Anonymouslyanonymous November 4, 2018 7:06 am

Can't believe they used the spelling Hweemin in the English translation. H-weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-min. Weeeeeeee let's mess with Jiwon


Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 6:33 am


(T/N: IMPORTANT NOTES I use these symbols to quote these things.
-- text-- (narration jiwon's perspective)
"text" (dialogue)
Hope this helps)


Texts jiwon to Huimin (one sided) (T/N: each number is a different text bubble. There are also dates to tell you how long he's been trying to reach him)
Jiwon: 1: Hyung, did you sleep well? What are you doing today?

2: What are you doing???

3: I miss you


20XX 13/9
5: hyung, I can't reach you... Why don't you call me..

6: Are you eating well?

20XX 04/10

7: Hyung where are you
8: Did you cut off your phone?
9: Hyung...

*Jiwon looking worried over Mingwa-ga's signature black and red doom background (lol)*

*scene of huimin's back for a panel as he narrates*
--From a certain moment, he left me behind--

*back to Jiwon looking even more worried over his phone*
Jiwon thinking: Surely....

*begins to put on his coat and prepares to leave and heada out to a club Huimin frequents called "Club Heaven"*

*BAM the scene where Huimin is making out with someone else in the club*

Jiwon: *distraught* !!!!

*they go outside. Scene we previously see they just go more into depth*
*it's snowing*

Jiwon: *shouting* "How could you!"
Jiwon: *crying and pleading*"How...! How can you.... Hyung how..."

"I love you..."

"I...I can't believe it"
"I thought you loved me...?"
"Hyung did you...?"

* Whooooooosh (wind) *suspense**

Huimin: *Ha* *Smirks* *then evil smile* "Hey dumbass! Did you actually believe that?"
*Jiwon looks shocked/dumbfounded/in disbelief. Tears still flowing but shocked and still face*
Huimin: "Are you really that naive?! Bahahaha!"
Jiwon: "W..What..."
Huimin: "bahahaha!"
"What should I do. I thought with me not contacting you, you would take the hint." *says this while shaking his head and smiling at his naivety*
"I miscalculated"
"I approached you to seduce your brother but I thought you would be more fun"
"I did not know that I was going to get you this easy"
Jiwon: *zooms in at his pale shocked face. Looks more shocked* "....!"
*zooms back out to both of them side panel them facing each other*
Huimin: "love?"
"I never loved you, not for a single moment"

Jiwon: *trembling biting his lip in disbelief* "Wha..."

Huimin: *walking away waving his hand* "I am gonna go now. It was fun~~" *left*

*jiwon falls to the ground on his knees. Crying his eyes out*

--and that's the end of my first love, a lie--

*beginning of montage for what happened in between the "breakup" and right up to where he met DG* *first panel trees*
--Since then, my daily life was a mess and I couldn't get away with it--
*second panel him just fucking some random guy*
--I randomly had sex with any guy--
*third panel him fighting with someone*
--there was a lot of fighting because I couldn't control my anger--

*scene change to police station*
*Jiwon sitting in the waiting area with his brother. They're quiet. Ruckus from the other party*

Jihoon(brother): "Yoon Jiwon, if you're gonna be like this you should just go to the military"

*panel zoom to jiwon's scratched up and sad/pained face*

--everything was meaningless--
--I could not believe in it nor love anything anymore.--
*panel of him in the military uniform*
-- I was still so lonely--

*highlighted narration*
-- I wanted to be loved--

*fast forward to when he first discovered about BJs (T/N: broadcast jockeys. Not the other bj )*

*just browsing and mumbling to himself*
Jiwon: "What's this..?"
*panel shows some random BJ*
"Adult broadcasting?"
"Why do people even watch this."

*panel showing comment section praising the BJ*

Jiwon: "...." "I can do better"

--So I found another way like before (T/N: continuting from last narration where he said "I wanted to be loved")--

*panels showing him prepping for his show*
Jiwon to audience: "Hi, I'm BJ Alex"
"Thank you for joining my first broadcast"

--Everybody, love me.--

***BJ Alex Title. Ch 51***

*back to the present WOOHOO*
*panel of umbrella by doorway on the floor*
*panel of many alcohol bottles and full ashtray*
*Jiwon on couch laying down with eyes that look like they've been crying*
*him smoking and staring at the graduation picture of him, his brother, and Huimin*
*panel shows pic then zooms in on Huimin* (T/N: looks like He's just remembering it and finally getting over it)
--It's been years and it's still been bothering me
--If he loved me I wouldn't be in this situation right now.

Jiwon muttering to himself: "Fuck you..." *as he rips up the photo. (T/N: Good riddance to that)*

--I was afraid of being hurt again and I did the same thing to Donghyun--

--I didn't realize my true feelings and I pushed Donggyun and hurt him.--
*panel of him recalling what DG said outside the cafe "when I'm with you I only get hurt"*

Jiwon muttering to himself: *sigh* "What's the use of regretting now"

--Can I love in the future--

-- I'm afraid I'll get hurt again if I give my heart away--

--But, when you think about it...--

*panel of him recalling things*
1st panel: him entering the cafe after running in the rain trying to find DG
2nd panel: him grabbing onto DG saying "don't go" after getting drunk and DG taking care of him
3rd panel: DG and him at the movies. DG smiling and Jiwon yawning
4th panel: Jiwon staring through the cafe window from outside at DG talking to MD
5th panel: him proposing the idea of sex partners at the chinese restaurant to DG
6th panel: him hugging DG when DG requested a hug from him when he found out he was Alex
7th panel: DG asking Jiwon "are you BJ Alex?"

*back to him on the couch chuckling and feeling the nostalgia. Little smile*
Jiwon: Heh.

--From the first time we met, Nam Donggyun was absorbed into my life (T/N: continuation from previous narration)
*narration over panel of them introducing themselves for the first time.*

Jiwon to himself: *facepalm and chuckle* "Ha... Now you realize"

--If I could go back in time, --

*panel of him recalling DG asking "Sunbae, do you love me"*
*panel of Jiwon facing him with sweatdrop*

*panel of Jiwon on the couch in present time beginning to well up/ tear up*

*back to panel recalling except second to last panel is of him blushing instead prepared to say yes*

*back to the couch*
*last panel in beautiful color*
*him with his hand on his head smiling and crying*

Jiwon: "...heh...I love you"

--I can answer--


Finally back to the present!!! Yes!! Mingwa-ga said it would be a turning point in the story now. I think there may be an extra lengthy chapter next week or a 2 episode special next week.

I think Jiwon fucked up. People are saying DG went into this with anterior motives but in reality they both did. DG went to find love and Jiwon went into it because he couldn't get hard with anyone else. But he didn't say this to DG. DG even asked him "what if I say no?" when he proposed the idea and got him sweatin'. He lied saying he could just find someone else and not admit it can only be him.
Plus he did the exact same thing Huimin did to him. Mingwa even wrote it like that. Plus what happens in the past to someone is no excuse to treat someone like crap and hurt them.
Anyways I still want them to get together and I am excited to see what happens next. I also hope we'll see more of what happens on campus or if he goes by the cafe more often. I cannot wait till next week!
I'm also just glad the flashback is over. It was necessary but I need more of the story! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Next week needs to come sooner. (=・ω・=)

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 6:34 am

    P.S. if you want translations for previous chapters click on my profile then topics. All the translations should be there.

    MiranaQueenXD November 3, 2018 6:47 am
    P.S. if you want translations for previous chapters click on my profile then topics. All the translations should be there. Anonymouslyanonymous

    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ thank you very much

    Tanya November 3, 2018 11:13 am

    Excellent work ^^

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 11:26 am
    Excellent work ^^ Tanya

    Thank you ^.^

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 11:26 am
    (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ thank you very much MiranaQueenXD

    No problem ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Anonymous November 3, 2018 11:48 am

    Thank you rof your translation.
    But I dont agree with your way of thinking. We cant compare fuck buddies to actual relationship, when they spent time together beside sex.
    Jiwon was his whole life treated like shit by his family, he had to pretend to be someone else, he was lonely and depressed and then he met someone who manipulated him and lied to him that they loved him. Its on the different level for me.
    Also their "love" is really tragic. DG who fall for Alex and not Jiwon and mainly for his appearance and Jiwon who would fall for ANYONE who would show him live and warmth and take care for him (what is more sad because DG even doesn't know him and fall rather for Alex than Jiwon himself).

    Anonymous November 3, 2018 11:51 am
    Thank you rof your translation. But I dont agree with your way of thinking. We cant compare fuck buddies to actual relationship, when they spent time together beside sex. Jiwon was his whole life treated like s... @Anonymous

    And also Jiwon was just kid back then who was more guilible,innocent and weaker mentaly and DG who is an adult guy.

    Køkø November 3, 2018 12:33 pm

    Omfg Thank you so much!!!

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 1:13 pm
    And also Jiwon was just kid back then who was more guilible,innocent and weaker mentaly and DG who is an adult guy. @Anonymous

    Thank you.
    Good points but it's like someone who says "I want to be sex buddies" but then gets pissed and want you to be their only sex buddy, want you to give everything to them only, and does stuff that makes it seem like they want something more. Plus jiwon pretty much manipulated DG as well. There are so many references where he thought DG would just be a pushover and he can do whatever he wants.
    Even Mingwa wrote it so Jiwon would do the same thing as his ex. Plus all the shit he did to DG was pretty bad. Especially some sex scenes where he was basically destroying DG's asshole just because he was pissed. Even his ex didn't do that lol.
    Also I think DG likes both alex and Jiwon. It's possible to like both. DG had a lot of fun with Jiwon and even after all he did DG still loved him. That isn't alex's character to act cruel. That was jiwon's.
    Plus i think Jiwon actually likes DG for DG. He finally gotten over wack ass Hui min and was wondering why he let him affect his life so much. Plus he doesn't get satisfaction anymore from BJ-ing. Only DG can "fill the emptiness". He just wants DG to love him.
    I do feel like Mingwa is trying to express this but it didn't come across to readers as well.
    But it's the beginning of a turning point and I'm excited to see what happens next

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 1:14 pm
    Omfg Thank you so much!!! Køkø

    You're welcome

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 3, 2018 1:17 pm
    Thank you.Good points but it's like someone who says "I want to be sex buddies" but then gets pissed and want you to be their only sex buddy, want you to give everything to them only, and does stuff that makes ... Anonymouslyanonymous

    Oh also DG grew up being gullible and a pushover. If you remember in the beginning where the freshman made him leader easily. Plus they're still in college. They're pretty much still young and reckless and still angsty teenagers in the end in my opinion.

    Anonymous November 3, 2018 3:25 pm

    Thank you it’s crystal clear now

    Anonymous November 3, 2018 7:06 pm
    Oh also DG grew up being gullible and a pushover. If you remember in the beginning where the freshman made him leader easily. Plus they're still in college. They're pretty much still young and reckless and stil... Anonymouslyanonymous

    I dont know man. They are older than me and I act a lot more mature irl tbh.

    naru November 4, 2018 4:34 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Taro

    Taro sweetie waaaat!! That's hilarious this whole time you were thinking blow job alex?

    Anonymouslyanonymous November 4, 2018 5:14 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Taro

    LOL yeah. Broadcast Jockey Alex.

    I can see how you though the other BJ. Difference in languages sure are funny. XD

Anonymouslyanonymous October 27, 2018 8:06 am




Huimin: *enters jiwon's room*"Jiwon, What's up?!"

Jiwon: "Oh! Hello there Huimin-hyung. "(Caught off guard. Got a blush going on)

Huimin: *goes and plops himself on the bed and sits*"Studying? You were studying this whole time?"
"I'm going to go hangout and have fun with my friends and your brother"

Jiwon:"H-hyung you always come over and play/hangout with my brother, why...?"
"You come over to our house every week."

Huimin: Of course! I play with your brother all the time!"

"If you hangout with your brother there's a lot of connections to be made.
There is no place he can't go. Hohohoho!"
(T/N: He's just messing around. He's also showing the korean money gesture which is pinching your thumb and index finger together and the other 3 fingers are up. No malice here....yet lolol )

Jiwon:" I see. "(He's blushing too)

*Huimin gives a loom over look/make his move type of look*

*gets up from his seat and begins to walk over to where jiwon is sitting on his deskchair*

"Compared to your brother you're perfect. How unlucky. (For him)
Are you not? ;)"
"Do not tell your brother~"

*really close to Jiwon with his hand on his shoulder as he's saying this but he just seems overfriendly (for now) also into skinship*

Jiwon: ....!
*Jiwon begins to crack a smile*
"...That's right. "*cheesing mad hard and chuckling*


Narration (in Jiwon's perspective:)
*shows scene of Huimin showing lots of affectionate skinship to Jiwon*

He was a peculiar person (T/N: ah that's the word I was looking for to describe huimin's personality in the beginning lol)

His actions were sometimes embarrassing.

*zooms in to jiwon's face that shows an expression of someone who has a crush but doesn't understand he does. Blushing. Damn. His parents messed him up. He doesn't even know what love is*

It felt weird. (T/N: as in he doesn't like it because it confuses him (which in turn means he does like it doesn't know it though lol))

*Scene change. Both back in his room on a different day*
*huimin sitting on jiwon's desk while jiwon is working there*
Huimin:"Jiwon, do you have a girlfriend?"

Jiwon:"...! Oh...well..." *sweatdrop*
Jiwon thinking: Well we just broke up...

Huimin: "yes?"
*hops off the desk*
*sits on his lap*
"Did you do it? ( ° ʖ °)"

Jiwon: *embarrassed/panicky* Hy-hyung hold up. Why are you doing this? *adverting his eyes*
D-don't do this. We're both men!

Huimin: *exhales/chuckles*
"What about you? From the beginning as a man," *zooms to jiwon's boner poking at Huimin's crotch* "you felt good, I'm surprised and shocked."

"N-no. I d-do not like men. Damn." *embarrassed**tries to hide his face*

*Huimin is still straddling him but looking down and seems to find this amusing*
*gets off*
Huimin: "So let's do this"
"I know your heart wants to.
Do you want to go out?"

Jiwon: !

Huimin: "Follow me~!" *grabs jiwon's hand and takes him along with him*

Jiwon: "Wait a minute...!"

*Huimin shown smiling back to jiwon as he's leading Jiwon. Jiwon is half blushing as he's being dragged by Huimin's whims. Portrayed as a nice moment via jiwon's perspective*

*scene change to somewhere hidden in the back of the house behind garden/trees*

Huimin: *has his arms hugging jiwon. Up hug (lol when your arms are wrapped around someone's neck in an affectionate way. LOL T/N: trying my best to describe the scenes XD)
"If you do not like it you can stop me anytime"
*huimin kisses him. Jiwon blushing/tryinf to resist but didn't.*

Narration begins at this scene
*Jiwon shown making out with Huimin*
I could not stop it.

I loved hyung so madly that i did not have any other romance.

*Jiwon now tightly embracing (not sex. Just hug. Still innocent so far lol) Huimin*

I could not keep up with the love i felt at first

Hyung was the only backbone of my uneasy world.
(T/N: basically he's saying that he loved huimin so much it was maddening. He can't keep up with the love he feels because it's so strong since he is the only good thing in his world.)

--Scene change to jiwon's house with jiwon and parents--

TV: "The morning of the college entrance exams (huge in Korea. Transportation basically only works for students to get to the testing site) will be bright. After the morning it'll drop to freezing temperatures and snow is expected. Please be cafeful to not catch a cold as the temperture drops throughout the day."

Jiwon: "I'm going on my way now."

Mom: "Ok."

Jiwon thinking: You look like you don't even care... *pained face*

*parents begin talking ish thinking Jiwon left but you already know my boi is eavesdropping in partial cover. Lol*

Dad: *sigh* "Even if he's not capable, he should get into SKY (top colleges of Korea). If not then what use is of he?"

Mom: "We can't even expect anything from him. Compared to Jihoon..."

Dad: "You're right.
I wonder why he came out nothing like him" (T/N: He's saying why was he born basically)

Jiwon now in class overthinking. He's thinking about how his parents always compared him to his brother
"Jiwon, take a look at your brother"
"Jihoon won again this time"
"Jiwon what are you doing?"

Swarm of bad thoughts. Scene of bad thoughts surrounding Jiwon while he's taking the test.

Jiwon: .... *sweating/anxious*

*scene change to outside then to jiwon's house as he's showing his report card to his parents*
Under these conditions this test was ruined.

Parents look ashamed. Mom has her face in her hand. Big facepalm from her (T/N: wack ass bitch. Lol)
Dad:"Jiwon, we do not expect anything from you."
"I'll buy you a house and send a housekeeper. I do not want to see you."


*switch scene to jiwon outside in the cold trying to dial Huimin*

Jiwon thinking: I can't reach him.
Where are you?... I want to see you...
Please stay by me...

*scene switch to graduatio ceremony*
*older brother and huimin are there*
*older brother got flowers and huimin got a camera*
Jihoon: *waves hand* Jiwon! Over here!

Jiwon: *turns back* *surprised**under his breath* "ah Huimin-hyung"

*brother and huimin walk over*

Jiwon: " What are you doing here Jihoon?"
Jihoon: "what are you talking about? I came alone with him. Our parents are busy. Don't worry so much"


Huimin: Guys! Let's take a picture! Only thing left is to take a pic!~

Huimin to stranger: "Hello! Can you take our picture?"

Stranger: Sure! Okay ready!


Jiwon to Huimin: *trailing behind jihoon* Hyung.. I was trying to contact you for a while.

Huimin: "oh sorry! I have veen so busy i haven't had time to contact you~."
"How badly did you want to see me. Hohohoho"

Jiwon: ... *flustered/frustrated*

Huimin: "I'm going to give you a graduation present today"

Jiwon: Gift...?

--scene change--
*the infamous sex scene between them*
*just showed 2 panels of highlights of Jiwon just embracing Huimin.*

As soon as I became an adult, I had sex with hyung without knowing what would come of it the following days.

-scene change to them just chilling naked on the floor with pillows smoking. (T/N: Think huimin got him into smoking. Tsk tsk)--

*Huimin looks and points out his birthmark*
Huimin: "Did you have this mark when you were young?" *runs his hand along the mark*

Jiwon: "Yeah... Does it look weird...?

Huimin: "What's wrong with it? It doesn't look weird." *hand caresses mark*

Jiwon: *blushes*
*He leans in for another round (we don't see the other round*

He was the only one left by my side.

-scene switch-
-then scene of Jiwon holding his phone intensely at huimin's contact info-

Jiwon thinking: Why aren't you contacting me? I haven't seen you in a long time.

No matter how busy you are, you never contact me.

What the hell are you doing?

*ends with Jiwon staring into his phone worried and anxious.*

I hope huimin doesn't end up with the brother. I have a feeling that's what's going to happen. Can't wait till we get back to DG+Jiwon. Backstories are always the hardest to translate. So...much....talking orz. Lol.

I can translate the chapters also in Spanish, Italian and Catalan if anyone needs them. Translate into English by default since most people here speak English. Will only translate for the other languages if enough people want it.

Feel free to ask me any questions :)

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 27, 2018 8:11 am

    I work overnights so for people who are wondering what time I'll be posting translations it would be around 0:00-2:00 EST the midnight right after the korean release. It's released every Friday at 9:00 EST but i may be sleeping by then ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ so about 12 to 14 hours later XD lol

    mandate October 27, 2018 9:51 am

    Jiwon's parents are abusive a-holes, his brother is an oblivious idiot who is good at everything except being a brother and that ex is the shit icing on Jiwon's nearest and dearest cake. It's amazing he isn't more f*&ked up.

    mandate October 27, 2018 9:51 am

    Thanks for the translation x

    Artlover209 October 27, 2018 10:08 am

    Thanks for all the trouble. You are a true gem.

    ding dong October 27, 2018 3:29 pm

    thank you!~

    Lucy In The Sky October 27, 2018 3:43 pm

    Thanks a bunch for the translation! Of course Jiwon's parents are assholes. It's always the parents.

    Lucy In The Sky October 27, 2018 3:43 pm
    Jiwon's parents are abusive a-holes, his brother is an oblivious idiot who is good at everything except being a brother and that ex is the shit icing on Jiwon's nearest and dearest cake. It's amazing he isn't m... mandate

    Ikr? Poor thing.

    Artlover209 October 27, 2018 8:36 pm

    I'm in the same boat as Jiwon regarding parents. They give my brothers and sister-in-law all this love and accolades while I get the boot. I even had people like that past love of his. So I understood his position even though I never treated people as bad as he did with DG. Still, he's slowly learning that not all are created equal. It's better to learn than not at all.

Anonymouslyanonymous October 26, 2018 6:28 pm

Going to post a translation soon!

Anonymouslyanonymous October 20, 2018 7:07 am

T/N: this is basically jiwon's backstory and flashback to him as a child and growing up with strict and indifferent parents and how it led up to him and his ex.

Narration: (through jiwon's perspective)
-I wonder why love is so scary-
-Where did it go wrong? (As in when did his fear of love start)-

Jiwon as a child at a piano recital playing
He takes a bow everyone is clapping but his parents who just look indifferent

Jiwon: "...!" Troubled by this fact and Also nervous from performing.

Piano Teacher: "Your recital was received well. You did well!"

Jiwon: "Thank you sir."

Teacher: *notices jihoon(brother)* *walks over to him and the parents* "JI HOON WAS THE BEST!"

Jiwon: "...!"

Teacher: "This time you even got 1st place! No one can beat you!" As he praises jihoon in front of their parents.
(T/N: he was giving jiwon a pity pat when he congrajulated him but was in awe when congratulating jihoon)

Jihoon: It's all thanks to you teacher.

Jiwon: *tries to interject to the parents* ""

*parents loom over Jiwon bothered* (T/N: they already look like they play some massive favoritism)

Mom:"Jiwon, You made two mistakes during your performance."
"With kind that talent you will never take 1st place."
"Looks like you'll need more lessons."

Jiwon: "yeah..." *looking embarrassed and ashamed*

*they walk off leaving Jiwon to trail behind them*

Jiwon thinking:I worked hard though... *looking frustrated and sad*

*he chucks his congratulatory bouquet to the ground in frustration*

Narration:(through jiwon's perspective) --To be recognized by your elite parents...
Only 1st place was acceptable.--

*scene switch to his brother holding a trophy being praised and shown affection*
-- whatever it was, my talented brother was loved... --
*Jiwon shown looking at a congrajulatory certificate and then ripping it up*
--...i was not--

*montage of scenes of Jiwon working hard in various things, studying, working out, piano etc*

--I wanted to do better than my brother somehow...-- was impossible--
*scene switch to Jiwon out of breath and on the ground trailing behind his brother who is crossing the finish line*

*zooms in to Jiwon just staring into the distance in the direction of where his brother was. Has Arthur meme fist*
--I had to find another way--

*scene switch to outdoors at a school. Jiwon and team playing soccer*
*"classmates cheering"*

*jiwon has the ball, he's running to the goal, he shoots and GOAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!*

Team: Woot! Go Jiwon! Yay! *crowds him and semi dogpiles* "Well done!!"

*other classmates cheering from the bleachers* *Jiwon Looks back to the bleachers taken aback a bit.* "...!"

*Jiwon smiles as he's shown affection and pats* (T/N: Damn. Feels)

Some random classmate: oh this is your first school ever? Awesome!

*continues montage of him doing pullups now*
PE teacher: stop! Awesome! Number 1!

*continues montage to dean speaking in his office*
Dean: you're doing great!

(T/N:so basically this is a whole montage of him getting praised at school. Think he was homeschooled or something before or too young)

*scene where jiwon is being crowded and surrounded by people and being all popular*
--I thought it would be natural for my parents to recognize me if i was being recognized elsewhere

But it Wasn't me you were smiling to or dealing with.

But it was good to feel interested in somewhat.--

*switch scene to mom and some other boogiee elite drinking tea and chatting*
Random elite 1: oh my! jihoon won the science competition. How great for you!
I wish I had two handsome and smart boys!

Mom: *sigh* "do not say that. The second one is not a spirit" (T/N: i mean you all get it basically mom is saying jiwon ain't shit...bitch)

Elite 1: Why? He is also doing extremely well at school.

Mom: "Student chairman. That's a position anyone can get.
When i was that age I was doing well internationally. The people in my family were wonderful.
I cannot speak of him anymore because I am so embarrassed of his achievements.
Unlike jihoon, his achievements are blunt and spontaneous. Not consistent.
Also his appearance. Have you seen a family member with curly hair before??
I don't even know who he looks like or takes after"

Elite 1: *nervous* haha... he's still young but 2 years younger.

Mom:"Jihoon was much different that him when younger.
I want jiwon to at least partially be like jihoon."

*it is revealed that Jiwon was eavesdropping (hidden partial cover) the whole time in secret to this conversation*

*new day*
*Jiwon straightened his hair*
Jihoon (brother) notices Jiwon

Jihoon: Oh! Jiwon! What's up with the hair?

Jiwon: huh?

Jihoon: C'mon~ are you okay? Cheer up!
*ruffles his hair*

Mom comes in: "jihoon. Are you going out?"

Jihoon: "Yeah! going to the library."

Mom:"....!" "Jiwon. Your hair.."
"You look like your brother now"

Jihoon: "I know right! :D" (T/N: his statement is innocent lol)

Jiwon: "...!"

*jiwon finally smiles after finally being noticed by his mom*

--i have not been able to be recognized until i put on a new mask.
I was approved with it on.
At first it felt good, like floating on warm water... *scene of him floating on warm water. Lol. Also has his hand on his heart. Peaceful scene*


*scene where his heart begins to darken. represents emptiness. Void.*

It was just emptiness. A void.

*scene transitions to him sinking into dark water and black fog from his heart. His mask is also falling off at the same time revealing a sad and empty expression.*

Is there anyone who can love ME?

*scene change to the scene we all know of now. Lol. When he comes home from school and sees his older brother and his friend aka the douche ex. Lol*

Jiwon: I'm home--....?

Jihoon: *getting ready* "oh hey! I'm going out now"
Jihoon: Ah! Say hello. This is my friend Hui min (Hwimin. Here's the hangul: 휘민이)
*BAM FACE REVEAL! He's giving a soft smirk. Now we know he's important. More so than Jiwon's brother. He's faceless XD*

Jiwon: Oh, hello. *looking in awe. (T/N: Damn love at first sight.)

--On that day is when my first love began.-- *on black screen*



Sorry guys for the poor translation. This was a lengthy chapter and more difficult to translate. I tried my best. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

And thank you for your patience. I work overnights and was sleeping when the new chapter came out XD

Jiwon's parents are mad strict and wack. I understand where Jiwon is coming from but still not an excuse to treat others badly. How he was treated from his ex he's doing to DG. DG may never love again! LOL
Also the next chapter is obviously going to be about him and his ex so we may not see DG for a bit. Maybe just jiwon thinking about DG.
Can't wait for the next chapters!

    yo October 20, 2018 9:02 am


    Tythy October 20, 2018 9:44 am

    ma hart ma sole ... thank you buddy for your work! but damn, that mom what a fucking bitch I'm shook (⊙…⊙ )

    Chrystclean October 20, 2018 10:48 am

    HuiMin= HE MEAN! Thanks for the translation (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ NOW I KNOW THE DEMON'S NAME NOW TO EXORCISE THE CUNT < ( ̄へ ̄):::::::::....+

    Artlover209 October 20, 2018 11:07 am

    Thank you for all the trouble. :)

    Cake Overlordess October 20, 2018 8:50 pm

    Thank you for the awesome translation but in the end, we know DG and Jiwon will end up together, a lot of hurdles to overcome though... btw Jiwon looks way better with curly hair imo haha

    yaoi_hime October 20, 2018 8:59 pm

    Thank u so much

    Can u translate chapter 48??

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 20, 2018 9:32 pm
    Thank u so much Can u translate chapter 48?? yaoi_hime

    No probs :) and i did a translation on chapter 48 last week so they're earlier in the comments. (=・ω・=)

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 20, 2018 9:34 pm
    Thank you for the awesome translation but in the end, we know DG and Jiwon will end up together, a lot of hurdles to overcome though... btw Jiwon looks way better with curly hair imo haha Cake Overlordess

    Thanks! (^_^)

    And oh yeah most definitely they're getting together. It's just a matter of when XD
    And agree. Definitely rocks the curly hair better!

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 20, 2018 9:35 pm
    Thank you for all the trouble. :) Artlover209

    No probs :D

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 20, 2018 9:36 pm

    Haha aww shucks thanks guys! :D
    I know everyone is antsy to find out what happens XD

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 20, 2018 9:41 pm

    If you guys go to my profile and click on topic you'll see the translation I did for ch 48. ^.^

    Cake Overlordess October 20, 2018 9:44 pm
    Thanks! (^_^)And oh yeah most definitely they're getting together. It's just a matter of when XDAnd agree. Definitely rocks the curly hair better! Anonymouslyanonymous

    You're welcome.

    yaoi_hime October 20, 2018 11:25 pm
    No probs :) and i did a translation on chapter 48 last week so they're earlier in the comments. (=・ω・=) Anonymouslyanonymous

    OH REALLY!? That’s great! I’ll try to find it then

Anonymouslyanonymous October 13, 2018 12:49 am





*ring ring* waiting for DG to pick up

*voicemail service etc*

Shit... Can't reach him

Jiwon thinking: where is DG right now?

He then has a sudden realization on his whereabouts and begins to run forest run in the heavy rain.

-Cut scene to the cafe DG works at.-

Chanwoo and the manager are at the counter (no customers cause it's raining)

Chanwoo as he's drinking hot coco: Ah! It's good. In a rainy day like today it's best to drink something warm (he's straight up just chilling. Lol)

Chanwoo: If I did not work, it would be perfect

Manager: "stop shitting around" (basically the gist of it lol)

Chanwoo: there aren't any customers because of the rain, can't we just chill?

Manager: there aren't customers but there's still work to do!

-BAM Jiwon comes in looking desperate and frantic and also in wet gym clothes from the rain-

Chanwoo and manager are taken aback a bit "!!!"
Manager: "Oh welcome"
Chanwoo: "May i take your order?"
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, is he here?"
Manager and Chanwoo: "Donggyun?"

Chanwoo thinking/his thoughts: "this guy, i know him from somewhere."
"He ran without an umbrella in such a rainy day, what does he want from DG?"

Chanwoo flashback to the time DG was balling over Jiwon when he went out with him and his manager and he thinks "don't tell me..."

"!" He realizes who he is

Chanwoo to Jiwon: What's your problem?
Jiwon: Nani??

Chanwoo: "DG didn't dump yo ass?"

Jiwon: "excuse me...? :O"

At this moment DG appeared from the back and it's revealed he was doing some errands in the back. He pops out the door

DG: "manager~ I finished, I placed the order..."

DG and Jiwon notice each other "....!"

Chanwoo: "tch! DG what timing -_-"

DG now walking from behind thr counter to Jiwon : "sunbae...?"
Jiwon: " you didn't answer your phone so i came here. I need to talk with you."
DG: I'm working BIATCCHHH (T/N: LOL jkjk. He just says "I'm working still")
Jiwon: "okay. I'll wait for you outside until you're finished" (T/N: did he just forget it was pouring and he got no umbrella??lmao)

DG shocked he said that

Manager butts in to try and work things out : "DG, why don't you sit down and talk for a moment?"
"Sit down. Do you want something to drink?"
DG: No thanks. I'll just go out and talk with him manager. I won't take long. I'll be taking an umbrella with us"
Manager: "Okie dokes"

-they leave store. Cut scene to Chanwoo and manager-

"I should throw salt and spit on his face! Would of been just!"
Manager: "Didn't you see him before?"
Chanwoo: "before?"
Manager: "He looked desperate" (T/N: i don't think she meant it in a bad connotation. Out of pity more. Lost in translation twice over lol)

-cut scene to outside where DG and Jiwon are-

DG: "why are you here? Do you have anything else to say to me?"
Jiwon: "Well..."
Jiwon thinking: I can't say it when I see your face
Jiwon: "Ah... So what are you up to these days?" (T/N: *facepalm*)
DG: "You came to me to ask me that?" "We aren't anything now"
"It's not about you/ you do not care"
Jiwon: "yes it is.." (T/N: best i can do. Think He's saying something along the lines of "yes i do" or "yes that's true, but..")
*scene highlighting his right in the feels moment*
Jiwon thinking: what the hell? What should i do to get a hold of Donggyun..?
What am I supposed to say...?!!
Jiwon: "S-so you already know..."
"You, you have sex with me again?" (T/N: bigger facepalm. Just spit out what you really feel! )
Jiwon thinking: what am i saying??? (T/N: the question we're all wondering)
Jiwon saying: "It's a shame to end it just like that. You'll be alone"
Jiwon thinking: i don't want to say this. this isn't what i want to say!
Jiwon saying: "okay, so if it isn't you.."
Thinking: it doesn't have to be you?

DG:...sunbae. You're insane.
DG: "is that what you wanted to say to me?"

Jiwon looking mad shook.

DG: "well then you love me?"

Jiwon: "what...?"

DG: "i asked do you love me?"

Jiwon doesn't respond. He's shook and thinking: do him? (T/N: think he finally understands. -_-)

DG: "that day we had sex I realized, I can't have sex with someone I don't love and it's the same with people who don't love me"
"It's only me suffering by your side"

Jiwon wincing and looming and finally looking like he has the i fucked up face.

DG: "i need to go before the rain starts getting heavier. Here take the umbrella"
"Don't ever contact or come see me again"
Jiwon: "WAI-"

Distraught look from Jiwon

*throws umbrella on ground out of frustration* (T/N: what did the umbrella do to you?? Poor umbrella)
*falls to a squat*
Jiwon thinking: this is not it... It's not... It's not...

Sorry for the bad job. Translated from korean to spanish to English. Some things may have been lost in the double translation.
Looks like jiwon finally realized his feelings. I have a prediction he may get sick from the rain and miss another broadcast and MD let's DG know or something and DG feels compelled to take care of him but not let him push him over just yet. Maybe just throw a rag on his forehead and dip. LOL.

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 13, 2018 12:50 am

    Omg my page just refreshed and i saw the translation from Tanya. Sorry i didn't see a translation at first. You guys should check out her's. It's probably better than my pitiful job XD

    Tanya October 13, 2018 1:00 am
    Omg my page just refreshed and i saw the translation from Tanya. Sorry i didn't see a translation at first. You guys should check out her's. It's probably better than my pitiful job XD Anonymouslyanonymous

    Haha no buddy your translation is really good, it's actually better than mine
    I love the language of this and the vocabulary! (I'm not that good at english)
    Maybe you could translate the next raw next week?
    Coz I won't be able to do it

    Again you are amazing!

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 13, 2018 1:09 am
    Haha no buddy your translation is really good, it's actually better than mine! I love the language of this and the vocabulary! (I'm not that good at english) Maybe you could translate the next raw next week? Co... Tanya

    aww shucks. thanks. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ i still think your's is better at grasping the korean language. i had trouble on some of the things they said. I was just thinking "...que?" the whole time. XD

    i'll see if i can do it again. this was an easier chapter to translate. hope the next one isn't too difficult. can't wait till they come out with it in english officially. will still be buying both the raws and the english version XD
    i really wonder what's going to happen next Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    supermskittycat October 13, 2018 1:11 am

    It was super the translation thank you

    Anonymouslyanonymous October 13, 2018 1:14 am
    It was super the translation thank you supermskittycat

    Thanks! and you're welcome :) i know we're all dying to find out what happens. Might as well share the story XD

    Anonymous October 13, 2018 1:17 am
    Haha no buddy your translation is really good, it's actually better than mine! I love the language of this and the vocabulary! (I'm not that good at english) Maybe you could translate the next raw next week? Co... Tanya

    Thanks Tanya and Anonymouslyanonymous for translation! Both of you are awesome (▰˘◡˘▰)

    dokumoku October 13, 2018 1:48 am

    It was something like that the chapter.

    But I dont want to DG and him be toguether, Alex deserve suffer a lot, DG suffered a lot for his fault, he treated him like garbage, made him cry, ignory him, used him all the way he wants, so a few days or month will not kill him.


    CeeCee October 13, 2018 4:52 am
    Omg my page just refreshed and i saw the translation from Tanya. Sorry i didn't see a translation at first. You guys should check out her's. It's probably better than my pitiful job XD Anonymouslyanonymous

    What is your page tho :)?

    actualtrash October 13, 2018 5:33 am
    It was something like that the chapter.But I dont want to DG and him be toguether, Alex deserve suffer a lot, DG suffered a lot for his fault, he treated him like garbage, made him cry, ignory him, used him all... dokumoku

    Ugh rightttt??? I'm so angry at Alex who does he think he is fuuuuck

    It'sJujuStyle October 13, 2018 6:37 am

    thank you, translator god

    Wanime October 13, 2018 7:35 am

    Excellent translation ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Sherlock Bones October 13, 2018 10:33 am

    Thank u anonymouslyanonymous and Tanya for ur i could get a good grasp of the meaning..its all thanks to both of u..

    Kurosan(cl) October 13, 2018 3:54 pm

    Amazing .. beri dia nasi kotak

    Marie123 June 11, 2018 6:00 pm

    Such a wonderful human being ヾ(☆▽☆) thank you.

    Kuinshi June 13, 2018 7:55 pm
    Such a wonderful human being ヾ(☆▽☆) thank you. Marie123

    A god amongst yaoi lovers

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