *Slight smile. He's enjoying this* "You're lasting longer than I expected Chanwoo"
*zoomed panel of MD's hands on Chanwoo's dick. It's all sticky and messy and wet*
MD: "If this was any other day I would have made you come already"
Chanwoo: "Ah! ahh"
*panel of chanwoo smirking underneath the blindfold*
Chanwoo: "You sure about that old man?" (T/N: this is basically a decent translation. Just some of Chanwoo's attempted snappy remarks lol)
*panel of chanwoo's hand tied behind the chair gripping and shaking*
Chanwoo: "Damnit...how much longer?"
*zoomed out panel of MD checking his watch (T/N: lololol cheeky fuck XD), and chanwoo still on the chair. Back view*
MD: "10 minutes. If you last 20 minutes then I have to do whatever you want right? ;)"
"But on the other hand, if you can't, you have to do whatever I want. >;)"
*panel of Chanwoo's face flustered and gasping for air still having a cheeky smile underneath the blindfold*
"J-just you wait. I'll win..."
*side by side panel of MD slowly teasing his dick by slighting rubbing it with a finger and then grabbing on to it out of nowhere*
MD: *off panel* "Are you sure?" *slides his finger up his cock* (T/N: ... *blush* ._.)
Chanwoo: "Ugh!"
MD: "Don't you think you're a little more sensitive than usual today?" *grabs onto his dick and starts stroking*
Chanwoo: "AH! W-wait! AAH!"
*panel of chanwoo arching his back off the chair and heavily shaking*
Chanwoo: "AAAAH!!!!!!"
*panel of MD looking at an exhausted chanwoo gasping for air*
MD: "you need to keep your ass on the chair, chanwoo"
Chanwoo: "Ahh, ughh" Haaah haah
*panel of chanwoo with sticky hands from all of chanwoo's precum teasing him and rubbing them around his thighs and lower stomach, purposefully avoiding his hard dick*
Chanwoo: "ugh" "haa"
*panel of chanwoo wondering what's going to happen. Thrillfully worried still blindfolded*
Chanwoo: "?" "Ah?"
*panel of MD's hands just slowing rubbing everywhere but his dick*
Chanwoo thinking: 'He's not touching me..there?"
*zoomed out panel showing MD touching everywhere but his dick. Chanwoo is trembling*
Chanwoo: "mmph, ugh" "ngh"
*panel of chanwoo's dripping cock trembling*
Chanwoo: 'I need to hold on and endure...' 'but really...i want...to ask him to touch me...'
*side by side panel of chanwoo head down blindfolded and MD looking up with a smirk on his face*
Chanwoo: "M-master...are you not...going to touch me there?"
*panel of MD suddenly grabbing onto Chanwoo's dick*
MD: "Very well, let's go ahead and touch it a bit"
Chanwoo: "AGGGGH!!!!!"
*panel of Chanwoo highlighting in red. Shaking*
*panel below it of MD aggressively stroking him*
Chanwoo: "AHH!" "UGH!! S-STOP!"
"AAHH uggghhhh"
*panel of Chanwoo cumming as MD let's go of his dick*
Chanwoo: "AAAAGGGHH!"
*panel of MD getting up and chanwoo out of breath*
*panel of MD's wristwatch*
MD: "How unfortunate Chanwoo." "If you lasted 2 more minutes you would have succeeded."
*panel of MD taking off Chanwoo's blindfold*
MD: "So, like you promised"
*panel of MD smiling sinisterly as he loosens his tie*
"you need to do everything that I want"
*panel of chanwoo's eyes and him gulping*
Chanwoo thinking: 'You can do this...'
*panel moments later*
*panel of exclamation text*
Chanwoo: *off-panel* "I DON'T WANT THAT THERE!"
*panel of chanwoo guarding himself and retreating still cuffed but on the bed*
Chanwoo: "How the fuck are you going to put that there??!!"
"Get that away already!!"
*panel of MD holding up urethra plug. TADA! (T/N: think those are what they're called. if not then that basically summed it up anyway lol)*
MD: "We can use this opportunity to try it out. It's a new item I got. ^.^"
Chanwoo: "I don't want to die!!! >.<"
*panel of MD only just staring at Chanwoo who's off panel*
Chanwoo: *off panel* "Those hurt! Before with my ex, I almost died using that! Complete turnoff"
MD: "....."
Chanwoo: "I prefer anything else but that!"
*panel of MD leaning closer to chanwoo on the bed. Side view*
MD: "Chanwoo."
*zoomed panel of their faces close to each other. MD looking sinister yet smiling. Chanwoo looking surprised*
MD: *dark bubble lol* "Right now are you talking about how another person used this with you, in front of me?"
*panel of chanwoo choking up on his words*
Chanwoo thinking: 'Damnit!'
Chanwoo: "No..! That's not... It's.."
*panel of MD putting chanwoo's arm's back and laying him down*
MD: "You know, you kept resisting this so I was going to do it with care, since it was your first time..."
Chanwoo: "agh!"
*panel of MD squeezing lube onto chanwoo's dick**
MD: "But if that was the reason you resisted,"
Chanwoo: "Mmph"
*panel of MD preparing to put the urethra plug in*
MD: "then there's no reason to be extra careful."
Chanwoo: "!" "Ah, No I don't want to!"
*side by side panel. first panel of chanwoo putting the beaded urethra plug in. second panel of chanwoo all flustered and frozen up*
Chanwoo: "AAACK!" "No stop!!"
*perspective panel of MD being viewed through chanwoo's eyes. MD looking sinister yet not smiling (T/N: aww snap) as he finishes putting it in*
MD: "Chanwoo, control yourself or I'll have to gag you."
Chanwoo: "AH!" "It hurts!"
*panel of Chanwoo covering his mouth, shaking, trembling, flustered, tearing up*
Chanwoo: "mmph..." "ugh.."
*panel of chanwoo's dick with the plug fully placed*
MD: *off panel* "All set,"
*panel of Chanwoo with legs open as he looks at his dick, shaking*
MD: "It went in very well, all the way to the end as well. It didn't hurt as much as you thought it would, no?"
Chanwoo: "ack..."
*panel of Chanwoo's face as he slowly puts down his hand. Trembling and shaking. flustered slight swelling of tears*
MD: *off panel* "Although it's strange and gives you a feeling of pleasure, it is not just completely pleasure, is it?"
Chanwoo: "...."
*panel of MD unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants* (T/N: he looks good in this panel lol)
MD: "Let me make you feel better."
*panel of MD lifting chanwoo's legs back about to put it in*
Chanwoo: "What..?" "ugh, wait...!"
*panel of MD's dick, just the tip inside chanwoo*
Chanwoo: "If you put it now..!" "No.."
*panel of MD pushing himself all the way in. Chanwoo arching his back*
Chanwoo: "NNNGHH!!"
*panel of Chanwoo's cock shaking as he's being pounded*
Chanwoo: "Agh! "AH "Mph "Ahh "I don't wa-" "AH!"
*panel of Chanwoo's face complete surprise, flustered, badumps,*
Chanwoo: "uggh...AH!"
Chanwoo thinking: 'H-how can this be.."
*panel of Chanwoo's dick with urethra plug highlighted*
Chanwoo thinking: 'I-I think I'm going to exploded'
*panel of MD grabbing chanwoo by the waist as leverage and continue to pound him*
Chanwoo: "Ngh ahh, ugh"
*panel of MD's face, half blush, still pounding him*
MD: "ah..today you're much tighter than normal"
*panel of MD's cock inside chanwoo's POV view*
MD: "It seems like in reality you like that inside your urethra"
Chanwoo: "Ngh" "ugh..." "Ah!"
*panel of chanwoo's dick dripping and shaking*
MD: "I like this so much that I could just come all over your body"
Chanwoo: "ACK!, UGH NGGH!"
*panel of chanwoo's prideful face completely shattered and flustered. Shaking*
Chanwoo: "AH!, STOP! I-I think i'm already going to come!"
"I can't resist it anymore! I-it's too much..! Take it out!"
*panel of chanwoo's cuffed hands reaching towards his dick*
Chanwoo: "take it-"
*panel of MD grabbing chanwoo's hands and lifting him up*
*panel of MD beginning to lay back and having chanwoo on top now*
MD: "Not without my permission"
*panel of chanwoo's face flustered and him biting his lip*
Chanwoo: "....!"
MD: "Let's go, now you can move yourself"
*panel of Chanwoo riding MD to the sunset*
Chanwoo: "AH!, Agh.., ugh ahh"
*panel of MD's cock going into Chanwoo*
Chanwoo: "mph, ngh, ah!"
*panel of chanwoo flustered, sweating, and slight tears as he begins to make out with MD. Saliva dripping from his mouth. Chanwoo's eyes closed and MD looking at him as he's making out with him. Chanwoo still clapping on that dick*
Chanwoo: "mmm"
*panel, point of view of the back of chanwoo's head with MD's eye peaking out and widening*
Chanwoo: *crying*
MD: "!"
*panel of chanwoo's crying face and gasping backing his head away from the makeout with the string of saliva connecting their mouths.*
Chanwoo: "M-master...*gasp*"
"Please...please, give me permission to come..."
*panel of MD's eyes blushing in excitement*
*panel of Chanwoo gripping onto MD's shoulders as he's still riding him. MD hand on the urethra plug*
MD: "Well then, we'll come together"
Chanwoo: "ugh, if you touch there...AGH!"
*Side by side panel. red background. First panel of Chanwoo's dick with the urethra plug being pulled out. Second panel of Chanwoo's eyes widen and him shuddering*
Chanwoo: "AAAH!!!!!!!!!"
*arial panel of chanwoo falling over MD head on his shoulder*
*panel of MD carressing Chanwoo's head as his head is on his shoulder and MD half blush. We can't see chanwoo's face yet*
MD: "It wasnt as bad as you thought it would be, right?"
*panel of chanwoo's face catching his breath and blushing*
Chanwoo: "haa. I don't know..."
Chanwoo thinking: 'Shit...It felt so good that I almost went insane...'
*panel of ceiling*
MD: *offpanel* "That was fun. Let's bet again next time.~"
Chanwoo: *offpanel* "I'm not going to again!!!"
---------End of special--------
I really like this couple. I wouldn't mind another story with them lol.
2019-05-03 03:48 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
CH 70
*panel of building complex*
*panel of DG's mouth dark overcast*
DG: "during high school"
***cue flashback***
*panel of DG walking with a group of his high school friends*
--I had a group of really close friends--
--I was always hanging out with them--
*panel highlighting DG being pensive and grateful*
--because of my poor social skills, I was really grateful for them to have approached me first and got close with me--
DG thinking: 'They're really nice and awesome for including someone like me in their group'
*panel of Sungwoong coming and grabbing DG by the shoulder*
Sungwoong: "Dongboi! Why are you smiling~? Something good happen?" (T/N: nicknames are hard XD he just says a shortened version of his name but wanted to emphasis how close they were with a ...dumbass nickname lmaooo)
DG: "Oh!"
*panel of DG looking up to a smiling Sungwoong and panel underneath of a blushing DG*
Sungwoong: "Let's grab a bite~?"
*dark background with narration text*
--and later I began feeling attracted to one of my friends--
*panel of a high school DG pensively thinking on the bed*
--At first I thought it was just feelings of friendship, but that wasn't it.--
--I continued to think of him and how I always wanted to see him--
*zoomed panel of blushing and pensive high school DG on bed*
--That's how I came to realize my sexual orientation--
*panel of DG walking into a classroom and side panel of kids messing around with a gay video*
--But I couldn't tell anyone about it--
Dumbass kid 1: "hey check this out! disgusting! haha"
Dumbass kid 2: "Ack hey! it's a gay video! Get that away before I kick your ass"
*panel of a worried DG with dark overcast background looking from the sidelines*
--I knew very well that I should hide the fact I was gay when I was around them--
*panel of DG taking off some random dust dirt off of sungwoong*
--That's why I just preferred a friendship instead of something more--
DG: "hey you got dust or something on your shirt here"
--That was enough for me...--
*panel of onlookers watching DG take off some dust dirt*
--but I suppose that's where it all began.--
*panel of DG walking through the hallway filled with people murmuring*
--One day, a rumor was going around at school saying that I was gay--
*DG and some random kid bumping into each other*
Dumbass kid 3: "Hey! watching where you're going!"
*panel of DG looking sad and looking down as he walks*
Dumbass kid 4: *offpanel* "hey it's that gay bastard!"
Dumbass kid 3: "Seriously?!!! Ah shit he dirtied my shoulder then!."
*dark panel white smokey background*
--I didn't care what strangers said behind my back--
--I thought that if I was with my friends, everything would be fine--
*panel of DG's group of "friends" in the distance murmuring about something*
*panel of DG coming up to them*
DG: *smiling* "Hey! What are you guys talking about?"
Group: "!"
*panel of the group looking back with looming background and in disgust and judging*
*panel of DG being taken aback and shocked and worried*
DG: "!"
*panel of someone in the group beginning to say something*
Someone: "Nam Donggyun, you..."
*panel of sungwoong looking at DG in disgust with red and black ominous background*
Sungwoong: (T/N: wow who would have guessed *sarcasm*) "you're gay right?"
*panel of DG running away from the group. Dark looming background*
--One of my friends were the one that started the rumor--
--that friend was the guy I liked--
*panel of DG's face with his hand covering his mouth looking sick*
--In that moment, the relationship and good experiences that I had with them crumbled and collapsed--
--That betrayal hurt so much that I felt sick--
*panel of bathroom stall slammed closed*
*panel of DG shaking and puking over the toilet*
*panel of DG in complete tears*
*narration panel half dark*
--I decided that never again will I believe in someone--
*DG walking the halls alone*
--And that's how I got accustomed to being alone--
--I was afraid of getting close to someone and confiding in them I was gay only to have them avoid me afterwards--
*panel of DG looking down at his feet. headshot only. looking lonely*
***end flashback***
*Panel of present day DG looking down with a fleeting lonesome look*
DG: "Now, even after years later, I'm still afraid..."
*zoomed out panel of DG and Jiwon in bed. DG naked and partially under the covers and Jiwon in a robe on top of the covers. they're just laying there next to each other*
DG: "It's silly right?"
*panel of Jiwon looking at DG*
Jiwon: "....."
*zoomed panel of Jiwon's disbelief face and worried*
Jiwon thinking: "Nam Donggyun...I can't believe you went through something like that."
*panel of chibi pissed jiwon recalling Sungwoong's face*
Jiwon: *boiling, pissed, veins popping, mom's spaghetti* "I'm going to give that fucking bastard a piece of my mind. Where can I find him...?"
"I'll make sure of it that I do so next time I see him..."
DG: *offpanel* "What?!"
*panel of serious drawings lol. of them laying and conversing with each other*
Jiwon: "Is that why you are frequently to yourself?"
DG: "Yeah..."
Jiwon: "So how did you become friends with your friend from the cafe?"
*DG recalling how they met*
*panel of DG looking at a LGBTQ Club poster*
DG: "I met Chanwoo during my first year of university"
"I met him by chance..."
*panel of Chanwoo immediately patting DG on the shoulder startling DG*
Chanwoo: "Oh! Do you want to join our club? :D :D :D " (T/N: Put smileys to emphasize his enthusiasm lol)
*panel of DG running away as Chanwoo chases after him*
Chanwoo: "You don't have to sign anything! Let's just talk! Yeah?"
"You're a student here too right? So am I!"
*Dg still running away lol*
DG: "Chanwoo became close to me pretty fast."
Jiwon: "And what about Jaejin?"
*Panel of DG recalling them at post in the military service*
DG: "I met him during military service"
"While we were working together he began to talk to me about everything. He talked to me about everything he was thinking of"
*side by side panel of Jaejin and DG smiling at each other as they converse*
"He didn't know me but he opened his heart and thoughts to me with no hesitation or worries and believed in me. I was really grateful for that"
"I became close to him like that."
*panel of present day DG adverting his gaze to the ground*
"Even so, jaejin still doesn't know I'm gay..."
"The trauma that came from that experience during high school prevented me from being able to tell anyone else"
*panel of Jaejin smiling*
"But I think soon i'll be able to tell him"
"I only tried to hide it because I thought that if he knew I was gay, he would avoid me just like everyone else"
*panel of DG smiling and slightly blushing*
" But these past days, I wanted to tell the people close to me"
*panel of Dg turning over to face his body towards Jiwon*
DG: "Because I'm with you Sunbae, I'm really happy, and I wanted to tell you..."
"that it makes me undoubtfully happy to be with you."
*panel of Jiwon superblushing and feeling the throbbbssss lol*
DG: "I think all this is thanks to you sunbae"
Jiwon: "....!"
(T/N: so basically since he's been happy with the relationship and he's happy he gained the confidence in wanting to tell people about himself)
*zoomed out panel showing Jiwon grabbing DG tightly and hugging him tightly being all shy and shit lol*
Jiwon: "....."
DG: "Woah! Sunbae I can't breathe!"
*panel of Jiwon and DG headshot level but still in embrace*
Jiwon: "But even though you're still afraid, you still want to tell them?"
"You can still continue like now and not say anything just yet"
(T/N: he's saying this out of concern)
*Panel of DG and Jaejin smiling at each other during the military days. Friendship smile. nothing more lol*
DG: "Jaejin is a very important person to me."
"Because of that I want to be honest with him."
*panel of DG laying on Jiwon's arm nooked his head into his armpit*
DG: "But it's like you said, how it's been a while but I'm still scared and get anxious"
"I don't know how things will turn out as how I never talked to Jaejin about this subject"
"My friends from high school were close to me but later everything was ruined..."
*Jiwon recalling Jaejin bowing to him thanking him for taking care of DG*
*panel of Jiwon resting his head on his hand as he looks to the side in thought and DG looking up at him*
Jiwon: "Hmm... I think everything will turn out fine."
DG: "Seriously...?"
*chibi panel of Jiwon clinging onto DG and with furious glare into the vague distance lol*
Jiwon: "Yeah. But if he says something bad to you, I'll kill him"
*panel of Jiwon looking down at DG with panel underneath of DG looking up to Jiwon*
Jiwon: "Either way, give some time to give it some though. No need to rush"
"And thank you for confiding in me all this"
DG: "Huh?"
*panel of jiwon sitting upright on the bed with DG in his arms front view*
Jiwon: *Shy* "I asked for you to confide in me when there is something that worries you or was difficult for you. Thank you for confiding in me..."
*panel of DG's face looking up blushing badump*
*Off panel. Panel of window binds*
DG: "Sunbae!!" *as he grabs him and hugs him tight*
Jiwon: "Hey! that tickles!"
*panel of outside the building complex.*
*panel of Jiwon still up and slightly upright with DG sleeping as he's holding on to him. Jiwon looking up in thought*
*zoomed panel of Jiwon's face in thought*
*panel of feet. Running*
--If Donggyun and I...--
*panel of their past selves when they were young running into each other. both with tears in their face*
--would have met during high school...--
*up and down panel of their tearful faces looking at each other*
*side by side panel of them smiling through the tears at each other. Glowing background*
*zoomed out panel of them comforting each other. Young jiwon holding young DG's hand and carressing his face*
--I wonder if we would have had less wounds than we have now.--
*bright shining background*
20 bucks DG "misunderstood" Sungwoong or some bs like that lmaoo.
I hope we see more of him and not only one small chapter to summarize DG's backstory. I hope he wasn't just thrown in there just to explain the backstory and never seen again. lmao. need some juice. lololol
2019-04-08 09:46 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*panel of view of room overseeing outside*
DG: "Sunbae...now"
*DG facing Jiwon seductively*
"I'll take care of you"
*panel of jiwon's shocked and worried face*
Jiwon: "...what?"
Jiwon thinking: 'What are you going to do?'
(T/N: LOL he thinks he's gonna bottom. feel like that thought crossed his mind hahahaha)
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
Ch 66
*panel of bed creaking*
*panel of him putting his cock in his ass*
"ugh mmm"
*Jiwon looking up* (T/N: LOL the author deadass drew this to make people think he was gonna bottom lmaooo i'm weaaaakkk)
*Panel revealing DG preparing to ride Jiwon*
*DG on top of jiwon dick in ass shivering*
DG: "ah ngh"
*zoom up to DG's face*
"Ngh Ah..." *shudder/face wincing*
*zoom out we see DG's back and jiwon's surprised face as DG's putting jiwon's dick in his ass*
DG: "It's almost all in...ah.."
Jiwon: "......"
Jiwon thinking: *looking up at DG shocked and flushed* 'On his own he wanted to do this...'
*DG's face feeling good*
'Donggyun, even though he looks innocent he can behave like this and do all these types of things'
*side view of them*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, you don't have to do this if it's too difficult for you."
DG: "haa no..."
*zoom onto DG's face*
"Until now, you've done everything,"
*zoom onto front view of DG's dick hard as a rock with his ass dripping on jiwon's dick that's almost all the way in*
"now it's my turn... uh...."
*DG drops down and slams onto that dick and it's all the way in now*
DG: "AH!"
*zoom out we seem him bouncing on that dick up and down riding him to the moon and back*
"Ah! agh! ugh! mmph!!! AH"
*panel of jiwon's face feeling good. flushed and him in a daze*
Jiwon thinking: 'God...this is so good...'
*aerial view of DG riding Jiwon*
*panel of Jiwon's glossy eyes*
Jiwon thinking: 'ah, to see Nam dongyun like this...' *gulp*
*zoom out full view*
Jiwon: *grips onto DG's arms* "Lift up your legs and lie back"
DG: "What?"
*side to side panels of Jiwon's and DG's face respectively*
Jiwon thinking: 'I don't know why, but I want to tease him a bit'
Jiwon: "I can't see well. Properly show me"
*DG embarrassed*
DG: "...ah"
*zoom onto DG's stuffed ass*
*zoom out we see DG lying back, hands resting on jiwon's thighs and him exposing himself full view* *still riding him but lying back as he's riding*
DG: "ahh...." *shiver/shake* "L-like this...?"
*zoom onto DG's flushed and embarrased face*
DG: "S-sunbae, this is very e-...embarrassing..."
*panel of Jiwon's eye looking at DG lustfully*
Jiwon thinking: 'Ah, this looks so fucking erotic.'
Jiwon: "Yeah, now move in that position"
*panel of DG's backside as he begins to move*
DG: "ngh..okay.." "mmph.."
*zoom out we see DG riding him legs spread wide open as he's showing everything. Jiwon is jerking him off as he's laying back watching the view*
DG: "Ah..AGH!" "AH" "Haa" "ugh"
Jiwon thinking: 'Ah, being with donggyun in this position is so hot.' *gazing lustfully. clearly mesmorized at how hot this is*
DG: "ah!" "Sunb...sunbae"
Jiwon: "huh?" *clearly only paying attention with his dick lol*
*zoom onto DG's face that looks like pure ecstasy*
DG: "S-sunbae, does it feel good?" "Haa..It needs to be good for you as well..."
Jiwon: *Eyes wide open. Face flushed* "....."
*panel showing Jiwon now lifting his lower body and thrusting hard into DG while gripping onto DG pulling DG in order for his dick to thrust in deeper*
*Zoom onto Jiwon's mouth* *biting down on his lip*
Jiwon: "W-what..."
*zoom onto DG's face*
DG: *surprised. flushed* *shaking*
"Ugh..Wait," "Sunbae, it's too deep..."
Jiwon: *smirking* "What?"
DG: "no ah!"
*panel showing the inside of DG's ass with the dick reaching deep in there*
Jiwon: "You like it when I go deep"
*zoom onto DG's face as he begins to shudder* *eyes closed head back beginning to shake uncontrollably*
DG: "AGH AH...!" "UGH...NGH!!"
*DG falls forward* *shakes*
DG: "huu mmm" "ah"
*DG's head resting on jiwon's shoulder* *spasms* *DG bites his own lip*
DG: "mmph ngh"
*panel of DG's legs spasming*
*panel of DG's face facing Jiwon's* *Tearing up in esctasy. wincing*
DG: "s-sunbae, i feel strange..." "as if i'm about to die..."
Jiwon: "....." *Shocked* *he carresses DG's back*
Jiwon thinking: 'He's reacting much more than usual'
*Jiwon sits up and pushes into DG*
*he lifts up DG easily no big deal*
DG: "!"
*DG still on top of Jiwon but it's like they're hugging while fucking lol*
DG: "S-sunbae..!" *gasp* "This position is too, too...!"
*Jiwon looking at DG in a lustful daze*
*jiwon shuts him up as he leans forward abruptly with a kiss and grabs DG's head and pulls him in closer to him*
*zoom onto Jiwon thrusting into DG* "Ah...!"
*zoom out we see Jiwon embracing DG. Hugging him while thrusting into him*
Jiwon: "Do you like this alot?"
DG: "Ugh Ah!" "AGH!"
Jiwon directly onto DG's ear: "Tell me, are you enjoying this?" *As jiwon's still thrusting into DG from below hugging him tightly*
DG: "AGH! ugh!"
*DG grabs Jiwon's face* (T/N: Personally I like how Jiwon's face looks. he looks like he's looking at DG shocked yet vunerable and as if DG was his first love. Probably just drawing style/angle lol)
DG: *lovingly* "I-i'm so happy to be able to be with you like this, face to face..."
*Jiwon's surprised eye*
Jiwon: ".....!"
*panel of Jiwon smiling*
Jiwon: "really, you...
*zoom out to jiwon continuing to thrust into DG happy*
"make me like you more and more."
*DG shaking*
"ugh, I'm, I'm comi..." "I'm going to come..."
*Jiwon pulls DG in for a kiss and to make out*
"hmph mmph"
DG: "AH!" *panel of DG spurting*
*panel of DG's ass as Jiwon releases into it and cum dripping from his ass on Jiwon's cock*
*Both of them gasping. huffing and puffing together face to to face. eyes closed*
*after they collect themselves from o-face*
*Them hugging each other*
DG: "Sunbae... did you enjoy yourself...?"
*panel of DG's legs and jiwon's side*
Jiwon: "....We'll do this again next time" (T/N: lol he shy can't say it was hot)
DG: "haha yeah..."
*panel of night view through the window*
*aerial shot from ceiling of them cuddling under the blankets*
*DG sleeping resting his head on Jiwon's shoulder*
*jiwon is awake*
Jiwon: "......"
*Jiwon recalling right before they did it when they first got to the hotel*
*DG saying "sunbae whatever you do I like"*
*Jiwon looking at a sleeping DG*
Jiwon thinking: *looking pensive* 'even so, i still feel uncomfortable'
'there are many things that I still do not know about Nam Donggyun'
*DG's sleeping face looking blissful*
'What kind of person are you?' (T/N: i.e. like what kind of person you are. not in a bad way. just him admitting he knows nothing of DG)
*Jiwon pulls DG in closer and hugs him as he falls asleep*
Jiwon thinking: 'I want to know much more about you.'
uh-oh. cracking down everywhere :O I'll continue these text translations until I am unable to do so.
I kinda want to see what their interaction at school would be like or with chanwoo now that they're together etc. still so much to unwrap and hopefully we'll get the unwrapping. :O
2019-03-04 06:34 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
*panel of skyline of luxury hotel*
*panel of luxury suite*
DG: "Woah~!"
*panel of nice view*
DG: *looking out the window* "Wow~ The nighttime view of the city is amazing."
*plops onto the bed* "Ah~ I'm tired~~"
Jiwon: *placing down the bags* "Take off your coat if you're going to lay down"
DG: "I'll take it off later~"
*Jiwon looking at DG plopped on the bed*
*jiwon looking concerned/pensive*
*Jiwon creaks onto the bed*
*sits up on the bed next to DG*
*jiwon lets out a big sigh*
DG: "....?" "Sunbae, what's wrong?"
*jiwon looks over to DG*
*panel of jiwon's mouth*
Jiwon: "Today wasn't a good day right?"
DG: *surprised. Suddendly gets up* "What?! That's..."
Jiwon: "I wanted to take care of celebrating your birthday even though it has passed"
"I did everything possible to please you completely today"
"...But I have no idea what you like."
DG: *looking up worried* "....."
Jiwon: "That's why I prepared thinking you liked the extravagent and expensive things,"
*recalling his reactions to them*
"But you weren't enjoying them"
*recalling his excitement at the big ass fish prize*
"and you preferred to eat 500 won street sweets"
*Jiwon looking at DG with a soft slightly pained smile*
Jiwon: "There's a lot that I don't know of you Nam Donggyun"
"I'm so pathetic"
"At first the only purpose of this relationship was for your body"
"And after a long time, although I try hard I know nothin-..."
*Jiwon startled*
DG: "Those places we went to seemed surprising and strange, but..."
"I liked all of it! Seriously!"
"Also, more than the dalgona itself..."
*DG recalling how hard jiwon was trying and looked*
"I liked how you tried so hard to get it for me"
*DG hugs jiwon*
*Zoomed shot with DG's face in view*
DG: "Sunbae, whatever you do I like."
*zoomed shot with Jiwon's blushing face in view*
Jiwon: "....!"
*jiwon slowly wraps his arms around DG*
*they embrace and hug each other*
Jiwon: "...Happy belated birthday." *carresses the back of DG's head*
DG: "Haha, thanks..." *Smiles*
*they tightly hug*
DG: *Notices something. Eye widen* "!"
*backs up to find out* "huh?"
*panel of Jiwon's buldge*
DG: "I only hugged you..." *blushes*
Jiwon: *super blush* *covers his buldge* "W-what...! It's only a biological reaction"
"The same thing happened with you when I hugged you, remember?"
*panel of their very first hug*
DG: "Ugh! T-that!" *super blush*
"How embarrassing, I was that happy in that moment"
"Ah!" *lightbulb reaction*
"Sunbae, you're the same as how I was in that moment?"
Jiwon: "!!!!!!!!!" *Reddens* "What...!"
"I don't know damnit!" *covers DG's face* *super embarrassed*
DG: *Takes his hand off* "....."
*DG kisses Jiwon*
DG: "I...Sunbae, what you did for me that day, I too..."
Jiwon: "Eh?"
*scene change*
*DG going to town on that D! lol. beginning to suck him off*
Jiwon: "Nam donggyun..." *red*
"Why so suddendly...?"
*zoomed out Jiwon's POV shot of DG sucking him off*
DG: *Dick in mouth* "I wanted to do this for you..."
"Mmph" *deep throats*
Jiwon: "Ngh!"
*stops him for a sec*
"Get up."
"You're going to do this alone? That's unfair"
DG: "what?"
*panel of suddenness* (T/N: lmao if you read along with the raws you'll know what I mean XD)
*Next panel reveals DG on top 69 position*
Jiwon: "we'll do it in an equal manner"
DG: ".....!"
"Ugh!" *DG flinches*
Jiwon: "Continue how you were doing it before"
*jiwon jerking him off*
DG: "Ah! mmph...AGH!"
*DG continues to take that D down his throat like a champ*
"mph ah..."
*Jiwon stares at DG's ass in a daze*
Jiwon: "....."
DG: *surprised* *suddenly* "!!!! WOAH!"
*next panel reveals Jiwon eating his ass like groceries*
DG: "Ngh! N-not there..!" *shaking*
"agh ah!"
"w-wait no...ah!!"
*zoomed in shot of jiwon's tongue licking DG's asshole*
*panel of DG's face in a daze as he's licking Jiwon's dick*
*panel shows Jiwon lifting his head up and bringing that ass closer to his face gripping his hand on his ass. Practically motorboating that ass 69 style with DG still globbing on his knob*
Jiwon: "Ugh...!" *pulls back. Looks like he's about to come*
DG: "mmphh!" *DG flinches with dick in mouth*
*zoomed in shot of DG cumming from getting his ass eaten and being jerked off*
*zoomed in shot of Jiwon cumming*
*next panel shows that he came all over DG's face*
*next panel shows DG flopped over heavy panting from both of them*
DG: "sunbae?"
Jiwon: "Huh?" *red and hand on his head*
DG: *laying on his side ass wet face drenched in cum* *looking like he can seduce any man*
"Later.. I'll do it for you.." (T/N: he means blowjob. but just DG giving action. at least that's what's implied. Think this is the beginning of DG being more of a power bottom. lol)
Jiwon: "What?"
Pretty short chapter. 69 scene was pretty good.
Wonder what's going to happen next though ._.
Chapter was pretty short and it went by too quickly. Feel like the next chapter was cut from this chapter honestly lol.
2019-02-25 08:55 marked

gonna post it anyway to have it lmao.
BJ Alex Ch 63 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
ch 63
*panel of the highline of the area of the aparment complex*
--A few weeks later--
*panel of their hands holding each other's*
--After sunbae confessed to me, we became lovers--
*panel of them talking on the couch. DG in the pj top and jiwon in the pj bottom*
--that day, sunbae and I talked about our misunderstandings we had--
*solemn look from DG to jiwon as they're talking*
--we should have talked in the beginning. Why didn't we?--
*jiwon staring down deep in thought as he's talking*
--I think it was because sunbae and I were both scared..., scared of get ourselves hurt--
*panel of their mugs on the coffee table*
--and even though I'm still afraid and not sure how this will work out--
--I think I can work hard to make sure that everything will be okay--
*two side by side panels of DG looking up from the pillow he's holding blushing at jiwon and jiwon noticing DG looking at him*
--because when I look at sunbae...--
Jiwon: "!"
*panel of jiwon with his arms crossed and flustered/blushing and DG happy with flowers poofing out as they're on the couch*
--I feel so great...so great that all my fears and worries disappear.--
--This is love.--
*panel of DG recalling when jiwon confessed at the cafe*
--Wah, this still feels like a dream--
--that day when sunbae confessed, sunbae was so sweet...--
*back to the couch*
--and when I asked if he could say it again--
*panel of DG teasing jiwon asking him, jiwon so embarrassed, steaming out of his head from being all red*
--sunbae became all red and turned his face stubbornly...--
*panel of DG tugging on jiwon's loungerobe*
--that's why I in turn said it again--
*panel of DG looking up at jiwon. blushing*
DG: "Sunbae, I love you...!"
DG: "I love you, I love you"
"I really do love you"
"I love you most in this world"
Jiwon: *outright so embarrassed blushing like crazy* "....."
*jiwon pulls DG closer*
*jiwon blushing brings DG in for a kiss*
DG: ".....!"
*panel of fade out*
DG: "Ah, sunbae!" "W-wait...!" "ngh"
--And that's how it went...--
--Sunbae since that day...--
--Was really.... excessive...-- (T/N: excessive in you know what ;D)
*Scene change*
DG: "Ah...ahh"
*zoomed panel of jiwon's finger in DG's mouth and his tongue licking DG's ear*
*zoomed panel of jiwon's dick inside DG*
*zoomed out panel of Jiwon thrusting harder from the side (spoon position) while kissing DG's nape*
DG: "AH!" "AGH!" "UGH!"
*zoomed panel of DG's face all red and in esctasy*
DG: "AH! S-sunbae...!"
*panel of DG turning his head around to kiss Jiwon*
Jiwon: "...What?"
*both of the blushing*
Jiwon: "Do you want me to rub it?"
*jiwon putting his arm around to the front to grab DG's dick and start stroking it*
*DG eyes widen*
DG: "AH!"
"W-wait a second...!" "Ah!" "g-go, I'm g-going to come...!"
*panel showing DG coming and twitching all around. His body is going spastic. Jiwon is still inside him just watching DG orgasm*
*zoomed panel of DG's face, eyes glossed over, still twitching* (T/N: now that's an O-face if I ever saw one. lol)
*zoomed out panel of Jiwon getting up from spoon position and up on top of DG*
Jiwon: "A little bit more..."
DG: "...A-Ah w-wait!" "AH!
Jiwon: "ngh...I think i'm going to come soon too."
*zoomed panel of Jiwon taking off the condom*
Jiwon: "NGH..!"
*panel of cumshot to DG's face.* (T/N: woahohoho.)
DG: "!" "hmm..."
*zoomed out panel of them on the bed, post-climax syndrome where people come to their senses.*
*panel of Jiwon realizing and coming to his senses. blushing* *surprise*
*panel of DG lying on the bed with cum all over his face and chest*
DG: "Ah.. um"
Jiwon: *sweating* "I think I got too excited..."
*zoomed panel of DG's face. Spirit leaving his body lol. cum still on the face*
DG thinking: heh...'If we continue like this, my body probably will not last...!'
*panel of Jiwon giving DG the tissue. Sweatdrop and embarrassed. Subtext: "Here."*
--sunbae is much more caring than before, much more sweet.... but my bottom part is still in trouble for this rough treatment-- (T/N: he's saying he's much more caring but when it comes to sex he's still the wild animal he is. lmao)
Jiwon: "ah, Nam Donggyun, is there a bath here?"
DG: *as he's wiping his face* "Yeah...why?"
Jiwon: *averting his eyes. blushing* "....."
*scene change*
*panel of bath faucet dripping water*
*panel of droplet landing in water*
*zoomed out panel showing Jiwon laying in the bath. DG is in the bath as well maintaining distance and facing the other way out of being embarrassed. He's red up to his shoulders*
Jiwon: "Ah~ Feels nice."
DG: "....."
DG thinking: 'I'm not used to this yet!'
*embarrassed and shivering in a corner lol*
*panel of jiwon hair wet and blushing while still trying to remain cool.* (T/N: that's the type of blushing he does. XD)
Jiwon: "Hey! Are you feeling uncomfortable?"
DG: "I-I'm fine! I'm comfortable with this." *fidgety*
Jiwon: "I hope..."
*panel of jiwon reaching for DG's shoulder*
"that you're comfortable"
*panel of jiwon bringing DG closer so DG is leaning on Jiwon in the bath*
DG: "....!"
*side by side panel of DG looking up at Sunbae and jiwon looking down at DG. They're both red on the cheeks.*
DG: "Sunbae..."
*zoomed out panel of them laying in the bath together*
Jiwon: *embarrassed so brought up a random subject* "umm...next time i'll bring some bath products for a great bath."
DG: "Yeah..."
*Panel of DG's feet and Jiwon's feet around his*
*panel of DG's side profile*
DG: "Sunbae, "
"I still can't believe that I can be with you like this"
*panel of jiwon's face. Cheeks red*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of DG leaning on jiwon happy. Jiwon chilling there too*
DG: "There's a lot of stuff I want to do from now on."
"It's probably because this is my first relationship!"
*panel of jiwon's shocked and red face* *surprise*
Jiwon: "This is your first relationship?"
"How is that possible...? why?!"
*zoomed out panel. aerial shot of them in the bath*
DG: "Well, it's only because I never liked or fallen in love with someone before..."
Jiwon: "Then that time that we went out...that was your first?" (T/N: first date but since their history it's weird context. was it a date was it not? etc)
*flashback panel of them highfiving each other when they went to the arcade together*
DG: "Yeah, that was my first time"
*panel of Jiwon's face. surprised*
Jiwon thinking: 'So he's saying that until now he never went out with someone? Seriously?' (T/N: he's not making fun of him. he's just genuinely surprised)
DG: *smiling* "That's why I would like to celebrate some sort of anniversaries and such too, now that i'm going out with someone. haha"
Jiwon: "Anniversary? Speaking of which, when is your birthday?" (T/N: LOL they didn't even discuss their birthdays. welp better late than never XD)
DG: "The 29th of august"
*panel of jiwon's face utterly shocked. Da da dummm.*
Jiwon thinking: 'It already passed!'
*panel of bathroom wall*
Jiwon: "So...what did you do for your birthday?"
DG: "I just went to school and then worked at the cafe.."
Jiwon: "....."
*clenching his hand on the bathtub ledge*
*panel of Jiwon's backside of his head with DG turning around*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun,"
DG: "?"
Jiwon: "Take off this weekend from work"
*jiwon's face blushing but he's still trying to be cool*
"we'll celebrate your birthday then"
*DG's face blushing and surprised*
*panel of skyline of motel*
DG: "What...?!" "WHAT???!!"
Was too late with this. Should have checked mangago first LOL ☚(゚ヮ゚☚)
I hope there's some more development than just a simple narration of them resolving their problems. Want to see the ups and downs of their relationship. Maybe even jealously from Jiwon while they're in a relationship or how their relationship will be like at university around other people like the student council etc.
2019-02-11 05:16 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ Alex logo *******
Ch 62
*panel of morning sunlight beaming through the window*
*panel of jiwon sleeping on the bed*
*jiwon wakes up and opens his eyes*
Jiwon: "Ah..."
*gets up*
"I'm thirsty..."
*gets off the bed and begins to walk over to get water*
*notices clothes on the floor*
Jiwon: "...!"
*begins to pick up a trail of clothes*
"Why did I undress like this?!"
*puts them in the washing machine*
*drinks water*
Jiwon: "Pwah.." (T/N: sfx of finishing the sip of water.)
*stares out into space*
*Sudden realization. Shudder, eyes widen*
*jiwon dashes back into the room*
*sees DG sleeping in his bed*
Jiwon thinking: *he's surprised and it finally hit him what happened last night* *blushing* '...That's right!!' 'Yesterday I confessed to Donggyun...'
*him slumped over on the wall*
'Why the hell did I do that?!'
*panel of him recalling himself confessing at the cafe*
'I just wanted to bring your umbrella.'
'I shouldn't have done that'
"I really told him" *still in disbelief*
'I don't know what to do now. If I didn't confess I would have been miserable'
'but if Namdonggyun rejected me it would have hurt even more. I don't even want to imagine it.'
*Jiwon walking out of the room trying to wrap his thoughts together*
"Shit...I'm still happy I did it though. I have to get out of here for a second" (T/N: as in just the room. he's going to just unwind his thoughts and get decent. lol)
*moments later*
*Panel of DG sleeping*
*DG slowly opens his eyes and wakes up*
*tosses over. still groggy.*
DG: "mmhm..."
*panel of them doing it ;) DG recalling it*
DG: "Ah... Yesterday..." *blushes*
*DG slowly realizes* (T/N: lol they're both suffering post-passionate-sex syndrome LOL)
DG thinking: 'No freaking way!' *grabs the pillow and hugs it. Restless*
'He confessed to me...'
'I wanted to do it... no matter what.'
*DG recalling kissing him in the cafe*
'so he really loves me..'
'Is this a dream?!'
DG: "Is this reality..."
* gets up from bed swiftly*
*pain from hips hit*
DG: "WOAH~!"
*jiwon drying his hair. Finished showering was in the living room*
Jiwon: "!"
*Jiwon enters the room in a hurry*
Jiwon: What happened?!"
DG thinking: *from the floor next to the bed* 'This pain is real..'
DG: "Hah...well my hips hurt.."
*DG looks at Jiwon*
*Jiwon looks at DG*
*they both advert their eyes in embarrasment*
DG and Jiwon thinking: 'This is awkward'
DG: "haha..G-good moring."
Jiwon: "ahem.."
*jiwon walks over to DG*
Jiwon: "Can you stand?"
DG:" Yeah. I can walk by myself."
"Uh, Sunbae... Where are my clothes?"
Jiwon: "Clothes?"
*Sudden realization that he threw DG's clothes in the wash as well*
*chibi gag form*
Jiwon: "Ah!"
"Your clothes are in the wash"
DG: "Everything?"
Jiwon: "Everything!"
DG: *covering himself* "Soo...what should i wear now?!
*end chibi form*
*Jiwon walks over to his closet*
Jiwon: "Go shower and I'll look for something and leave the clothes by the door"
DG: "Okay."
*They both sneak a glance at each other before DG goes off to shower. Blushing*
*panel of shower door*
*panel of clothes laid out for DG*
DG: "Ah.." *as he's putting on clothes. Panel shows him looking down*
*DG walks out only wearing the top part of the loungewear*
"The pants are too big for me..."
*zoom in onto DG's crotch area slightly exposed underwear*
"Do you have another pair of pants?"
Jiwon: *blushing. Gulp* "....."
"No, that's the smallest one"
DG: "Ah, okay. I'll just wear the top then"
Jiwon: "Mm." (T/N: a sound for okay)
Jiwon: "Do you want some...rice?"
DG: "Uh yeah? Sure."
*moments later*
*panel of empty plates*
DG: "Uwah..that was delicious"
"You're such a good cook!"
Jiwon: "It's just something simple"
*awkward silence*
DG: "So...what's am I going to do about my clothes?"
Jiwon: "it'll be awhile until the clothes dry."
DG: "Sunbae are you busy today?"
Jiwon: "No, I'm on break"
DG: "Then.."
*places his hands on the table and stands up. excited*
"Would it be okay if I stay here with you today?"
"There's a lot of things we didn't talk about for all this time."
"I wan't to talk with you about them!"
*DG brightening up. Excited like a puppy. lol*
Jiwon: "...!" *taken aback. embarrassed* "Eh?!"
*slumps down hiding his face* "...yeah whatever"
DG: "Really?!"
Jiwon thinking: 'he asks if we can just "talk"...' (T/N: just a passby statement. He was just thinking dirty lol)
I work overnights when chapters come out and it was a busy weekend at the hospital so I only got to translating just now.
I will try and translate every friday when it comes out, if not I'll get it out by sunday night (very late at night).
Wonder what they're going to talk about. Maybe finally we get some answers and developments on how their relationship is going to go about. :D
2019-02-04 06:06 marked

Ch 61 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of Jiwon's apartment complex with only his lights on*
*next panel showing them sloppily getting off their shoes in the hyeongwan* (T/N: genkan in japanese, it's the first area of the house where shoes are meant to be taken off before entering)
*panel showing Jiwon licking DG's lips and making out with him, zoomed in shot of their mouths*
*zoom out we see Jiwon wrapping his arms around DG's waist and head pulling him in and making out with him*
*next panel shows jiwon rubbing his leg on DG's crotch (T/N: still clothed XD)*
*they stop making out for a second and stare at each other. Each of them flushed red*
Jiwon: *looking at DG flushed red and sweatdrop* "Nam Donggyun..."
"Are you okay with this? Do you want to do this?"
DG: ".....!" *badump badump*
*puts his arms around Jiwon's neck and slightly collapses his head embarrased and brightening red and getting more flushed face*
"...Is there...a reason not to?" *Flares up in blush* (T/N: lol my english is poor XD)
Jiwon: *looking down at an embarrased DG* "!"
*panel where we see DG's legs being elevated off the floor*
DG: "uwaaah!"
*zooms out we see Jiwon picking up DG, having him in his arms, and walking off to the bedroom as he's lifting DG in his arms*
DG: "Sunbae! I-I can walk myself!"
*fidgeting around*
*jiwon still carrying on*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
CH 61
*DG's lying on the bed with a buttoned down shirt and in his briefs while Jiwon is sitting next to him slowly working his way over him and they're making out*
*jiwon is pulling off his shirt while DG is lying on the bed*
*panel of jiwon finishing off taking off his shirt*
*zoomed in on Jiwon's face staring at DG.* *badump* *blushing*
*panel of DG staring back at him. Blushing* *badump badump*
*Jiwon moves closer and wraps his arm around DG's shoulder and brings him in towards him for another kiss*
*panel then shows DG's shirt being unbuttoned by Jiwon*
*panel shot of DG with his shirt open and in his briefs looking enticing for jiwon ;) *
DG: "ah.." *embarrased*
Jiwon: "....." *staring in complete awe, eyes widen* *badump badump*
*jiwon collapses onto DG's chest and is burning up in blushing. Steam*
Jiwon: "Ugh damnit... *murmurs* I want to do it already" *hugging DG while hiding his face and trying to hold back*
*DG becomes even brighter red and blushes mad hard. Surprised*
*zoomed out and Jiwon is off DG just looking and waiting there on the bed while DG is slowly taking off his briefs and shirt*
DG: "I-I...it's been awhile already since..."
*badump badump*
*him turning his lower half around now completely naked and enticing him by having his hand on his ass and gesturing and posing shyly seductive*
"just do it in a way it doesn't hurt much..."
*badump badump*
*panel showing Jiwon snapping* (T/N: might as well add a nosebleed LOL)
Jiwon: "....."
*next panels show moments later*
*panel of lube*
"hah...ah" "AH!"
*zoomed POV shot of DG's ass being loosened up by Jiwon. Jiwon's pants are now off*
"Ngh. AH MMPH..!!"
*zoomed out we see Jiwon with his arms wrapped around DG, one hand loosening him up and the other holding him close as he licks and sucks on his nipple*
*DG is trembling*
DG: "Ah, sunbae....AH!" "W-wait.." "AH!"
*panel of Jiwon slowly taking his mouth of DG's nipple as he looks at DG's face of estasy*
"Agh, ah"
*Jiwon begins kissing his neck*
*DG surprised and flinching* "Ugh, Ah"*
*zoomed in on the neck we see a mark left there ;)*
Jiwon: *talking into DG's ear as he's still fingering him* "A lot of time has passed, but I loosened you up well so it won't hurt now"
DG: "Ah, y-yeah it's fine..."
*panel showing DG shaking and trembling more*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his fingers*
*Jiwon gently kisses DG on his cheek. DG's face is bright red and in esctasy*
DG: "!!"
*Jiwon on top of DG looking at him and DG still trembling looking back at him glossy eyed*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, honestly, do you want to do it?"
*panel of DG's eyes beginning to whell up. face bright red heavy breathing*
DG: "....."
*panel of DG's hand reaching for Jiwon's dick*
*grabs his dick and brings it towards his ass suggesting he stick it in*
DG: *hand still on his dick bringing it closer inside him* *zoomed out shot we see DG covering his face being shy with his legs spread open* "It's...It's okay, hurry..."
*next panel we see Jiwon bright red biting his lip and can't hold back any longer*
Jiwon: "ugh!"
*jiwon then trusts inside*
DG: *shaking* "AH!!!"
*zoomed in on Jiwon's face gasping, bright red, slightly shaking. Looking at DG *
*panel zoomed in on the action showing jiwon moving and thrusting*
Jiwon: "it's completely....like the first time."
DG: "Ah.. AH!"
*zoomed in on jiwon's head next to DG's as he's thrusting even harder*
DG: "UGH!" *flinching, shaking*
*zoomed out. Jiwon picks up his head, DG wraps his arm around Jiwon's back slightly clawing his back*
DG: "ah... ugh!" *DG tearing up*
Jiwon: "is it too rough?"
DG: "No..no it's not that..."
*DG smiling as he stares into Jiwon's face*
"they're tears of happiness"
*Jiwon's eyes widen and he's surprised, blushing*
*Jiwon carresses DG's face*
Jiwon: "...I see now." *smiles*
*next panel Jiwon begins to lift DG's legs and begins to thrust into him even harder*
DG: "W-wait...!" "If you do ...it like th- UGH!"
*panel of DG's face in pure esctasy. about to climax*
DG: "i-if you thrust like...AGH...!!!" "HNGH UGH!"
*shake* *thrust* shake* thrust*
*jiwon then huddles over DG and thrusts deep into DG's ass*
*shake thrust*
DG: "AH!" "Su-sunbae...!!" "NGH!" *trembling*
Jiwon: "Ugh..."
*panel shows DG came all over his chest* *heavy breathing* *cool down*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his dick. DG's ass dripping with his load*
*panel showing them staring at each other heavy panting*
DG: "Sunbae..." *staring into Jiwon's face reaching up to his face*
*panel of DG interlocking his hand with Jiwon's hand*
DG: "I love you..."
*panel showing Jiwon bending his head down to kiss DG*
DG: "Mmph..!" *taken aback* (T/N: wasn't expecting a kiss)
*panel showing jiwon tightening the grip on their interlocking hands*
*last panel zoomed out aerial type shot overlooking them on the bed Jiwon still on top of DG*
*badump badump*
WOW! it's harder to translate sfx and chapters with no dialogue LOL.
This chapter was obviously a sexy-time chapter XD
Hope I did it justice.
I also hope this story continues past them getting back together. I want to see their life afterwards. Maybe Jiwon struggling because he doesn't know what it's like to be in a relationship or how to properly treat DG. I can see that. Or them discussing what is their relationship now. and what about the stream! lmao.
Oh and side note: BJ alex means broadcasting jockey alex. that's what BJ means in south korea. Not...well...blowjob. just a side note for anyone wondering or confused or still thinks it's blowjob. lol
2019-01-26 05:50 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*panel outside of Jiwon's building. Cloudy looking like it's about to rain*
*panel of phone in hand looking at the weather. Heavy rain expected in Seoul*
*panel of Jiwon at the hyeongwan (T/N: small area where you take off your shoes. The japanese call in Genkan) tying his shoe and noticing an umbrella*
*panel of him recalling DG forcefully giving him the umbrella after DG told him off and to not look for him again*
*panel of Jiwon staring out into space in the umbrella's direction*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of umbrella*
*panel of Jiwon's eyes going into focus*
*panel of him lifting up the umbrella*
********BJ Alex Logo********
Ch 60
*panel of inside the cafe wide shot*
*panel of dishes being washed*
*panel of DG blank stare as he's washing dishes*
--I'm restless--
--I don't know what to do with my feelings for Sunbae--
*panel of when Jiwon yelled at DG after he interrupted the stream*
--The pain he gave me--
--his closed off heart--
*panel of him recalling when Jiwon asked if DG loved him and it's best if he did to look for other people*
--Can I come to love Sunbae again?--
*DG's worried face*
DG thinking: 'I can get hurt all over again...'
Chanwoo: DG two Americanos~
DG: Ah okay.
--What do I do now?--
--What was Sunbae thinking during that night...?--
DG: "Ah!"
Chanwoo: "Hm?"
DG: "The other day when I was sick, why did Sunbae end up coming over?"
"Did you ask him to go for you?"
"If so why..."
Chanwoo: *triggered* *serious face* "Nam donggyun..." (T/N: gasp he didn't call him dong dong/DG. Full name. he's in trouble XD LOL)
*Boiling mad. Triggered lol*
"Why don't you ask the person in question about that matter."
DG: "?!" "What?"
Chanwoo: "It's too embarrasing to say it in person. I don't want to"
*next panel him making a ruckus suddenly lol gag like as well*
"Damnit! From now on don't come to me complaining about love and such. Understand?!"
DG: *wtf* *confused* "W-Why not?!"
DG thinking: 'Why is chanwoo acting like that? What happened that day?'
*a few hours later*
Chanwoo: "Donggyun, I'm heading out first~"
DG: "okay. Get home safe"
*DG alone sweeping up*
DG: "it's still raining"
"I didn't bring an umbrella and there's no umbrella left in the bin"
"I'm going to have to run for it"
*Store bell from someone entering the cafe*
*DG turns around*
DG: "huh?"
*DG's eyes widen. slightly surprised*
DG: "Ah..."
*jiwon opening the door to the cafe preparing to enter*
Jiwon: "Can I come in for a minute?"
DG: "Ah...!" "Yeah..."
Jiwon: "here" *hands him the umbrella from before*
"I came to return the umbrella you lent me"
DG: *recalling that day* "Ah that day..."
Jiwon: "Today it began to rain so I came here to give it to you"
"I'll take my leave now" *turns around*
DG: *with umbrella in hand* *looking confused and worried* "....."
"Sunbae! Wait!"
Jiwon: *surprised*
DG: "I-....wanted to ask you something"
"That day I was sick, how come you came to my house instead of Chanwoo?"
Jiwon: "....!"
*panel of him adverting his eyes. Blushing*
Jiwon: "That..."
Chanwoo: "If you can admit how much you like Donggyun to me, if i can hear it, then i'll let you go to him."
"C'mon. I'm waiting" *sassy like*
Jiwon: *blushing* "....."
*panel of DG smiling*
*panel of Jiwon furrowing his brows and looking down in shame and pain*
Jiwon: "Nam donggyun has..."
*next panel*
"those ugly and big eyebrows,"
*chanwoo taken aback. wtf*
"and he has no idea how to dress, sometimes he looks like an idiot"
(T/N: LOL wtf chill bro lmaooo)
"if he wasn't my fan I wouldn't have even taken a second glance. He looks plain and ordinary"
Chanwoo: "w..t...f?" (T/N: basically. subtext)
Jiwon: "But now...."
*panel of chanwoo waiting in anticipation wondering what he's going to say next*
*Jiwon adverting his gaze to the floor. embarrased*
"Donggyun looks lovely"
"I don't know how it happened or when it started"
"I still want to see him. I wanted to be next to him"
"Because of my actions from before, you as Nam Donggyun's friend will probably hate me, but..."
Chanwoo: "...." *looking sort of at a lost for words just listening to his spiel*
"now my heart is true. Please believe me."
*impactful background for the next bubble ;)*
"I want to be with Nam Donggyun."
***Flashback end***
*panel of Jiwon finishing recalling*
*panel of sound of rain*
Jiwon: "...I was worried about you" (T/N: *flips table. Still stalling I see. -_- lol)
DG: "Yeah...?"
Jiwon: *stoic stare* "....."
DG: "Why..." *looking very confused. Sweatdrop*
Jiwon: "...." *closing his eyes prepping. blush*
*panel of Arthur fist/ Jiwon's clenched fist (T/N: LOL) he's nervous about to go for it*
Jiwon: "...Nam Donggyun" *takes a step closer*
*panel of just jiwon's mouth*
"I have been feeling sorry for a while"
*panel of DG confused and slightly taken aback*
*panel of Jiwon beginning to blush OD. Preparing to spill the beans* (T/N: *eats popcorn ferociously* *suspense*)
*places his hands on his shoulders* (T/N: probably for balance because he about to pass out with what he's about to say. Me too LOL)
*background full of light making it feel like they're the only two people in the world*
Jiwon: "I love you"
(T/N: CHEERS hooray finally! Development lol. don't worry not over just yet. almost but not yet XD)
*panel of DG's eye widening in shock and disbelief*
*rain sounds*
*panel of DG beginning to blush mad hard. confused but looks happy but still at a lost for words*
DG: "....."
*panel of Jiwon blushing still and glossy eyed looking at DG in awe*
*he's leaning in for a kiss*
DG: "!" *slightly startled. Jiwon still going for it*
Jiwon: *as he's leaning in for a kiss* "...If you don't like me you can turn away. You don't have to like me back"
*Panel of DG wrapping his arm around him bringing him closer*
*DG goes in and jumps into his arms and kisses him*
Jiwon: *surprised**shocked**mid kiss* "....!"
*he closes his eyes and starts to kiss him back*
*panel of rain*
*last panel of zoomed out wideshot view from outside the cafe of them embracing each other and kissing*
*explodes* last translation ever from exploding LOL jkjk
Finally!!! Something happened!!!! I hope this momentum continues. I also hope it doesn't end with them just getting together. I wanna see what happens afterwards like how their relationship is going to work out, what about the streams? partner streams? LOL nah.
But seriously, want to see the aftermath. I don't mind this series keeping on going after they get together. Lot to unwrap. from DG being treated like shit I hope DG is just in the moment and realizes that Jiwon needs to do more. Want a lot of unwrapping. They also can't end it with them just getting together and us wondering what's going to happen with the streams. It's called BJ Alex. It's all about the stream LOL
2019-01-19 08:55 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*panel of DG's apartment from the outside*
*chirp chirp*
*morning time and DG lying in bed alone (T/N: damn.. lol) looking like he slept well*
*DG blinking waking up*
DG: "....."
"He already left..."
DG thinking: *touches his head towel* 'The towel is still cold'
'Sunbae must have continued to change it throughout the night...'
*panel of DG looking at the towel solemnly*
*panel of DG stretching and getting up*
DG: “Haa. I slept very good. I feel much more relieved” Subtext: “I’m not even coughing anymore”
*panel of DG recalling Jiwon placing the towel on his head*
*panel of DG staring off into space in his room*
--Truthfully yesterday--
--Was an amazing day--
****BJ ALEX LOGO****
Ch 59
*panel of outside the campus*
*DG sitting on a bench staring up in the clouds*
Jaejin: *places cold can of soda on DG’s cheek* “Donggyun Hyung!”
DG: “Ah?!” *surprised*
Jaejin: “What were you thinking about?” *hands him a drink*
DG: “…uh, nothing in particular…” *takes drink “thanks”*
*Jaejin sits down on bench. They drink their juice/soda/whatever lol*
Jaejin: *ecstatic* “AH!! I almost forgot! Hyung!!!!! I got great news!!!!”
DG: “oh yeah?”
*panel of jaejin presenting with a photo of DG in the background*
Jaejin: “I just recently presented the project you helped me out with hyung”
“The reception from the class was really great!”
DG: *surprised* “S-seriously?”
Jaejin: “Hyung, if you were a model, your casual look would attract and stir up a storm” (T/N: in a good way.)
“My professor also received it positively. I think this time I’m going to get a great grade”
“And it’s all thanks to you. Thank you so much Hyung!”
*grabs his hands and shakes them up and down enthusiastically*
DG: “heh…” *sweatdrop*
Jaejin: “and of course I did a great job as well~!”
“Didn’t I already tell you before? You are attractive and look great, even the people took notice of that”
DG: *embarrassed* “ah, heheh…”
“That’s weird. I think it’s because no one has told me that before that I don’t see myself as really attractive, y’know…”
Jaejin: “Hyung! Have more confidence in yourself.!” *pats his back in a friendship type manner*
DG: “Yeah. Thanks…”
Jaejin: “Ah Hyung! Listen to this..”
“Do you want to do on a blind date?”
DG: *surprised* “…..” “ what?”
*panel of flashback scene with Jaejin and two girls asking him something*
Jaejin: “Honestly, just a little while ago a hoobae asked me to introduce her to you.”
“I told her I would ask you first then later respond to her”
“Hyung, if you aren’t going out with anyone right now, do you want me to introduce her to you? She looks gentle and kind.”
DG: “Ah…”
DG thinking: ‘A hoobae…’
‘uh Does he not know yet that I’m gay…!’
*DG fidgety and panicky chibi form*
DG: “No thank you! I’m okay”
Jaejin: “Oh really? Okay if you say so…”
*concerned look* “Hyung, You look like you’re avoiding love for some odd reason.”
“Isn’t there someone you like?”
DG: “Someone I like…?”
*panel of jiwon. Jiwon popped into DG’s head*
DG: “….!”
Jaejin: *subtext* “there’s someone?”
DG: “There’s no one”
DG: *cute panicky* “Either way, there’s no need to for you to set up blind dates for me” *flailing his arms about*
Jaejin: “huh?! Aw, You don’t trust me hyung?”
DG: *embarrased* “N-no that’s not what I meant~”
(T/N: this convo isn’t in a serious tone. Just friendship banter btw)
*background a group is walking by*
DG: “it’s just that I in a relationship…”
*panel reveals it’s Jiwon walking by as he’s saying this*
*Two panels showing them locking eyes*
DG and Jiwon: “…..!”
DG thinking: ‘Sunbae!’
Jiwon: *to his group of friends* “Hey guys, go on ahead, I’ll catch up”
*panel of DG staring at Jiwon*
*Panel of Jiwon’s legs walking towards DG*
*panel of Jiwon stopping right in front of DG on the bench*
DG: “….!”
DG thinking: *ducks his head down*
‘Wh-what is going on? Did I do something bad yesterday?”
‘I can’t look him in the eyes’
Jiwon: “Are you feeling better now?”
DG: “Ah…!” *mutters* “I’m doing good…”
Jiwon: “…Really?”
*DG nods*
Jaejin thinking: *confused* (T/N: lol he’s still sitting besides DG throughout this XD) ‘Why is this atmosphere so weird?’
Jiwon: “That’s good that you’re feeling better now”
*DG slightly taken aback from what he said*
Jiwon: “I only came to ask you that.”
“…I’m gonna go now”
*Jiwon beginning to turn around*
*panel showing jiwon grilling the heck out of jaejin before he goes off. He still doesn’t like him*
*panel showing Jaejin flinching*
Jaejin: “?!” (T/N: poor jaejin XD he doesn’t know DG is gay nor what the hell is going on LOL)
*jiwon walks off*
Jaejin: “Who was that? Hyung do you know him? Also why did he look at me in that terrifying way?”
“Well anyway he was a handsome guy… uh donggyun hyung?”
*DG with his face in his palms covering his face*
Jaejin: “A-are you okay?”
DG: “…..” *still covering his face*
DG thinking: *panel of Jiwon walking off* ‘…ah. Now I see.’
‘Because of sunbae, it still hurts so much’
*DG lifting up his head*
Jaejin: “ah?”
“Hyung are you okay? Your face is completely red!”
*panel of DG blushing really hard*
DG thinking: ‘But still, I love him’
Damnit. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
This chapter was really short. I need more that just one Jiwon+DG interaction. Lol. Need a whole chapter of them actually talking XD
These weeks are going by too suspensefully. Need the next chapter already XD
2019-01-11 21:23 marked

*scene/emotion description*
(T/N: this Ch is kind of a flashback to thw last 4 chapters just in DG's perspective instead of Jiwon's perspective. It flashes back all the way to the first day of class)
CH 58
--first day of class--
*panels of DG getting dressed*
*panel of DG sighing getting ready to leave*
DG thinking: 'let's get this over with without hesitating'
*Arthur meme fist panel* (T/N: lol)
*scene change to first day of class at campus*
Student Council person: "hey everyone, please wait a moment. The student council has something to say"
*panel of Jiwon standing in the front and staring at the class and to DG especially*
*panel of DG surprised and flinching*
DG thinking: *turning around avoid eye contact * 'ugh...!'
*panel of him awkward*
'Why out of the whole class you had to look at me?'
'so awkward...'
Student Council person: "you guys can go now"
*panel of DG scurrying off in a hurry*
DG thinking: 'ugh, i should leave quickily'
*gets up*
*cell phone on desk highlighted*
*scene change to DG outside a convenience store drinking water*
DG: "Ah... I'm still nervous from that"
"For us to lock eyes right on the first day of classes...."
"Oh wait... My telephone!!" "Where is it??!"
*shocked. Flinch* *DG doing the pat dance when you can't feel something in your pocket*
DG: *running* "Ah...the classroom!!"
*opens door to classroom*
*panel of Jiwon noticing DG*
*panel of DG surprised*
DG: "Ah!"
DG thinking: 'why is sunbae here..?!'
Jiwon: "this phone is your's right?"
"I was waiting so I can give it to you"
DG: "...."
*takes phone then dashes away*
*DG outside the classroom nervous and leaning on the wall. Heavy breathing*
DG thinking: 'uh...he really surprised me'
'Wait a minute. Sunbae was waiting in the classroom?'
'He did that in oroder to give me back my phone?'
*sweatdrop face and confused. Slight blush but mostly confused*
*panel switch to chibi DG*
'No. It's just a coincidence. But I'm glad i got my phone back T_T'
--that day was only the beginning to everything --
*beginning of montage*
*panel of Jiwon staring from the desk behind*
--lately I found myself running into and in vicinity of sunbae a lot. It was strange--
*panel of DG at a desk in the library while Jiwon is behind him pretending to get a book that's so "conveniently" behind DG*
--Every time I noticed, be it in class or at lunch time, I felt his gaze on me.--
*panel of Jiwon looking at DG as he's passing by with his lunch tray in the cafe. Jiwon has that glasses twinkle. Sharp look*
DG: *nervous* (T/N: not looking but feels as if someone is watching him. And he's right lol) "...."
*panel of the scene where Jaejin took the picture with Jiwon in the background*
DG thinking: *as he's looking at the photo* *confused and embarrassed* 'sunbae is definitely in this photo'
*panel of Jiwon in the picture zoomed in on his face*
'Could it be... He's following me?'
*panel change to DG walking with Jaejin and Jiwon watching from a distance. (T/N: panel is in symbollic style. They're like 5 feet apart but in the classic red and black loom background)
--As time went on, sunbae and I found ourselves crossing paths a lot more and that made everything more difficult--
*DG's confused face*
DG thinking: 'why? Shouldn't he hate me? He was really annoyed and mad before'
'It's as if he's hovering over me just to find me somehow'
'But why if we're finished...?'
--what I don't understand is...--
*panel of DG facing forward still but looking back at Jiwon discreetly slightly blushing*
--why am I still thinking about him? Even when I'm firmly and definitively trying to control my feelings for sunbae--
DG thinking: 'Stop over thinking. This is a small campus and it's common to bump into the same people often'
'I think I'm just too overly conscious of him'
*scene change to the present where Jiwon is standing outside DG's door out of breath and DG sick*
DG: "huh..?"
DG thinking: 'sunbae...why...?'
'Why did he come to my house?'
'I don't want to be with you sunbae now...'
'Until recently I was so lonely and sad...'
*DG coughing and collapsing onto Jiwon*
DG thinking: 'i wanted someone to be with me...' (T/N: as in to take care of him while sick)
*couple of panels showing Jiwon prepping food and medicine for DG*
DG thinking: 'sunbae... Why are you now being nice to me?'
*panel of Jiwon placing a cool rag onto DG through the eyes of DG*
'Ah sunbae...'
*panel of DG feverish and laying in bed with the cool rag*
DG: "..."
"Sunbae, honestly, you can go now"
DG thinking: 'whether I'm sick or not doesn't really matter to you anyway'
*DG coughing and turning over in bed*
DG thinking: 'Don't keep on confusing people.'
Jiwon: "move over a bit"
DG: *surprised* "!"
*panel of them spooning. Jiwon big spoon and DG little spoon. Jiwon did this to warm him up ;)*
Jiwon: "Stay still. When you fall asleep I'll leave. The medicine will take effect soon"
DG: *badump badump badump*
*panel of DG's "feverish's" (T/N: *wink*) face. He's blussssshinnnngggggg*
DG thinking: 'Sunbae... Why are you doing this to me...'
'Right now...'
*panel of them spooning side view*
*badump badump badump*
'It's like you love me.'
*panel of DG's face zoomed in. Brows furrowed and nervous*
DG thinking: 'if this keeps up, I will not be able to stay away from him.'
--I feel really dizzy, I'm not sure if it's from the fever or sunbae--
--the only thing I know for sure--
*panel of Jiwon's arm wrapped around DG*
*badump badump badump*
--is that in sunbae's arms it's so warm that I don't feel cold anymore--
*panel of their heads as they lay together*
DG thinking: *smiling as he's laying with Jiwon* 'How did everything turn out like this?'
*white background with narration boxes*
--The heart I promised I would strengthen, closing it off firmly...--
--seemed to melt a little from sunbae's warmth.--
*table flips.* (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
another week to find out what happens afterwards. Does he leave when he falls asleep??? Do they makeup??? The suspense T_T
I hope next week will continue the story. I have a feeling it may be a Chanwoo+MD chapter but I hope not. With the timing, seems like something the author would do lol. I like the pair A LOT but I just need to know what happens with Jiwon and DG. XD
2019-01-06 05:14 marked

*scene/emotion description*
--a few hours earlier--
*scene of Chanwoo handling the register at the cafe*
*door opens*
Chanwoo: "welcome~!"
*Jiwon walks up to the counter*
Chanwoo: "....!"
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun... isn't working today?"
Chanwoo: "what?" (T/N: genuinely does look confused Lololol)
*Chanwoo recalls him running into that cafe in the rain a couple chapters before*
Chanwoo: "....." *becomes annoyed* "ah..." (T/N: it's this mofo)
Chanwoo: "why are you looking for Donggyun? What do you want?"
"Have you no shame? Why are you interested in Donggyun now?"
"After all you did to him?"
"Leave before I get seriously mad"
Jiwon: "...."
"I know very well I don't deserve to even to this"
"I decided not to interfere in his life anymore..."
"But... I'm really worried about Nam Donggyun"
"I came here to give you this"
*places a bag on the counter from the pharmacy*
Chanwoo: "!"
"Medicine? Why does DG need medicine?" (T/N: in the Korean raws chanwoo's nickname for DG is Dongdong but the English version uses DG so I'm going to use DG"
*chanwoo's phone vibrates*
*DG calling*
Chanwoo: "Ah..!"
(T/N: DG's side of the convo we saw in the previous chapter)
Chanwoo to DG over phone: "Hey DG! ah... What? My shift is over at 10pm"
"...why does your voice sound weird?"
"What??? I understand"
"As soon as I finish I'll go to your house. Yeah. Okay~"
Jiwon: "...." (T/N: he doesn't hear DG)
Chanwoo: ".... Nam Donggyun, that guy has a really hard time when he's not healthy"
Jiwon: *flinch* *sweat* "!"
(T/N: they're in the chibi gag form doing this lol)
Chanwoo: "ah... DG's condition is not good"
"And he's alone today because I get out late from here..."
Jiwon: "then I can give him the medicine in your place"
Chanwoo: "What are you saying?!!!"
*slams his hands on the counter*
"But you don't even like Donggyun!!"
Jiwon: *surprised* "that's not true!"
Jiwon thinking: 'ugh!' *nervous*
Jiwon: "N-no wait.. I meant..."
Chanwoo: "Then what? Do you like him or not?"
"If you do, prove it"
*panel of Jiwon with author's signature red black loom background*
Chanwoo: "if you can admit it in front of me, if I can hear you say it,"
"Then I'll let you go to Donggyun."
Jiwon: "....!!"
*panel of Chanwoo looking smug*
Chanwoo: "can you say it?"
"Someone as proud as you, can you even say it?"
*panel of Jiwon flustered sweating yet looking determined*
Chanwoo: "C'mon let's see"
Jiwon: "...." *swallow*
Ch 57
*scene change to Jiwon at DG's door present time*
DG: "S-sunbae, why?"
Jiwon: "I came...in Chanwoo's place" *avoiding eye contact saying this. Slightly flustered*
Jiwon thinking: 'i did something so Damn embarrassing to come here...'
Jiwon: "Are you...okay?"
DG: "..." *cough* "I'm fine. There was no need for you to come here"
*cough cough* *falls*
Jiwon: "!"
"You aren't good at all"
*scene change. DG in bed and Jiwon coming in placing the bags down*
DG: *coughing*
*panel of DG coughing like crazy and Jiwon looking*
Jiwon thinking: 'I'm now here but I don't know what to do.'
'Donggyun already hates me as it is but this situation is very frustrating' (T/N: as in it's frustrating that he thinks DG hates him but he's worried and wants to be near him)
'I think I have to get through this first though'
Jiwon: "Did you eat get?"
DG: "no"
Jiwon: "I bought some porridge as well as medicine"
*panel of the bags*
DG: "I'm fine"
*tummy growls*
Jiwon: "..... Come."
DG: " Okay.." *Head down embarrassed*
*couple of minutes later*
DG: "thank you for the food..."
Jiwon: "okay now take the medicine. Tomorrow go to the hospital so they can check you out"
*hands out the Medicine*
DG: "I-I'll be fine in a day. It's not necessary"
*takes the medicine*
Jiwon: "even in your current condition you aren't going to go?"
DG: "Honestly this isn't a big deal sunbae... You can go now..." *coughing*
Jiwon: *furrows brow in frown*
"I'm not going"
*gets up to scooch closer*
"You have a high fever"
*places his hand on his forehead*
DG: "!"
Jiwon: "You're burning......."
*looks down at DG*
DG: *looking up at him* *gasp* ".....?"
Jiwon: *embarrassed. Quickly jerks his hand off.* "Anyway, you should definitely go to the hospital!!!" (T/N: gag panel)
Jiwon thinking: 'what was I doing?'
Jiwon standing up: "quickly get some rest. If needed I'll bring a cold towel"
DG: "okay..."
DG: *tucking himself in. Shivering* "ugh...cold..."
Jiwon: "Are you really cold?"
DG: *sits up* "going to find something to change into"
Jiwon: "No. You need to rest. I'll find you a shirt and some shorts?" *walking into the bathroom for a cold towel*
DG: "what? Ah..."
Jiwon: "turn off the lights"
*Jiwon sitting on the bed next to a lying down DG placing a cold towel on his head*
DG: "Sunbae, it's okay now, you can go..." *cough*
*DG turning over having a coughing fit*
Jiwon thinking: 'how could i leave just like that?'
*panel of him taking off his jacket*
Jiwon: "move over a bit"
DG: "?"
*panel of Jiwon resting his hand on the bed*
*panel of his arm wrapping around DG*
***beautiful panel of them spooning***
DG: ".....!"
Jiwon: *flushed face* "this way you aren't so cold"
DG: " su-su...s-sunbae...???!! T-this... W-what are you doing...." *shook*
Jiwon: *eyes closed* "stay still. When you fall asleep I'll leave"
"The medicine should take effect soon"
"Go to sleep"
*panel of DG's towel falling off.* *badump*
*panel of DG's flustered face (T/N: not just the fever ;) ) * *badump * *badump * *badump*
DG: "....."
*panel of DG closing his eyes*
*badump badump badump badump*
Aaaahhhh. Will he leave when he falls asleep :O nooooo. Lol. This is the first DG+Jiwon interaction in awhile.
These chapters are getting so suspensefulll.
Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
2018-12-31 05:46 marked

*scene/emotion description*
*scene of the skyline*
*panel of kbbq sizzling*
Jaejin: "Hyung, thank you so much for today!
Please eat as much as you want ^.^"
*scene of them eating kbbq.*
DG: "It's okay. You too worked hard today as well."
*zoom up to DG's mouth*
DG: "Ah, Ah..."
*zoomed out to both and we see DG let out a killer sneeze*
Jaejin: "Hyung, are you okay? Today was much colder than I thought it would be. Sorry. You only had light clothing and I didn't notice that fact"
DG: *cough* "ah, don't worry. Inside here is much better and anyway I'm sure you got the good photo"
Jaejin: *energetic/animated* "I only took pictures! It's thanks to you hyung, this came out awesome. You were a big help! Next time I'll show you how it came out!"
DG: "T-thanks"
Jaejin: "Hyung, you should finish eating quickly and go home and rest. From before, is it true you don't drink alcohol? Makchang, Soju...?"
DG: "haa yeah, it's true. I don't drink alcohol anymore"
*panel of DG shivering*
DG thinking : 'why am I beginning to feel cold?'
CH 56
*scene of next day. DG's apartment skyline*
*phone alarm going off at 8.30 for class at 9*
*scene of a flushed and feverish DG in bed*
DG: "ugh"
*phone alarm still going off as he's having a coughing fit*
DG as he's turning off the alarm: "ugh, my head..."
*sits up from bed*
DG: "I should g...argh" *dizzy*
*scene of blurry vision of his room*
DG: "ah. I feel dizzy. Why? Maybe I overworked too hard yesterday"
"Should I not go to class today?"
"No, they said they're going to announce important information on the midterm"
*gets up off the bed and stands*
DG: "I'm going to go"
*panel of him dressed and leaving his apartment*
*panel of the campus skyline*
*panel of teacher teaching. Blah blah blah*
*panel of jiwon staring off into his thoughts*
Jiwon: "...."
Jiwon thinking: 'Nam Donggyun... What happened? Why are you not here to listen to this class?'
'He never misses class'
*class door opening*
*DG walking in with him covering his face with his cap*
*DG walks to his seat and Jiwon observes*
*panel of DG looking unwell and letting out small coughs through Jiwon's perspective*
*panel of Jiwon*
Jiwon thinking: 'he's late...'
*panel of DG putting his head on the desk*
Jiwon: "...?!"
Professor: "okay and that's the end of class. If you've arrived late please let the TA know to mark your attendance"
*everyone getting up from their seats preparing to leave. DG still has his head down and Jiwon is just looking from the other side of the classroom*
Jiwon: "..."
Jiwon thinking: 'isn't he being... strange?' (T/N: not in an offensive way lol)
*DG coughing with his head still on the desk*
*scene change panel of elevator*
*everyone is waiting for the elevator*
*Jiwon and DG are on opposite corners of the elevator with Jiwon observing DG with his head down (T/N: don't think DG is noticing Jiwon. Just going about his sick day)*
Jiwon: "..."
*split panel of their faces: DG feverish and Jiwon observing him concerned*
Jiwon thinking: 'what's wrong with him...? Is he sick?'
Elevator: "FLOOR 1"
*people are leaving the elevator*
*DG feeling dizzy*
*DG gripping onto the handle bar*
*DG semi collapsing*
*panel of Jiwon's face shocked, concerned, and looking like his spirit left his body. Jaw dropped!*
Jiwon: "...!!!!!"
Standerby: "oh my God! Are you okay?"
DG: *getting up stumbly* " I-I'm okay! I'm just a little sick"
Standerby: "can you walk?"
DG: "Yeah, yeah..."
*DG walks off coughing*
Jiwon: "..."
*looking concerned*
"Nam Donggyun..."
*scene change*
*DG finally home on his bed. Still in his clothes just plopped onto his bed*
DG: "Uhhh..." *coughing*
"In the end I should have stayed home... I didn't think it would get like this..."
"I'll feel better if I sleep a bit..."
*DG closing his eyes ready to sleep*
*DG shivering in his bed*
DG: *cough* "ah. I'm cold"
*DG with his hand on his head*
DG: "This feels like it won't get better. I feel terrible"
*wraps himself in a burrito blanket*
"I should have worn heavier clothing..."
*DG looking at his phone. Coughing*
DG: "Hey Changwoo.... Are you working?" "What time do you finish? At around 10?"
"Can you bring me some medicine please? I don't feel well and I can't leave now..."
"Yeah, yeah... Thank you"
*done with phone call*
DG: *coughing* *turnover* "I only have one person I can contact in these situations..."
*panel of phone with time 10.05 past midday*
*DG flinched*
DG: "!"
*gets up. Shivering.*
DG: "ugh. It's so cold..."
DG out loud: "Coming..."
*walking over to the door*
*grabs handle*
DG: *smile. Feverish* *as he opens the door * "you came..."
*panel now reveals it's Jiwon!*
*Jiwon is sweating. Looked like he ran to DG's apartment*
DG: *surprised* "huh..?"
*panel zoomed out to see DG by the door and Jiwon in front of the door. He has a bag mostly likely medicine*
DG: "......!" "Jiwon...sunbae?"
Jiwin: "......" *looks nervous and concerned*
*flips table over*
(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
gotta wait another week for Jiwon&DG interactiong orz.
I did call someone being sick though huehuehue. (Thought it was gonna be Jiwon though. I was close XD. Author brought Jaejin to get DG sick for this scene LOL)
2018-12-23 05:03 marked

*scene/emotion description*
Jaejin: For my photo project, please be my model hyung
DG: *flustered* ?! What...!?
Jaejin: For my second photo project I need to take photos of people. It'll only take one day for me to take your picture.
DG: *panicky* Y-you're taking photos of me?
Why me?
Jaejin: Well hyung, truthfully you're very photogenic and I really liked the photo I took recently (T/N: in the cafe previous ch)
DG: *shy* Can't you just take photos of your girlfriend or your family? Subtext: if you have a girlfriend
Jaejin: For this project our professor said not to use our family or partner for subjects.
DG: ah...
DG: *shy. Scratching his head. Feeling flusterly uncomfortable.* hmm. I don't know if I'm able to be a good model.
Jaejin: that's not true! I was surprised when I saw your photo hyung (T/N: again referencing the photo taken at the cafe from last chapter). You're expression was really awesome!
*panel of DG feeling embarrassed from receiving compliments*
Sunbae, you're tall, you have good proportions and you have a nice face. You're atractive hyung!
I think I could take a great photo if I can manage to capture your unique personality.
Hyung. At least do you know how charming you are? (T/N: this is innocent. No sus behind this. At least until he realizes how hansome DG is ;D LOL)
DG: ! *blush* gulp *contemplating*
Oh... hm..
Okay I'll do it. *gives in*
Jaejin: Yes!!!!! *cheers. Throws a fist up in a woot manner*
Hyung thank you so much! That day I'm going to photograph you and make you look awesome!
DG: *still nervous and flustered about it* hehe. Okay.
*topic change*
DG: and how are you and your girlfriend doing? (T/N: lol if only Jiwon knew he was already taken XD)
*scene of them just walking off with skinship from Jaejin's part and seems like a great friendship*
Jaejin: Phenomenal! We always break up and get back together but now I miss Eun-young.
DG: heh. Still a romantic I see.
*****BJ ALEX LOGO****
*at school*
*panel of alex all gloomy looking at something*
*next panel shows him looking over to how close DG and Jaejin are at desks couple of rows in front of his*
*next panels show scenes of DG and Jaejin just hanging out in various locations*
*next panel shows it was from Jiwon's perspective observing them from afar*
*jiwon at a table with the studen council observing DG and Jaejin from across the room*
Jiwon thinking: *boils* 'I'm trying to see what's up between the two'
'Who the fuck is that bastard? All I know is that he is some hoobae studying photography.'
' I can't believe they can spend that much time with each other'
'If only I could...' *imagines him kicking Jaejin and telling him to back off in a miniature sprite form* 'no stop thinking about that' *annoyed*
Glasses boy: *from student council* "Hey Jiwon! It's been a while since we drank together"
Jiwon: ... *biting his cup in frustration* *not paying attention*
Glasses boy: hey! I'm talking to you!
Jiwon: ...oh.
*panel is of Jiwon staring off*
Glasses boy: okay so order drinks for 8 more people.
*murmur of crowd*
*next panel shows DG whom he is looking at*
*next panel shows a zoom out of him looking at both DG and Jaejin just laughing*
*next panel shows him imagining himself in Jaejin's place with him and DG laughinf and converasating*
*next panel shows him with furrowed brows prepared to change game plan*
Jiwon thinking: *sweat* 'Damn. This is going by too slowly. I need to know what these two are up to'
*scene change. Photoshoot day. Outsides. Trees about*
Jaejin: *waving DG over to him* "hyung! Did you finish changing yet?"
*panel of bushes rustling* *hand peaking out*
*next panel we see jiwon with a facemask and hood watching discreetly and hiding*
Jiwon: ....
*panel of jiwon recalling how he found out about the location*
*recall start*
*they're both on smoke break*
Jaejin talking on the phone: "Next Wednesday at 12 I'm going to XX park. It's a good place to take photos and I found a model"
*Jiwon is around the corner hiding on the other side of the corner wall listening in*
(T/N: author made it gag like so the panel looks funny)
*jiwon's face overimposed onto the recall thinking*: 'i knew it was going to be like this. He was planning on taking photos of Nam donggyun'
*recall end*
Jiwon thinking: 'i was curious so i followed them all to see what's going on'
*him behind the bushes watching DG arrive*
*panel of Donggyun's hair in the breeze*
Jiwon thinking: 'oh? Nan donggyun'
*panel zooms out and reveals a dolled up DG looking gooooooood*
*looking god like*
DG: "Did you wait long?"
*panel of Jiwon with his eyes wide open and his jaw most likely dropped behind that face mask ;D*
*panel zoomed up to jiwon's face blushing and jaw dropped*
*badump badump badump*
*panel of Jaejin asking DG "are you cold hyung?" and brushing his hair fixing it up and such*
*panel of Jiwon boiling up and getting furious. Gripping the bushes in frustration and onlookers just wondering wtf XD everyone is just keeping to themselves though lol*
Jiwon thinking: *boiling in rage* 'that damn son of a....!!!'
*photo shoot begins*
Jaejin: "Hyung, stay still right there!"
*multiple panels of different shots of DG looking goooooooooooooooood. All stoic shots though.*
*next panel we see Jiwon sitting at a bench a distance away just watching them engrossed in the project*
*panel of Jiwon's observing face*
*panel of DG with a stoic face*
Jaejin: "hyung! Smile a bit please!~"
*DG makes the cutest smile with slight blush but it just looks like happy blush*
*panel of Jiwon taken aback slightly surprised*
Jiwon: ...
*Jiwon looks down kind of defeated*
*panel of jiwon's thoughts over a scene of them reviewing the photos*
jiwon thinking: 'everytime I see him smile I feel a pain in my chest.'
'Since now I can't see him like that in front of me, never again...'
*Jiwon recalling when DG stood up to him and said "are you crazy I can't believe you just asked me that" (think it was ch 51? Forgot. Lol)*
Jiwon thinking: 'I'm an idiot'
Jiwon: "ah. What is it that I'm doing?" *covers face. Facepalm*
Jiwon thinking: 'I rejected him so many times and now I'm following him everywhere'
'I don't know what to do with this. I don't even know what I'm thinking sometimes'
'I don't want him to see me like that again'
*panel of what Jiwon think may happen*
*panel of DG looming over and saying "oh now you love me? >:( "
*panel of jiwon getting up from the bench*
*panel of him looking at DG and imagining him far away where he can't reach*
*panel of DG looking happy and smiling*
Jiwon thinking: *staring off at them looking defeated* 'Donggyun is doing better now without me'
*panel of him putting on his facemask looking the other way*
*panel of Jiwon walking off and away with Jaejin and DG doing their thing in the background*
*panel of Jaejin and DG continuing the photo shoot.*
Jaejin: *small text*Just one more photo and we're done.
DG: Okay sounds good.
(T/N: btw they never realize jiwon was there)
Omgggg jiwon! He's feeling really defeated. If only he knew though they're just friends. Bad stalker can't get the proper info and figure out Jaejin already has a girlfriend. XD LOL. This miscommunication trope throws me for loops. I just want Jiwon and DG interactions. orz
Can't wait till next week. Hopefully we see some there. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
2018-12-16 05:08 marked
can someone pls spoil this for me ┗( T﹏T )┛