BJ Alex Ch 68 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of DG being bro-hugged by Jaejin with Jiwon staring from down the hall*
*panel of jiwon staring. badump badump*
*panel of Jaejin still bro hugging DG while looking at jiwon*
DG: "....!"
Jaejin: "?" "Hyung, who is that?"
*panel of both DG's eye and Jiwon's eye locking on each other*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
*panel of their eyes still but with their brows furrowed concerned filled*
both thinking: 'just for this time...'
DG: "Oh wow! what a coincidence. Good morning sunbae!"
Jiwon: *uncomfortable* "Ah hi! Did you just finish class? Same here."
Jaejin: "!"
*jiwon walks over to them*
DG: "Ah, sunbae, let me introduce you."
"This is Jang Jaejin, he just finished his service"
*panel of Jiwon shaking hands with Jaejin*
Jiwon: *fake smile he uses for everyone* "Hi"
DG: "Jaejin, this is a sunbae and friend of mine, Ahn Jiwon"
Jaejin: "Ah~ Hi."
*panel of Jaejin observing*
*panel of DG and Jiwon observing back waiting to see what he's going to do*
DG and Jiwon: "....." *gulp*
*awkward silence*
Jaejin:*aggressively enthusiatically shaking Jiwon's hands up and down* "WOW, nice to meet you!! This is the first time that Donggyun Hyung introduced me to a friend!"
"So our Donggyun has more friends like sunbae! Who knew :D Please feel comfortable talking with me :D"
(T/N: lmao blissfully unaware.)
*panel to Jaejin recalling when jiwon came over to the bench they were sitting at to ask DG if he's alright after being sick*
Jaejin: "Ah~ No doubt you look familiar, Have we met before?"
Jiwon: *smiling and uncomfortable* "Ah...Yeah."
Jaejin: "I knew it~~! I remember you appearing out of nowhere that time."
Jiwon thinking: "He still remembers..."
*panel of Jiwon grabbing DG's shoulder and turning him around about to leave*
Jiwon: "Well it's been fun but Donggyun and I planned something already, so we'll be..."
DG: "Ah"
"Our liberal art project is due this week." "Tomorrow is the final day to submit it!"
DG: *Shocked* "AH You're right!!! I completely forgot!!!"
*jiwon in the background having an smh face at this situation*
Jaejin: "Hyung, it's going to take awhile should we start now?"
DG: "Y-yeah let's start"
*Jiwon's face looking surprised*
DG: *turning back to Jiwon as he's heading towards Jaejin* "Sunbae, i'm so sorry. I should go do this project today so I'll be needing to leave first"
*panel of Jaejin smiling apologetic*
*panel of Jiwon's blood boiling. He's pissed lol*
Jiwon: "this class do you have with Professor XX? I also had to do that project. It was really difficult but I've learned some tricks that can help you"
DG: *surprised* "seriously?!"
Jiwon thinking: 'It's better if he's with me...'
*side by side panels of DG and Jaejin*
DG: *shining puppy dog look* "Sunbae, well...can you help me out with this project...?"
"Me and Jaejin..."
Jaejin: *also has a shining puppy dog look* "Sunbae-nim, if you can help us out with this..." (T/N: pretty pleasseeeee type of look lol. so innocent these two. Also Sunbae-nim is even more formal than just sunbae.)
*Panel of jiwon with dark overcast look*
Jiwon thinking: 'Damnit'
Jiwon: *Forced smile. Got a twitching vein in his neck* "Haha of course. We'll do it together"
*panel of campus building*
DG & Jaejin: "Woah Thank you so much!"
Jiwon: "...."
*scene change to some random cafe. (not the cafe DG works at)*
*Panel of them sitting in at a table. DG and Jaejin one side and Jiwon on the other side. Jiwon is showing them something on DG's laptop relating to the work*
*panel of Jaejin and DG discussing*
Jiwon: *looking at them pissed. Furiously sipping and gripping his drink* "....."
*panel of DG noticing*
*panel of DG gesturing to Jiwon secretly to smile*
DG: *mouths it. Just moving his lips* "Smile~"
*zoomed out to the table. Jaejin deep in his notes, DG smiling and Jiwon forced smiling but still pissed and trembling*
*panel of Jaejin still deep in his notes blissfully unaware and Jiwon staring at him sinisterly*
Jiwon thinking: 'This bastard. I only wanted to be with Nam Donggyun...'
'But here we are with your damn friend...'
Jiwon: "Excuse me, were you two in the same service group?"
Jaejin: "Yes, Donggyun hyung was my sunbae in the unit we were in. Like in high school I depended a lot on others"
"but hyung was really nice to me there~"
Jiwon thinking: 'How were Nam Donggyun's service days like?' *blushing as he pictures him in service* 'I'm sure he had his hair much shorter than now...'
Jaejin: *as he places his arm on DG's shoulder* "Donggyun hyung is super friendly and handsome, don't you think?"
"When hyung modeled for a class photo project of mine, a girl asked me for his number~!"
Jiwon: *says it annoyed like but keeping a force smile and in a sarcastic tone lol*"Oh~ seriously? This is the first time I heard of this~ So those things usually happen I see~"
DG: *sweating* "Yeah..."
Jaejin: "It's because of that I try to get Donggyun hyung to get to know more good people, like him~"
"With his personality hyung should be going out with someone. It's weird that he's still single!"
*side by side panel of DG and Jiwon. DG looking concerned and Jiwon looking annoyed*
DG: "Ah, haha..."
Jiwon: *personable smile* "Well then, Donggyun is fine."
*zoomed out panel of table of all three of them*
"Besides it's not like you have to worry about that, do you?"
Jaejin: "!"
*panel of Jaejin uncomfortable*
Jiwon: "I think Donggyun will find someone good to go out with"
Jaejin: "Ah..."
*panel of jiwon's mouth*
Jiwon: "Well who knows." "Maybe he has already met that person..."
*panel of DG's eyes widening*
*panel of DG jumping from his seat with laptop in hand clearly desperate to change the convo*
DG: "S-SUNBAE! I don't know if this is good, please review it!!"
*Both Jaejin and Jiwon startled*
Jaejin and Jiwon: "...!"
Jiwon: *sweating* "Ah, yeah"
Jaejin: "?"
DG: *whispers to Jiwon* "Sunbae, Jaejin still doesn't know anything..."
Jiwon: *whispers back* *slightly embarrassed "Sorry"
*panel of cafe background*
Jiwon: "Guys, i'm going to go out for a smoke. I'll be right back"
DG and Jaejin: "Okay"
*panel of Jiwon walking off and Jaejin looking over*
Jaejin: *getting up* "Donggyun hyung, i'm going to go to the bathroom. Brb"
DG: "? okay"
*panel of Jiwon outside smoking*
Jiwon thinking: 'Ugh, This type of guy is too energetic and talks too much...'
*Jaejin walks over*
Jaejin: "Sunbae-nim!"
"Seeing you leave for a smoke, made me want to go for one too hehe"
"can you lend me your lighter?"
Jiwon: "Ah..."
*panel of smoke*
*panel of them looking out the rooftop*
Jaejin: "Sunbae-nim. I listened to what you said and thought about it..."
"I never asked Donggyun hyung what he thought of about getting to know people"
*panel of Jiwon looking over at him*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel zoomed out to the two of them*
Jaejin: "In all seriousness, there is a reason why I want hyung to deal with more people."
*panel of Jaejin looking up pensively*
"Even though I've known Donggyun for a long time, I don't know much about him"
*panel of DG alone in a crowd*
Jaejin: "He always looked so lonely."
*panel of the sky. Bird flying*
Jaejin: "when we met, he always seemed to avoid people so it took me a lot to get close to him"
"even though we're still friends, he never showed who he really is." (T/N: not as in fake but as in guarded)
"It's as if he drew a line that separated him from everyone else"
*panel of DG with his back turned alone*
"So he looked even more lonely"
*panel of Jiwon with his eyes widening*
*panel of them two*
Jaejin: "Well I could just be assuming all this, but I'm afraid that hyung may have that kind of hermit personality. That's why I wanted him to meet more people. But hyung doesn't look very interested in that." (T/N: hermit personality doesn't automatically equate to never leaving the house for koreans. it's just very very very reserved to one's self)
"I never thought to make hyung uncomfortable with my intentions."
*panel of Jaejin bowing to jiwon*
Jaejin: "But I noticed that thanks to you sunbae-nim. Thank you very much"
*panel of Jiwon looking down. Blowing out smoke*
Jiwon: "what... I didn't..."
*panel of jiwon's pained eyes*
"Until now, i didn't do anything..."
*panel of DG sitting by himself at the table spacing out*
DG thinking: 'I'm bored...'
Phew knocked out the translation. Back to studying medicine. Got papers due aaahh. Sorry if it seems rushed. It kinda was. XD lol

as always, thank you for being a cunt!

BJ Alex Ch 67 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of car breaking and idling by the sidewalk*
*switch to DG and jiwon in the car*
DG: "Thank you for dropping me off~ Get home safe."
Jiwon: "Okay, you too."
*as DG is about to get out the car*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, wait..."
"Well... at university"
"You know it's going to be difficult for us if we openly tell people we're dating right?"
DG: *realization look* "Ah..yeah"
*DG looking down*
"I guess you're right."
Jiwon: "So let's keep this under wraps as much as possible. It isn't a good thing if they discovered about us"
*panel of Jiwon beginning to blush*
"However, hmm..."
*Jiwon embarrased pretending to massage his shoulder*
Jiwon: *murmurs* "I would like to walk home with you from university....if you want"
DG: *Surprised and blushing* "Ah!"
Jiwon: "No, It's not like I want to be together all the time like a couple!"
"It's only..! We'll act like any other sunbae and hoobae at school that's all!"
"Don't misunderstand!"
(T/N: he's very embarrassed so he's just spouting shit to make himself look non-chalant lol)
DG: "....."
*panel of DG reaching out his hand placing it on Jiwon's hand*
*panel of DG smiling at Jiwon with Jiwon's eyes wide open surprised looking*
DG: *Smile* "I like that idea!"
Jiwon: *ahem* "Okay cool! That's good! From now on I'll call you when you finish your classes...!"
DG: *smile* "....." (T/N: idk why they put dots for silence. just don't put anything. I know that ellipses signify ommission of speech but ellipses usually signify something bad happening so it always trips me up. Usually implies a negative tone. nothing bad happening though. he's just smiling quietly XD)
DG thinking: *averting his eyes* (T/N: okay maybe i spoke too soon XD) 'Even so...'
'Maybe one day the time when people begin to know...'
*panel of DG recalling his friend Jaejin*
'especially the people close to me...'
*panel of him imagining Jaejin being disgusted at DG being gay*
'if they come to find out...'
*panel of outside the car of the environment*
'how will they react?'
subtext DG: "Sunbae I'll be going"
subtext Jiwon: "Wait , I want a kiss"
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
Ch 67
*panel of outside the cafe*
Manager: *shining eyes twinkling* "Dong~Gyun~ :*"
*chibi panel*
DG: *stepping back a little* "Eh?"
*manager looking for the deets. excited. LOL Chanwoo just chilling in the background*
Manager: *places her hands on DG's shoulder* "You rascal~ Donggyun~ You~~~ You now have a lover~!"
DG: "Oh, how do you know?"
Manager: "Chanwoo told me~"
"So then, all the troubles that made you so sad eventually resolved themselves? Congrats Donggyun!"
DG: *Shy* "Thanks manager..."
Manager: "Next time you have a date come here and relax~ I'll give you a dessert on the house!"
DG: "Ah...yeah!"
Chanwoo: *breathes out* "Hmm..."
DG: "!"
Chanwoo: *looks back with a pissed off death glare* "I still don't like him."
DG: "Huh?!"
Chanwoo: *furious* "Even if all is good in the hood (T/N: lol sorry), it's a fact that you sufferred a lot and became depressed because of him."
"I get so angry when I think about that time! Nam Donggyun please think of yourself!"
"You are really not giving it your best!" (T/N: as in for himself)
DG: "It's all good. I resolved that matter"
Chanwoo: *shaking his head. Hand on head frustrated* "Okay if it's like that I'm happy for you."
"But I will not leave it alone. I will continue to be stubborn like a mule."
DG: "Ah haha..."
*panel of DG whispering something to Chanwoo*
DG: "Ah that's right. Hey do you know if MD knows about my relationship with Alex?"
Chanwoo: "Oh, as soon as I told him he got so emotional and contacted him.
*panel of what went down*
MD: *big ass smile* "Wow~ Our Jiwon~ Are you going out with Donggyun now~?"
"How did it go? Tell me all the deets~ Aww how adorable, our handsome Jiwon~"
*DG thinking about Jiwon being pissed off during a phone call and him wondering what it was about and now knows*
DG: "Ah...."
Chanwoo: "Well besides that, congrats. As long as you're happy, it's all good."
DG: "thank you for everything."
*now switching topics*
DG: *nervous* "Chanwoo, you..."
"Did you already come out and say you were gay...before?"
Chanwoo: *non chanlant* "Me?" " Yeah of course, I said it a bunch of times" (T/N: i mean c'mon DG. don't you recall the earlier chapters when he was pressing you for deets about getting dick and him talking about big dick? XD)
DG: "A-and it went wll for you?"
Chanwoo: "it's different depending on the ocassion~"
"Since I was young I began to discover my sexuality, so I talked about it a lot."
"Also my parents were understanding and it wasn't a problem for them. My friends as well were fine with it"
"But there were always kids that talked behind my back"
"So I always just always beat up those bastards each time they bothered me"
*flashback panel to Chanwoo 18 yrs of age being held back by his friend and a bastard trembling over in pain. "Son of a bitch, what did you say? I'm gonna kill you!"*
DG: "I see...That's awesome"
Chanwoo: *proud look on his face* "I don't have that much patience"
DG: "So... in a relationship, can there be any moments you spend where everything went wrong?"
Chanwoo: "Yeah of course! A lot!"
DG: "Ah yeah....?"
Chanwoo: "I think that's when a relationship should end and you end all contact with them."
"But it's better if you don't worry about that until it ends"
DG: *looking concerned* "....."
*panel of the sky. new day*
*panel of the side of the school building*
*DG in class getting a text and him checking his phone*
DG: "!"
*text from "Jiwon Sunbae <3" (T/N: that's how his contact is saved)*
Text from jiwon: "Your class finishes at 12 right? I'll wait for you in front of your classroom."
*Panel of DG smiling and blushing as he reads the text*
*panel of everyone leaving the class*
*DG walks out of the classroom*
*panel of Jiwon with his head down looking at his phone*
*full body panel of Jiwon waiting by the wall outside and lifting his head noticing DG*
Jiwon: *Smile* "Let's go."
DG: *Smiling brightly* "Yeah..!"
*panel of DG rushing over to Jiwon with a figure in the background highlighted*
*Mysterious guy (T/N: it's obviously Jaejin. No eyes drawn but c'mon lmao. it's supposed to be mysterious though.) in the background coming closer*
DG: "Did you wait long?"
*panel of random feet running*
*panel of someone wrapping their arms around DG trapping them*
*it's revealed to be Jaejin (T/N: Who knew *sarcasm* -_- lol)
Jaejin: *with his arms wrapped around DG moving him around. The skinship is real* "Nam Donggyun Hyung! Where are you off to?"
*panel of Jiwon across from them with Jaejin still on DG. Looks like a good ol' standoff*
*side by side panel of DG looking over his should at jaejin and jaejin looking at DG*
DG: *startled* "J-jaejin...!"
Jaejin: *normal everyday smile. just a friendly guy honestly lol* "?"
*panel of Jiwon eyes wide open, shocked confused for a moment processing what just happened*
*panel of Jiwon's eyes becoming furious and showing a death glare*
Jiwon thinking: 'Ah... that's right.'
'This bastard...'
These ellipses man...that's all. LOL

BJ Alex Ch 66 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of view of room overseeing outside*
DG: "Sunbae...now"
*DG facing Jiwon seductively*
"I'll take care of you"
*panel of jiwon's shocked and worried face*
Jiwon: "...what?"
Jiwon thinking: 'What are you going to do?'
(T/N: LOL he thinks he's gonna bottom. feel like that thought crossed his mind hahahaha)
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
Ch 66
*panel of bed creaking*
*panel of him putting his cock in his ass*
"ugh mmm"
*Jiwon looking up* (T/N: LOL the author deadass drew this to make people think he was gonna bottom lmaooo i'm weaaaakkk)
*Panel revealing DG preparing to ride Jiwon*
*DG on top of jiwon dick in ass shivering*
DG: "ah ngh"
*zoom up to DG's face*
"Ngh Ah..." *shudder/face wincing*
*zoom out we see DG's back and jiwon's surprised face as DG's putting jiwon's dick in his ass*
DG: "It's almost all in...ah.."
Jiwon: "......"
Jiwon thinking: *looking up at DG shocked and flushed* 'On his own he wanted to do this...'
*DG's face feeling good*
'Donggyun, even though he looks innocent he can behave like this and do all these types of things'
*side view of them*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, you don't have to do this if it's too difficult for you."
DG: "haa no..."
*zoom onto DG's face*
"Until now, you've done everything,"
*zoom onto front view of DG's dick hard as a rock with his ass dripping on jiwon's dick that's almost all the way in*
"now it's my turn... uh...."
*DG drops down and slams onto that dick and it's all the way in now*
DG: "AH!"
*zoom out we seem him bouncing on that dick up and down riding him to the moon and back*
"Ah! agh! ugh! mmph!!! AH"
*panel of jiwon's face feeling good. flushed and him in a daze*
Jiwon thinking: 'God...this is so good...'
*aerial view of DG riding Jiwon*
*panel of Jiwon's glossy eyes*
Jiwon thinking: 'ah, to see Nam dongyun like this...' *gulp*
*zoom out full view*
Jiwon: *grips onto DG's arms* "Lift up your legs and lie back"
DG: "What?"
*side to side panels of Jiwon's and DG's face respectively*
Jiwon thinking: 'I don't know why, but I want to tease him a bit'
Jiwon: "I can't see well. Properly show me"
*DG embarrassed*
DG: "...ah"
*zoom onto DG's stuffed ass*
*zoom out we see DG lying back, hands resting on jiwon's thighs and him exposing himself full view* *still riding him but lying back as he's riding*
DG: "ahh...." *shiver/shake* "L-like this...?"
*zoom onto DG's flushed and embarrased face*
DG: "S-sunbae, this is very e-...embarrassing..."
*panel of Jiwon's eye looking at DG lustfully*
Jiwon thinking: 'Ah, this looks so fucking erotic.'
Jiwon: "Yeah, now move in that position"
*panel of DG's backside as he begins to move*
DG: "ngh..okay.." "mmph.."
*zoom out we see DG riding him legs spread wide open as he's showing everything. Jiwon is jerking him off as he's laying back watching the view*
DG: "Ah..AGH!" "AH" "Haa" "ugh"
Jiwon thinking: 'Ah, being with donggyun in this position is so hot.' *gazing lustfully. clearly mesmorized at how hot this is*
DG: "ah!" "Sunb...sunbae"
Jiwon: "huh?" *clearly only paying attention with his dick lol*
*zoom onto DG's face that looks like pure ecstasy*
DG: "S-sunbae, does it feel good?" "Haa..It needs to be good for you as well..."
Jiwon: *Eyes wide open. Face flushed* "....."
*panel showing Jiwon now lifting his lower body and thrusting hard into DG while gripping onto DG pulling DG in order for his dick to thrust in deeper*
*Zoom onto Jiwon's mouth* *biting down on his lip*
Jiwon: "W-what..."
*zoom onto DG's face*
DG: *surprised. flushed* *shaking*
"Ugh..Wait," "Sunbae, it's too deep..."
Jiwon: *smirking* "What?"
DG: "no ah!"
*panel showing the inside of DG's ass with the dick reaching deep in there*
Jiwon: "You like it when I go deep"
*zoom onto DG's face as he begins to shudder* *eyes closed head back beginning to shake uncontrollably*
DG: "AGH AH...!" "UGH...NGH!!"
*DG falls forward* *shakes*
DG: "huu mmm" "ah"
*DG's head resting on jiwon's shoulder* *spasms* *DG bites his own lip*
DG: "mmph ngh"
*panel of DG's legs spasming*
*panel of DG's face facing Jiwon's* *Tearing up in esctasy. wincing*
DG: "s-sunbae, i feel strange..." "as if i'm about to die..."
Jiwon: "....." *Shocked* *he carresses DG's back*
Jiwon thinking: 'He's reacting much more than usual'
*Jiwon sits up and pushes into DG*
*he lifts up DG easily no big deal*
DG: "!"
*DG still on top of Jiwon but it's like they're hugging while fucking lol*
DG: "S-sunbae..!" *gasp* "This position is too, too...!"
*Jiwon looking at DG in a lustful daze*
*jiwon shuts him up as he leans forward abruptly with a kiss and grabs DG's head and pulls him in closer to him*
*zoom onto Jiwon thrusting into DG* "Ah...!"
*zoom out we see Jiwon embracing DG. Hugging him while thrusting into him*
Jiwon: "Do you like this alot?"
DG: "Ugh Ah!" "AGH!"
Jiwon directly onto DG's ear: "Tell me, are you enjoying this?" *As jiwon's still thrusting into DG from below hugging him tightly*
DG: "AGH! ugh!"
*DG grabs Jiwon's face* (T/N: Personally I like how Jiwon's face looks. he looks like he's looking at DG shocked yet vunerable and as if DG was his first love. Probably just drawing style/angle lol)
DG: *lovingly* "I-i'm so happy to be able to be with you like this, face to face..."
*Jiwon's surprised eye*
Jiwon: ".....!"
*panel of Jiwon smiling*
Jiwon: "really, you...
*zoom out to jiwon continuing to thrust into DG happy*
"make me like you more and more."
*DG shaking*
"ugh, I'm, I'm comi..." "I'm going to come..."
*Jiwon pulls DG in for a kiss and to make out*
"hmph mmph"
DG: "AH!" *panel of DG spurting*
*panel of DG's ass as Jiwon releases into it and cum dripping from his ass on Jiwon's cock*
*Both of them gasping. huffing and puffing together face to to face. eyes closed*
*after they collect themselves from o-face*
*Them hugging each other*
DG: "Sunbae... did you enjoy yourself...?"
*panel of DG's legs and jiwon's side*
Jiwon: "....We'll do this again next time" (T/N: lol he shy can't say it was hot)
DG: "haha yeah..."
*panel of night view through the window*
*aerial shot from ceiling of them cuddling under the blankets*
*DG sleeping resting his head on Jiwon's shoulder*
*jiwon is awake*
Jiwon: "......"
*Jiwon recalling right before they did it when they first got to the hotel*
*DG saying "sunbae whatever you do I like"*
*Jiwon looking at a sleeping DG*
Jiwon thinking: *looking pensive* 'even so, i still feel uncomfortable'
'there are many things that I still do not know about Nam Donggyun'
*DG's sleeping face looking blissful*
'What kind of person are you?' (T/N: i.e. like what kind of person you are. not in a bad way. just him admitting he knows nothing of DG)
*Jiwon pulls DG in closer and hugs him as he falls asleep*
Jiwon thinking: 'I want to know much more about you.'
uh-oh. cracking down everywhere :O I'll continue these text translations until I am unable to do so.
I kinda want to see what their interaction at school would be like or with chanwoo now that they're together etc. still so much to unwrap and hopefully we'll get the unwrapping. :O

Thank you so much for always doing these translations

thanks man

BJ Alex Ch 65 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
*panel of skyline of luxury hotel*
*panel of luxury suite*
DG: "Woah~!"
*panel of nice view*
DG: *looking out the window* "Wow~ The nighttime view of the city is amazing."
*plops onto the bed* "Ah~ I'm tired~~"
Jiwon: *placing down the bags* "Take off your coat if you're going to lay down"
DG: "I'll take it off later~"
*Jiwon looking at DG plopped on the bed*
*jiwon looking concerned/pensive*
*Jiwon creaks onto the bed*
*sits up on the bed next to DG*
*jiwon lets out a big sigh*
DG: "....?" "Sunbae, what's wrong?"
*jiwon looks over to DG*
*panel of jiwon's mouth*
Jiwon: "Today wasn't a good day right?"
DG: *surprised. Suddendly gets up* "What?! That's..."
Jiwon: "I wanted to take care of celebrating your birthday even though it has passed"
"I did everything possible to please you completely today"
"...But I have no idea what you like."
DG: *looking up worried* "....."
Jiwon: "That's why I prepared thinking you liked the extravagent and expensive things,"
*recalling his reactions to them*
"But you weren't enjoying them"
*recalling his excitement at the big ass fish prize*
"and you preferred to eat 500 won street sweets"
*Jiwon looking at DG with a soft slightly pained smile*
Jiwon: "There's a lot that I don't know of you Nam Donggyun"
"I'm so pathetic"
"At first the only purpose of this relationship was for your body"
"And after a long time, although I try hard I know nothin-..."
*Jiwon startled*
DG: "Those places we went to seemed surprising and strange, but..."
"I liked all of it! Seriously!"
"Also, more than the dalgona itself..."
*DG recalling how hard jiwon was trying and looked*
"I liked how you tried so hard to get it for me"
*DG hugs jiwon*
*Zoomed shot with DG's face in view*
DG: "Sunbae, whatever you do I like."
*zoomed shot with Jiwon's blushing face in view*
Jiwon: "....!"
*jiwon slowly wraps his arms around DG*
*they embrace and hug each other*
Jiwon: "...Happy belated birthday." *carresses the back of DG's head*
DG: "Haha, thanks..." *Smiles*
*they tightly hug*
DG: *Notices something. Eye widen* "!"
*backs up to find out* "huh?"
*panel of Jiwon's buldge*
DG: "I only hugged you..." *blushes*
Jiwon: *super blush* *covers his buldge* "W-what...! It's only a biological reaction"
"The same thing happened with you when I hugged you, remember?"
*panel of their very first hug*
DG: "Ugh! T-that!" *super blush*
"How embarrassing, I was that happy in that moment"
"Ah!" *lightbulb reaction*
"Sunbae, you're the same as how I was in that moment?"
Jiwon: "!!!!!!!!!" *Reddens* "What...!"
"I don't know damnit!" *covers DG's face* *super embarrassed*
DG: *Takes his hand off* "....."
*DG kisses Jiwon*
DG: "I...Sunbae, what you did for me that day, I too..."
Jiwon: "Eh?"
*scene change*
*DG going to town on that D! lol. beginning to suck him off*
Jiwon: "Nam donggyun..." *red*
"Why so suddendly...?"
*zoomed out Jiwon's POV shot of DG sucking him off*
DG: *Dick in mouth* "I wanted to do this for you..."
"Mmph" *deep throats*
Jiwon: "Ngh!"
*stops him for a sec*
"Get up."
"You're going to do this alone? That's unfair"
DG: "what?"
*panel of suddenness* (T/N: lmao if you read along with the raws you'll know what I mean XD)
*Next panel reveals DG on top 69 position*
Jiwon: "we'll do it in an equal manner"
DG: ".....!"
"Ugh!" *DG flinches*
Jiwon: "Continue how you were doing it before"
*jiwon jerking him off*
DG: "Ah! mmph...AGH!"
*DG continues to take that D down his throat like a champ*
"mph ah..."
*Jiwon stares at DG's ass in a daze*
Jiwon: "....."
DG: *surprised* *suddenly* "!!!! WOAH!"
*next panel reveals Jiwon eating his ass like groceries*
DG: "Ngh! N-not there..!" *shaking*
"agh ah!"
"w-wait no...ah!!"
*zoomed in shot of jiwon's tongue licking DG's asshole*
*panel of DG's face in a daze as he's licking Jiwon's dick*
*panel shows Jiwon lifting his head up and bringing that ass closer to his face gripping his hand on his ass. Practically motorboating that ass 69 style with DG still globbing on his knob*
Jiwon: "Ugh...!" *pulls back. Looks like he's about to come*
DG: "mmphh!" *DG flinches with dick in mouth*
*zoomed in shot of DG cumming from getting his ass eaten and being jerked off*
*zoomed in shot of Jiwon cumming*
*next panel shows that he came all over DG's face*
*next panel shows DG flopped over heavy panting from both of them*
DG: "sunbae?"
Jiwon: "Huh?" *red and hand on his head*
DG: *laying on his side ass wet face drenched in cum* *looking like he can seduce any man*
"Later.. I'll do it for you.." (T/N: he means blowjob. but just DG giving action. at least that's what's implied. Think this is the beginning of DG being more of a power bottom. lol)
Jiwon: "What?"
Pretty short chapter. 69 scene was pretty good.
Wonder what's going to happen next though ._.
Chapter was pretty short and it went by too quickly. Feel like the next chapter was cut from this chapter honestly lol.

BJ Alex Ch 64 translation:
looks like whoever posted the latest chapters with unofficial translations took down mangago for a bit. They took off the chapters so i won't be going into haitus yet. XD
It's why I keep it in text and not paste it on the actual manhwa. They'll be on to me (⊙…⊙ ) haha
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of skyline of DG's apartment*
*zoomed out panel of DG opening the car door outside his apartment*
*DG putting on his seatbelt*
*panel reveals Jiwon is the driver* (T/N: like we already didn't know how his car looked like -_- lmao)
Jiwon: "Let's go."
DG: Yeah!
*Vrooooooomm. panel of exhaust of car*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
*DG and Jiwon in the car as they're driving*
DG: "Jiwon sunbae, where are we going today?"
Jiwon: "Don't say anything and just follow me"
"Today I'll be the one who will make plans and entertain you."
DG: "?!"
*panel outside of a luxurious shopping building complex*
*panel of store full of clothes* (T/N: looks like an actual picture which she webtoonified. looks cool)
Store attendant: *bright smile* "Welcome! How may I assist you?"
Jiwon:*places his hands on DG's shoulders* "i'll give you this guy to make look good from head to toe" subtext: "give him the best of this season"
DG: *surprised* "WHAT?!"
Store attendant: "Yes! If you can come over this way please~"
DG: "S-sunbae, wait a minute...!"
*change scene*
*fancy shoes pass through changing area*
*it's DG in very formal wear. Vest with tie and buttoned down shirt and a nice outerwear jacket. Very sprezzatura style*
Store attendant: "Wow valued customer~! (T/N: idk a good english word for the word they use to refer to a customer) It looks really good on you"
*DG in the next outfit. Very funky matching jacket and pants, Cabana style. Black shirt.*
Store attendant: "You look very good with these clothes~"
*Next outfit: Cuter look. High sweater turtleneck with plain khaki light shirt jacket, trenchcoat and beret*
Store attendant: "You look good with any style"
DG: "...." *Nervous smile throughout*
*panel of store attendant and Jiwon looking at DG's direction*
Store attendant: "How does it look? Do you like it?"
Jiwon: "Hmm..."
*Panel of DG in a dandy look. Wool sweater with knee length trench jacket, black pants and loafers.*
*panel of Jiwon grabbing a scarf from a mannequin as he heads to DG*
*places scarf on DG*
DG: ".....!" *blushes*
Jiwon: "I'll take everything he's wearing now."
DG: *flinch* "AH?"
Store attendant: "Yes sir"
DG: "S-SUNBAE!! I don't need so many clothes!" *Panicky*
Jiwon: "I want to buy it for you. So use it well."
"You don't like these clothes? Should we buy something else?"
DG: *panicky and sweating* "Ah, no! This is good! I like it a lot!"
*next panel DG looking down. red*
DG: "Thank you sunbae. I'll use it very well..."
Jiwon: "Then let's go to another store."
DG: *surprised* "Another store?!"
*next panel showing all the shopping bags completely filled*
*Panel showing DG and Jiwon walking around with the bags*
*DG got a beanie on now (T/N: which looks fly af. lol)*
Jiwon: "Again, do you want anything else?"
DG: "No, this is more that enough..."
Jiwon: "I made a reservation close by here. Let's go"
DG thinking: *brightens* 'Food!' (T/N: hell yeah. my guy knows what's up. hungry myself.)
DG: "okay!"
*next panel of a chandelier*
*panel of a hand placing down a plate of what looks like mixed tartare of some sort with caviar*
*brilliance of the plate*
Server: "Langoustine with salmon with caviar in scallops for appettizer" (T/N: knew it. seafood tartare. Langoustine pretty good. scallops too, but I eat the poor man's version XD)
*panel of montage of plates being brought in*
Server: "Creamy mushroom soup with mornay sauce" (T/N: French roux(of fats, like oils, butter, bacon fat and flour) with milk and cheese. Pretty good. Again poor man's version lol)
Server: "Langoustine salad with tomatoes and lima beans" (T/N: langoustines are northern europe prawns btw. miniature lobster)
Server: "And a chef recommendation, a filet mignon of upmost quality"
*DG has his cheeks stuffed and looking nervous.* (T/N: poor man thrown into high society LOL)
*panel of DG with mouth stuffed of food and looking like he tasted the heavens.*
DG: "....."
*panel of Jiwon eating the food in an accustomed manner. notices DG*
Jiwon: "What? Is it not good?"
DG: *fidgety* "Ah, no it's not that. It's delicious..."
to server: "Ah! Thank you!"
to jiwon: "I never have been in a place like this before. It looks like it costs a lot..."
Jiwon: "Don't worry. Today is a celebration of your birthday so if you want to eat more just ask for it."
Jiwon thinking: " He shouldn't be like this on his birthday?" (T/N: as he should be enjoying himself more. Jiwon doesn't realize they come from different worlds lol. He's pretty unaware of himself sometimes lmao)
DG: "No, No! I'm good. I ate very well, I'm now satisfied"
*DG looking down uncertainly/doubtful.*
*panel of jiwon looking concerned*
Jiwon thinking: 'Nam donggyun, it seems like you didn't like this that much...'
*panel of street*
*them walking. DG notices something*
*panel of a street sitting stand.*
DG: "Dalgona!" (T/N: Sweet ass korean street candy. Sponge candy. Like toffee. Made of sugar, any sweet ass syrup, and baking soda. I'm not so fond of sweets XD prefer tteokboki or tteokkochi LOL)
Jiwon: "Dalgona?"
DG: "yeah, I used to eat a lot of it when I was a kid. It's been awhile since I saw a dalgona stand"
Jiwon: "Oh. I never knew about it"
DG: "Seriously? Well then, do you want to give it a try?"
*they walk over*
Ajumma stand lady: "welcome!"
*panel of how to play the game chibi style*
DG: "It's a sweet made of melted sugar, if you press on it a little and don't break it, you can get the figure out successfully" (T/N: so basically how it's made the sweet has a perforation in shape of a figure, could be a star, heart, whatever. They give you a toothpick and you have to crack the edges off without cracking the figure inside. If you do you get a prize. Usually a bigger fancier dalgona. lol)
"Want to try?"
Jiwon: "Ah...no, I'll just watch"
*regular form. DG glances over at something. Jiwon's eyes follow*
DG: "Premiums..."
*panel of premium dalgonas in shape of a giant fish gun, machete, etc*
*zoomed panel at the fish shaped dalgona* *underneath it it says 10 successful attempts needed*
DG: "Wow! The grand fish candy! When I was little I really wanted to win one like that"
*jiwon surprise flinch*
Jiwon: "...You would like that?"
DG: *Shines bright. Smile so bright it blinds you* "Yeah, I would like that"
Jiwon: *looking at DG like he spellbound lol* "....."
Jiwon to ajumma: "How much is each try?"
Ajumma: "50 cents" (T/N: Think you got what it takes?"
DG: "Sunbae?"
Jiwon: "I'm going to win it."
DG: "Seriously?"
*panel of jiwon breaking the heart figure*
Jiwon: *Frozen* "....."
DG: "It's more difficult than you think it is"
Jiwon to ajumma: "One more please"
Ajumma: "Okay!~"
*white panels showing that time went by*
*another cracked figure*
*panel of piled up money* (T/N: my guy wut?. Why are you so bad at games? my guy deadass put more than 30 bucks for a 50 cent game.)
*Jiwon boiling and shaking in frustration*
DG: "S-sunbae..." *eep*
Jiwon: *Boiling. signiture anime vein twitch* "One more..."
DG thinking: "Isn't this...a dejavu?"
Ajumma: *sigh* "my goodness, handsome young man, that's enough."
"Now that you spent so much money, i'll just give you one"
*ajumma hands out the fish dalgona*
DG and Jiwon: "....!"
DG: *Stands up abruptly* "Thank you so much!"
Jiwon: "Ah..." *Solemn shadow* (T/N: pft bahahahahaha)
Jiwon: "Do you like it"
*DG looking at it amazed*
*DG shining even brighter. Smile blinding passerby cars*
DG: "Yeah! I appreciate it a lot sunbae!"
Jiwon: *smiling looking at DG*
*breathes out*
*panel background of city skyline and sunset*
Jiwon: "it's getting late, let's go"
DG: "Home?"
Jiwon: "home...should we go to your house today?"
DG: "Ah..." *blush marks in text bubble*
lmao Jiwon can't play games for shit. XD
If you're wondering about my slang jargon in english, I grew up in Spain and NYC (Brooklyn) back and forth. I deadass talk like that too LOL
anyways sorry it's late. work's been busy. work overnights.

Previous translations on my profile under likes/activity/topics.
I noticed they took down unofficial chapters off this site.
I keep the translations up to date but as text only to respect the author. I suggest to buy the raws and read along with my translations that way the author gets her well deserved money and you guys get to know what happens up to date. Will not translate over manhwa. Text only for those who keep asking me.

No probs. :)
It's something like that but he says something along the lines of "should we go to your house then? *wink wink*" implying that he won't let him go home alone either way. Korean is all about the innuendos XD lol Hard to translate some things like that into English for me at least. Lost in translation
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Spanish and Catalan are my first languages anyway heh. ( ̄∇ ̄")
the official translation will figure out something....sometimes XD lmao

Welp i see someone posted the chapters in english so i did all this for naught LOL.
gonna post it anyway to have it lmao.
BJ Alex Ch 63 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
ch 63
*panel of the highline of the area of the aparment complex*
--A few weeks later--
*panel of their hands holding each other's*
--After sunbae confessed to me, we became lovers--
*panel of them talking on the couch. DG in the pj top and jiwon in the pj bottom*
--that day, sunbae and I talked about our misunderstandings we had--
*solemn look from DG to jiwon as they're talking*
--we should have talked in the beginning. Why didn't we?--
*jiwon staring down deep in thought as he's talking*
--I think it was because sunbae and I were both scared..., scared of get ourselves hurt--
*panel of their mugs on the coffee table*
--and even though I'm still afraid and not sure how this will work out--
--I think I can work hard to make sure that everything will be okay--
*two side by side panels of DG looking up from the pillow he's holding blushing at jiwon and jiwon noticing DG looking at him*
--because when I look at sunbae...--
Jiwon: "!"
*panel of jiwon with his arms crossed and flustered/blushing and DG happy with flowers poofing out as they're on the couch*
--I feel so great...so great that all my fears and worries disappear.--
--This is love.--
*panel of DG recalling when jiwon confessed at the cafe*
--Wah, this still feels like a dream--
--that day when sunbae confessed, sunbae was so sweet...--
*back to the couch*
--and when I asked if he could say it again--
*panel of DG teasing jiwon asking him, jiwon so embarrassed, steaming out of his head from being all red*
--sunbae became all red and turned his face stubbornly...--
*panel of DG tugging on jiwon's loungerobe*
--that's why I in turn said it again--
*panel of DG looking up at jiwon. blushing*
DG: "Sunbae, I love you...!"
DG: "I love you, I love you"
"I really do love you"
"I love you most in this world"
Jiwon: *outright so embarrassed blushing like crazy* "....."
*jiwon pulls DG closer*
*jiwon blushing brings DG in for a kiss*
DG: ".....!"
*panel of fade out*
DG: "Ah, sunbae!" "W-wait...!" "ngh"
--And that's how it went...--
--Sunbae since that day...--
--Was really.... excessive...-- (T/N: excessive in you know what ;D)
*Scene change*
DG: "Ah...ahh"
*zoomed panel of jiwon's finger in DG's mouth and his tongue licking DG's ear*
*zoomed panel of jiwon's dick inside DG*
*zoomed out panel of Jiwon thrusting harder from the side (spoon position) while kissing DG's nape*
DG: "AH!" "AGH!" "UGH!"
*zoomed panel of DG's face all red and in esctasy*
DG: "AH! S-sunbae...!"
*panel of DG turning his head around to kiss Jiwon*
Jiwon: "...What?"
*both of the blushing*
Jiwon: "Do you want me to rub it?"
*jiwon putting his arm around to the front to grab DG's dick and start stroking it*
*DG eyes widen*
DG: "AH!"
"W-wait a second...!" "Ah!" "g-go, I'm g-going to come...!"
*panel showing DG coming and twitching all around. His body is going spastic. Jiwon is still inside him just watching DG orgasm*
*zoomed panel of DG's face, eyes glossed over, still twitching* (T/N: now that's an O-face if I ever saw one. lol)
*zoomed out panel of Jiwon getting up from spoon position and up on top of DG*
Jiwon: "A little bit more..."
DG: "...A-Ah w-wait!" "AH!
Jiwon: "ngh...I think i'm going to come soon too."
*zoomed panel of Jiwon taking off the condom*
Jiwon: "NGH..!"
*panel of cumshot to DG's face.* (T/N: woahohoho.)
DG: "!" "hmm..."
*zoomed out panel of them on the bed, post-climax syndrome where people come to their senses.*
*panel of Jiwon realizing and coming to his senses. blushing* *surprise*
*panel of DG lying on the bed with cum all over his face and chest*
DG: "Ah.. um"
Jiwon: *sweating* "I think I got too excited..."
*zoomed panel of DG's face. Spirit leaving his body lol. cum still on the face*
DG thinking: heh...'If we continue like this, my body probably will not last...!'
*panel of Jiwon giving DG the tissue. Sweatdrop and embarrassed. Subtext: "Here."*
--sunbae is much more caring than before, much more sweet.... but my bottom part is still in trouble for this rough treatment-- (T/N: he's saying he's much more caring but when it comes to sex he's still the wild animal he is. lmao)
Jiwon: "ah, Nam Donggyun, is there a bath here?"
DG: *as he's wiping his face* "Yeah...why?"
Jiwon: *averting his eyes. blushing* "....."
*scene change*
*panel of bath faucet dripping water*
*panel of droplet landing in water*
*zoomed out panel showing Jiwon laying in the bath. DG is in the bath as well maintaining distance and facing the other way out of being embarrassed. He's red up to his shoulders*
Jiwon: "Ah~ Feels nice."
DG: "....."
DG thinking: 'I'm not used to this yet!'
*embarrassed and shivering in a corner lol*
*panel of jiwon hair wet and blushing while still trying to remain cool.* (T/N: that's the type of blushing he does. XD)
Jiwon: "Hey! Are you feeling uncomfortable?"
DG: "I-I'm fine! I'm comfortable with this." *fidgety*
Jiwon: "I hope..."
*panel of jiwon reaching for DG's shoulder*
"that you're comfortable"
*panel of jiwon bringing DG closer so DG is leaning on Jiwon in the bath*
DG: "....!"
*side by side panel of DG looking up at Sunbae and jiwon looking down at DG. They're both red on the cheeks.*
DG: "Sunbae..."
*zoomed out panel of them laying in the bath together*
Jiwon: *embarrassed so brought up a random subject* "umm...next time i'll bring some bath products for a great bath."
DG: "Yeah..."
*Panel of DG's feet and Jiwon's feet around his*
*panel of DG's side profile*
DG: "Sunbae, "
"I still can't believe that I can be with you like this"
*panel of jiwon's face. Cheeks red*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of DG leaning on jiwon happy. Jiwon chilling there too*
DG: "There's a lot of stuff I want to do from now on."
"It's probably because this is my first relationship!"
*panel of jiwon's shocked and red face* *surprise*
Jiwon: "This is your first relationship?"
"How is that possible...? why?!"
*zoomed out panel. aerial shot of them in the bath*
DG: "Well, it's only because I never liked or fallen in love with someone before..."
Jiwon: "Then that time that we went out...that was your first?" (T/N: first date but since their history it's weird context. was it a date was it not? etc)
*flashback panel of them highfiving each other when they went to the arcade together*
DG: "Yeah, that was my first time"
*panel of Jiwon's face. surprised*
Jiwon thinking: 'So he's saying that until now he never went out with someone? Seriously?' (T/N: he's not making fun of him. he's just genuinely surprised)
DG: *smiling* "That's why I would like to celebrate some sort of anniversaries and such too, now that i'm going out with someone. haha"
Jiwon: "Anniversary? Speaking of which, when is your birthday?" (T/N: LOL they didn't even discuss their birthdays. welp better late than never XD)
DG: "The 29th of august"
*panel of jiwon's face utterly shocked. Da da dummm.*
Jiwon thinking: 'It already passed!'
*panel of bathroom wall*
Jiwon: "So...what did you do for your birthday?"
DG: "I just went to school and then worked at the cafe.."
Jiwon: "....."
*clenching his hand on the bathtub ledge*
*panel of Jiwon's backside of his head with DG turning around*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun,"
DG: "?"
Jiwon: "Take off this weekend from work"
*jiwon's face blushing but he's still trying to be cool*
"we'll celebrate your birthday then"
*DG's face blushing and surprised*
*panel of skyline of motel*
DG: "What...?!" "WHAT???!!"
Was too late with this. Should have checked mangago first LOL ☚(゚ヮ゚☚)
I hope there's some more development than just a simple narration of them resolving their problems. Want to see the ups and downs of their relationship. Maybe even jealously from Jiwon while they're in a relationship or how their relationship will be like at university around other people like the student council etc.

keep doing these please! yours are way more accurate and the ones just uploaded will probably be taken down soon. thank you for your translations!

i was waiting for your translation T^T i thought you were never gonna post the translation for chap 63. thank you~~

BJ Alex Ch 62 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ Alex logo *******
Ch 62
*panel of morning sunlight beaming through the window*
*panel of jiwon sleeping on the bed*
*jiwon wakes up and opens his eyes*
Jiwon: "Ah..."
*gets up*
"I'm thirsty..."
*gets off the bed and begins to walk over to get water*
*notices clothes on the floor*
Jiwon: "...!"
*begins to pick up a trail of clothes*
"Why did I undress like this?!"
*puts them in the washing machine*
*drinks water*
Jiwon: "Pwah.." (T/N: sfx of finishing the sip of water.)
*stares out into space*
*Sudden realization. Shudder, eyes widen*
*jiwon dashes back into the room*
*sees DG sleeping in his bed*
Jiwon thinking: *he's surprised and it finally hit him what happened last night* *blushing* '...That's right!!' 'Yesterday I confessed to Donggyun...'
*him slumped over on the wall*
'Why the hell did I do that?!'
*panel of him recalling himself confessing at the cafe*
'I just wanted to bring your umbrella.'
'I shouldn't have done that'
"I really told him" *still in disbelief*
'I don't know what to do now. If I didn't confess I would have been miserable'
'but if Namdonggyun rejected me it would have hurt even more. I don't even want to imagine it.'
*Jiwon walking out of the room trying to wrap his thoughts together*
"Shit...I'm still happy I did it though. I have to get out of here for a second" (T/N: as in just the room. he's going to just unwind his thoughts and get decent. lol)
*moments later*
*Panel of DG sleeping*
*DG slowly opens his eyes and wakes up*
*tosses over. still groggy.*
DG: "mmhm..."
*panel of them doing it ;) DG recalling it*
DG: "Ah... Yesterday..." *blushes*
*DG slowly realizes* (T/N: lol they're both suffering post-passionate-sex syndrome LOL)
DG thinking: 'No freaking way!' *grabs the pillow and hugs it. Restless*
'He confessed to me...'
'I wanted to do it... no matter what.'
*DG recalling kissing him in the cafe*
'so he really loves me..'
'Is this a dream?!'
DG: "Is this reality..."
* gets up from bed swiftly*
*pain from hips hit*
DG: "WOAH~!"
*jiwon drying his hair. Finished showering was in the living room*
Jiwon: "!"
*Jiwon enters the room in a hurry*
Jiwon: What happened?!"
DG thinking: *from the floor next to the bed* 'This pain is real..'
DG: "Hah...well my hips hurt.."
*DG looks at Jiwon*
*Jiwon looks at DG*
*they both advert their eyes in embarrasment*
DG and Jiwon thinking: 'This is awkward'
DG: "haha..G-good moring."
Jiwon: "ahem.."
*jiwon walks over to DG*
Jiwon: "Can you stand?"
DG:" Yeah. I can walk by myself."
"Uh, Sunbae... Where are my clothes?"
Jiwon: "Clothes?"
*Sudden realization that he threw DG's clothes in the wash as well*
*chibi gag form*
Jiwon: "Ah!"
"Your clothes are in the wash"
DG: "Everything?"
Jiwon: "Everything!"
DG: *covering himself* "Soo...what should i wear now?!
*end chibi form*
*Jiwon walks over to his closet*
Jiwon: "Go shower and I'll look for something and leave the clothes by the door"
DG: "Okay."
*They both sneak a glance at each other before DG goes off to shower. Blushing*
*panel of shower door*
*panel of clothes laid out for DG*
DG: "Ah.." *as he's putting on clothes. Panel shows him looking down*
*DG walks out only wearing the top part of the loungewear*
"The pants are too big for me..."
*zoom in onto DG's crotch area slightly exposed underwear*
"Do you have another pair of pants?"
Jiwon: *blushing. Gulp* "....."
"No, that's the smallest one"
DG: "Ah, okay. I'll just wear the top then"
Jiwon: "Mm." (T/N: a sound for okay)
Jiwon: "Do you want some...rice?"
DG: "Uh yeah? Sure."
*moments later*
*panel of empty plates*
DG: "Uwah..that was delicious"
"You're such a good cook!"
Jiwon: "It's just something simple"
*awkward silence*
DG: "So...what's am I going to do about my clothes?"
Jiwon: "it'll be awhile until the clothes dry."
DG: "Sunbae are you busy today?"
Jiwon: "No, I'm on break"
DG: "Then.."
*places his hands on the table and stands up. excited*
"Would it be okay if I stay here with you today?"
"There's a lot of things we didn't talk about for all this time."
"I wan't to talk with you about them!"
*DG brightening up. Excited like a puppy. lol*
Jiwon: "...!" *taken aback. embarrassed* "Eh?!"
*slumps down hiding his face* "...yeah whatever"
DG: "Really?!"
Jiwon thinking: 'he asks if we can just "talk"...' (T/N: just a passby statement. He was just thinking dirty lol)
I work overnights when chapters come out and it was a busy weekend at the hospital so I only got to translating just now.
I will try and translate every friday when it comes out, if not I'll get it out by sunday night (very late at night).
Wonder what they're going to talk about. Maybe finally we get some answers and developments on how their relationship is going to go about. :D

omg i love you

Thank you! Great work once again! Also, Jiwon was lying about those pants being the smallest pants he has (boy goes to the gym, he's got stretchy pants and drawstring sweats for sure); there's a sound effect (뻥, bbeong) next to the speech bubble where he says that those are the smallest pants, indicating that he's lying, lol. He wanted to keep Dong-gyun pantless.

Thank you (▰˘◡˘▰)

Thank you..

Well semi full. It's a sex scene. hard to translate pictures. Easier to translate text but i tried my best. XD
Ch 61 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of Jiwon's apartment complex with only his lights on*
*next panel showing them sloppily getting off their shoes in the hyeongwan* (T/N: genkan in japanese, it's the first area of the house where shoes are meant to be taken off before entering)
*panel showing Jiwon licking DG's lips and making out with him, zoomed in shot of their mouths*
*zoom out we see Jiwon wrapping his arms around DG's waist and head pulling him in and making out with him*
*next panel shows jiwon rubbing his leg on DG's crotch (T/N: still clothed XD)*
*they stop making out for a second and stare at each other. Each of them flushed red*
Jiwon: *looking at DG flushed red and sweatdrop* "Nam Donggyun..."
"Are you okay with this? Do you want to do this?"
DG: ".....!" *badump badump*
*puts his arms around Jiwon's neck and slightly collapses his head embarrased and brightening red and getting more flushed face*
"...Is there...a reason not to?" *Flares up in blush* (T/N: lol my english is poor XD)
Jiwon: *looking down at an embarrased DG* "!"
*panel where we see DG's legs being elevated off the floor*
DG: "uwaaah!"
*zooms out we see Jiwon picking up DG, having him in his arms, and walking off to the bedroom as he's lifting DG in his arms*
DG: "Sunbae! I-I can walk myself!"
*fidgeting around*
*jiwon still carrying on*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
CH 61
*DG's lying on the bed with a buttoned down shirt and in his briefs while Jiwon is sitting next to him slowly working his way over him and they're making out*
*jiwon is pulling off his shirt while DG is lying on the bed*
*panel of jiwon finishing off taking off his shirt*
*zoomed in on Jiwon's face staring at DG.* *badump* *blushing*
*panel of DG staring back at him. Blushing* *badump badump*
*Jiwon moves closer and wraps his arm around DG's shoulder and brings him in towards him for another kiss*
*panel then shows DG's shirt being unbuttoned by Jiwon*
*panel shot of DG with his shirt open and in his briefs looking enticing for jiwon ;) *
DG: "ah.." *embarrased*
Jiwon: "....." *staring in complete awe, eyes widen* *badump badump*
*jiwon collapses onto DG's chest and is burning up in blushing. Steam*
Jiwon: "Ugh damnit... *murmurs* I want to do it already" *hugging DG while hiding his face and trying to hold back*
*DG becomes even brighter red and blushes mad hard. Surprised*
*zoomed out and Jiwon is off DG just looking and waiting there on the bed while DG is slowly taking off his briefs and shirt*
DG: "I-I...it's been awhile already since..."
*badump badump*
*him turning his lower half around now completely naked and enticing him by having his hand on his ass and gesturing and posing shyly seductive*
"just do it in a way it doesn't hurt much..."
*badump badump*
*panel showing Jiwon snapping* (T/N: might as well add a nosebleed LOL)
Jiwon: "....."
*next panels show moments later*
*panel of lube*
"hah...ah" "AH!"
*zoomed POV shot of DG's ass being loosened up by Jiwon. Jiwon's pants are now off*
"Ngh. AH MMPH..!!"
*zoomed out we see Jiwon with his arms wrapped around DG, one hand loosening him up and the other holding him close as he licks and sucks on his nipple*
*DG is trembling*
DG: "Ah, sunbae....AH!" "W-wait.." "AH!"
*panel of Jiwon slowly taking his mouth of DG's nipple as he looks at DG's face of estasy*
"Agh, ah"
*Jiwon begins kissing his neck*
*DG surprised and flinching* "Ugh, Ah"*
*zoomed in on the neck we see a mark left there ;)*
Jiwon: *talking into DG's ear as he's still fingering him* "A lot of time has passed, but I loosened you up well so it won't hurt now"
DG: "Ah, y-yeah it's fine..."
*panel showing DG shaking and trembling more*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his fingers*
*Jiwon gently kisses DG on his cheek. DG's face is bright red and in esctasy*
DG: "!!"
*Jiwon on top of DG looking at him and DG still trembling looking back at him glossy eyed*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, honestly, do you want to do it?"
*panel of DG's eyes beginning to whell up. face bright red heavy breathing*
DG: "....."
*panel of DG's hand reaching for Jiwon's dick*
*grabs his dick and brings it towards his ass suggesting he stick it in*
DG: *hand still on his dick bringing it closer inside him* *zoomed out shot we see DG covering his face being shy with his legs spread open* "It's...It's okay, hurry..."
*next panel we see Jiwon bright red biting his lip and can't hold back any longer*
Jiwon: "ugh!"
*jiwon then trusts inside*
DG: *shaking* "AH!!!"
*zoomed in on Jiwon's face gasping, bright red, slightly shaking. Looking at DG *
*panel zoomed in on the action showing jiwon moving and thrusting*
Jiwon: "it's completely....like the first time."
DG: "Ah.. AH!"
*zoomed in on jiwon's head next to DG's as he's thrusting even harder*
DG: "UGH!" *flinching, shaking*
*zoomed out. Jiwon picks up his head, DG wraps his arm around Jiwon's back slightly clawing his back*
DG: "ah... ugh!" *DG tearing up*
Jiwon: "is it too rough?"
DG: "No..no it's not that..."
*DG smiling as he stares into Jiwon's face*
"they're tears of happiness"
*Jiwon's eyes widen and he's surprised, blushing*
*Jiwon carresses DG's face*
Jiwon: "...I see now." *smiles*
*next panel Jiwon begins to lift DG's legs and begins to thrust into him even harder*
DG: "W-wait...!" "If you do ...it like th- UGH!"
*panel of DG's face in pure esctasy. about to climax*
DG: "i-if you thrust like...AGH...!!!" "HNGH UGH!"
*shake* *thrust* shake* thrust*
*jiwon then huddles over DG and thrusts deep into DG's ass*
*shake thrust*
DG: "AH!" "Su-sunbae...!!" "NGH!" *trembling*
Jiwon: "Ugh..."
*panel shows DG came all over his chest* *heavy breathing* *cool down*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his dick. DG's ass dripping with his load*
*panel showing them staring at each other heavy panting*
DG: "Sunbae..." *staring into Jiwon's face reaching up to his face*
*panel of DG interlocking his hand with Jiwon's hand*
DG: "I love you..."
*panel showing Jiwon bending his head down to kiss DG*
DG: "Mmph..!" *taken aback* (T/N: wasn't expecting a kiss)
*panel showing jiwon tightening the grip on their interlocking hands*
*last panel zoomed out aerial type shot overlooking them on the bed Jiwon still on top of DG*
*badump badump*
WOW! it's harder to translate sfx and chapters with no dialogue LOL.
This chapter was obviously a sexy-time chapter XD
Hope I did it justice.
I also hope this story continues past them getting back together. I want to see their life afterwards. Maybe Jiwon struggling because he doesn't know what it's like to be in a relationship or how to properly treat DG. I can see that. Or them discussing what is their relationship now. and what about the stream! lmao.
Oh and side note: BJ alex means broadcasting jockey alex. that's what BJ means in south korea. Not...well...blowjob. just a side note for anyone wondering or confused or still thinks it's blowjob. lol

MILLIONS OF TKS HUN Geez I was reading your translation and fallowing the panel in Korean and I was blushing so hard.....even at my age.... OMG!!!! I always love your translations and if someone here said that is not good... Well I will beat them for sure!!!! IT WAS PURE EXTASY FOR ME!!!!! Thank you soooo much for the bottom of my HEART I love Ya

Hi, A bit that is missed out, and is likely going to be missed out in the lez. eng translation is
- The scene where Jiwon puts his head on DG's chest he says
- "Hah.... ssi'. 'ssi" is a Korean honorific maybe equivalent to the Japanese san, meaning it comes with the name. Jiwon was so flustered that he didn't say 'Dong-gyun ssi' he just said 'ssi'. It would be equivalent to a character called "Sakura" not being called Sakura san but just san, lol. I thought that was quite an important and funny detail, but no other translators have included it, and Lezhin does not include such honorifics in their translation, which misses out a lot of the tone and humour of the characters (they do love their oppas and hyungs though lol.

Thank you very much.

Yeah. I caught that, but the majority of people would have it fly over their heads. XD in the English translation they'll probably translate it as "sigh...damn" or "ahh...damnit" simply because those are colloquials people are used to XD the translator purposely leave it out and use different colloquial based om their audience so they can have an easier time reading :) they may use "ah...hyun..." Like the last part of his name but Idk. Lol. It's unfortunate but many would probably wonder what -ssi is for a sec and be taken out of the moment while reading. :O all about the suspense (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ haha

Hehehehehe!!! You deserve it hun
Your details was AWSOME hehehehe!!!!
If you have time you should start a blog or a personnal page Private and accept only the people who love ya translation!!!!! Just an idea like that.
Can't wait for next friday.... what will they do????!!!! Soooo curious to know!!!!
****very exited here***** for next chapters

omg. thanks so much for translating the raws! sometimes i dont wait so much for the translated chapter here coz i've already read it from yours. and i'm not demanding but would you please be so kind as to translate chap 62? hahahaha its hard to wait another week when the raws look promising. even more promising than my future. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Ch 60 translation
*scene/emotion description*
*panel outside of Jiwon's building. Cloudy looking like it's about to rain*
*panel of phone in hand looking at the weather. Heavy rain expected in Seoul*
*panel of Jiwon at the hyeongwan (T/N: small area where you take off your shoes. The japanese call in Genkan) tying his shoe and noticing an umbrella*
*panel of him recalling DG forcefully giving him the umbrella after DG told him off and to not look for him again*
*panel of Jiwon staring out into space in the umbrella's direction*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of umbrella*
*panel of Jiwon's eyes going into focus*
*panel of him lifting up the umbrella*
********BJ Alex Logo********
Ch 60
*panel of inside the cafe wide shot*
*panel of dishes being washed*
*panel of DG blank stare as he's washing dishes*
--I'm restless--
--I don't know what to do with my feelings for Sunbae--
*panel of when Jiwon yelled at DG after he interrupted the stream*
--The pain he gave me--
--his closed off heart--
*panel of him recalling when Jiwon asked if DG loved him and it's best if he did to look for other people*
--Can I come to love Sunbae again?--
*DG's worried face*
DG thinking: 'I can get hurt all over again...'
Chanwoo: DG two Americanos~
DG: Ah okay.
--What do I do now?--
--What was Sunbae thinking during that night...?--
DG: "Ah!"
Chanwoo: "Hm?"
DG: "The other day when I was sick, why did Sunbae end up coming over?"
"Did you ask him to go for you?"
"If so why..."
Chanwoo: *triggered* *serious face* "Nam donggyun..." (T/N: gasp he didn't call him dong dong/DG. Full name. he's in trouble XD LOL)
*Boiling mad. Triggered lol*
"Why don't you ask the person in question about that matter."
DG: "?!" "What?"
Chanwoo: "It's too embarrasing to say it in person. I don't want to"
*next panel him making a ruckus suddenly lol gag like as well*
"Damnit! From now on don't come to me complaining about love and such. Understand?!"
DG: *wtf* *confused* "W-Why not?!"
DG thinking: 'Why is chanwoo acting like that? What happened that day?'
*a few hours later*
Chanwoo: "Donggyun, I'm heading out first~"
DG: "okay. Get home safe"
*DG alone sweeping up*
DG: "it's still raining"
"I didn't bring an umbrella and there's no umbrella left in the bin"
"I'm going to have to run for it"
*Store bell from someone entering the cafe*
*DG turns around*
DG: "huh?"
*DG's eyes widen. slightly surprised*
DG: "Ah..."
*jiwon opening the door to the cafe preparing to enter*
Jiwon: "Can I come in for a minute?"
DG: "Ah...!" "Yeah..."
Jiwon: "here" *hands him the umbrella from before*
"I came to return the umbrella you lent me"
DG: *recalling that day* "Ah that day..."
Jiwon: "Today it began to rain so I came here to give it to you"
"I'll take my leave now" *turns around*
DG: *with umbrella in hand* *looking confused and worried* "....."
"Sunbae! Wait!"
Jiwon: *surprised*
DG: "I-....wanted to ask you something"
"That day I was sick, how come you came to my house instead of Chanwoo?"
Jiwon: "....!"
*panel of him adverting his eyes. Blushing*
Jiwon: "That..."
Chanwoo: "If you can admit how much you like Donggyun to me, if i can hear it, then i'll let you go to him."
"C'mon. I'm waiting" *sassy like*
Jiwon: *blushing* "....."
*panel of DG smiling*
*panel of Jiwon furrowing his brows and looking down in shame and pain*
Jiwon: "Nam donggyun has..."
*next panel*
"those ugly and big eyebrows,"
*chanwoo taken aback. wtf*
"and he has no idea how to dress, sometimes he looks like an idiot"
(T/N: LOL wtf chill bro lmaooo)
"if he wasn't my fan I wouldn't have even taken a second glance. He looks plain and ordinary"
Chanwoo: "w..t...f?" (T/N: basically. subtext)
Jiwon: "But now...."
*panel of chanwoo waiting in anticipation wondering what he's going to say next*
*Jiwon adverting his gaze to the floor. embarrased*
"Donggyun looks lovely"
"I don't know how it happened or when it started"
"I still want to see him. I wanted to be next to him"
"Because of my actions from before, you as Nam Donggyun's friend will probably hate me, but..."
Chanwoo: "...." *looking sort of at a lost for words just listening to his spiel*
"now my heart is true. Please believe me."
*impactful background for the next bubble ;)*
"I want to be with Nam Donggyun."
***Flashback end***
*panel of Jiwon finishing recalling*
*panel of sound of rain*
Jiwon: "...I was worried about you" (T/N: *flips table. Still stalling I see. -_- lol)
DG: "Yeah...?"
Jiwon: *stoic stare* "....."
DG: "Why..." *looking very confused. Sweatdrop*
Jiwon: "...." *closing his eyes prepping. blush*
*panel of Arthur fist/ Jiwon's clenched fist (T/N: LOL) he's nervous about to go for it*
Jiwon: "...Nam Donggyun" *takes a step closer*
*panel of just jiwon's mouth*
"I have been feeling sorry for a while"
*panel of DG confused and slightly taken aback*
*panel of Jiwon beginning to blush OD. Preparing to spill the beans* (T/N: *eats popcorn ferociously* *suspense*)
*places his hands on his shoulders* (T/N: probably for balance because he about to pass out with what he's about to say. Me too LOL)
*background full of light making it feel like they're the only two people in the world*
Jiwon: "I love you"
(T/N: CHEERS hooray finally! Development lol. don't worry not over just yet. almost but not yet XD)
*panel of DG's eye widening in shock and disbelief*
*rain sounds*
*panel of DG beginning to blush mad hard. confused but looks happy but still at a lost for words*
DG: "....."
*panel of Jiwon blushing still and glossy eyed looking at DG in awe*
*he's leaning in for a kiss*
DG: "!" *slightly startled. Jiwon still going for it*
Jiwon: *as he's leaning in for a kiss* "...If you don't like me you can turn away. You don't have to like me back"
*Panel of DG wrapping his arm around him bringing him closer*
*DG goes in and jumps into his arms and kisses him*
Jiwon: *surprised**shocked**mid kiss* "....!"
*he closes his eyes and starts to kiss him back*
*panel of rain*
*last panel of zoomed out wideshot view from outside the cafe of them embracing each other and kissing*
*explodes* last translation ever from exploding LOL jkjk
Finally!!! Something happened!!!! I hope this momentum continues. I also hope it doesn't end with them just getting together. I wanna see what happens afterwards like how their relationship is going to work out, what about the streams? partner streams? LOL nah.
But seriously, want to see the aftermath. I don't mind this series keeping on going after they get together. Lot to unwrap. from DG being treated like shit I hope DG is just in the moment and realizes that Jiwon needs to do more. Want a lot of unwrapping. They also can't end it with them just getting together and us wondering what's going to happen with the streams. It's called BJ Alex. It's all about the stream LOL

Ahhh! Thank you! I read the raws, but my korean is still not enough to completely understand, so I always look forward to reading yours and others' translations on here! I was really confused when I was reading the line about DG's eyebrows in the raws, I wasn't sure if Jiwon was saying that the thick eyebrows are ugly or if he was saying that DG is ugly (which I just couldn't understand, he saw how amazing DG looked at the park!). Again, thanks for the translations!

Thankkkk..... you .....i'm so happy....

also I fucking agree if it just ends there its going to be so underwhelming. I actually predict jiwon will stop bj alex though because in the previous chapters he realized that the publicity and praise was a sad attempt to fill that void in his broken heart. not to mention it was difficult to get it up if not for DG. I suspect BJ Alex was just a temporary thing and since he's grown he can be happy with DG alone :)

dude i knew it. I was suggesting that Alex should return the umbrella and apologize . I.remember was down voted by a lot of people like wtf man. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

PS. Twas around the time the jealousy drama was happening.
PPS. You're Welcome.

Thank ya kindly sir or madam! As excited as I am...does it not seem a bit rushed to you guys? All that tension with no real release. I mean, I think I knew that they'd eventually make up and that's what I craved but now I truly believe that Mingwa is afraid of drama. And it's sad, because I'm so for the drama. I bringeth the drama. I live and breathe the drama. I anticipate the drama. Jaejin should have been a love interest. He's said so many nice things to DG that DG probably would have preferred Jiwon to say. But shit, I will take the new chapter as a win.
Again, thank you anonymous for translating ヾ(☆▽☆)

Madam ;) lol. You're welcome.
It does and I hope this is just an act of passion and things slowly start to unwrap including the drama, THE SUSPENSE!
I think Jaejin was just there to as a plot device to show Jiwon's emotional battle with his irritations crushing self. Important but not that important. Just there to show how irritational having a crush is, even showing jealously to someone you don't even need to be jealous about.
Plus he was also there to make DG sick so Jiwon can visit XD lol.


first of all sir, I see you're a man of culture as well
and then , thank you for your work ! Thank you for taking the time to translate it with so much details.
and I have to say this scene:
Jiwon: "Nam donggyun has..."
*next panel*
"those ugly and big eyebrows,"
*chanwoo taken aback. wtf*
"and he has no idea how to dress, sometimes he looks like an idiot"
reminds me of scary movie 2 when they all start to trashtalking Cindy without noticing it xD

thank you so much for this! i'm so happy jiwon was finally able to confess his feelings. i really want this to continue on too to see the aftermath of how they are doing as a couple now. like what's he going to do with his stream now that he has dg by his side (if he keeps going on with it, i hope he'll show how happy he is with dg by his side and have dg wear a mask like him), how they'll act together in public now (whether they'll show off that they're in a relationship and not care about what others think or keep it low key?), etc. i also want to see jiwon keep on caring for dg now too to make up for all of the crappy stuff he did in the past.
BJ Alex Ch 69 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of the night sky*
*Jiwon parks his car outside DG's house*
*panel showing DG fell asleep in the passenger seat during the car ride home and Jiwon turning his head to look at him*
*zoomed panel of DG sleeping peacefully*
*zoomed panel of Jiwon looking at DG*
Jiwon: "....."
*panel of Jiwon recalling his convo with Jaejin*
Jaejin: "It always seemed like Donggyun hyung avoids people so it took me a bit to get close to him but even being friends with him, he never showed how he's really like"
*panel of jiwon recalling DG sitting alone where jaejin was first introduced*
"I think deep down he feels really lonely"
*back to current time Jiwon still looking at DG pensively*
Jiwon thinking: 'So...I wasn't the only one who thought that after all'
'Nam Donggyun always seems to mantain a secure distance from people'
Jiwon: *gloomy background* "....."
Jiwon: *slightly shaking DG away by the shoulder* "Nam Donggyun wakeup!"
DG: *drowsy* "huh?"
Jiwon: "We're here at your house already"
DG: *Surprised* "Oh! We're here...!" "Okay, I'll be going then!"
*panel of DG's eyes looking at Jiwon*
DG: "Ah."
*DG leans in to kiss Jiwon goodbye and goodnight* (T/N: D'aww)
DG: *Opening the car door* "Haha I didn't forget today :)"
"Bye, drive safely sunbae"
Jiwon: *panel of him grabbing DG's arm to stop him* (T/N: not aggressively lol) "Nam Donggyun"
*Panel of them two in the car*
"If...If you're feeling worried, don't keep it all bottled up to yourself, please let me know if there is something that is worrying you"
*panel of Jiwon*
"I can help you" (T/N: As in he can be there for him for a shoulder to lean on)
*panel of DG looking surprised*
DG: "....!"
*panel of DG smiling slightly worried about something*
"Okay, I'll let you know when necessary"
*panel of the night skyline by DG's house*
"I appreciate it sunbae"
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
Ch 69
*cue memory flashback*
*panel of darkness (T/N: lololol idk how to properly describe it)*
*panel of a group of kids murmuring amongst themselves*
*panel of DG in a high school uniform wondering what's going on*
DG: "?"
*zoomed panel of the kids murmuring. Looks like gossip*
*panel showing DG walking over to them*
DG: "Hey! What are you guys talking about"
*panel of them turning around menacingly*
*panel of DG startled and nervous*
DG: "!"
*panel of one of the kids dark shadowing mystery eyes*
Rando: "Nam Donggyun, you..."
*panel of DG's eyes showing the beginning of panicking*
*zoomed panel of rando with black and red looming background*
rando: "You're _____, no?" (T/N: intentionally left blank. Pretty obvious it's gay or something along those lines lol)
*back to present*
*DG jolts awake. It was a bad dream of a memory*
DG: "!"
*zoomed out panel of DG in his bed in his room*
DG: "Oh..."
*panel of DG turning over in bed*
"ugh, It was just a dream" "I thought I forgot about/got passed that..."
*panel of sky*
*panel of packed restaurant*
*panel of Jiwon and DG at their table eating. DG looking happy for food. sfx nom nom* (T/N: relatable. Food's great. I got hyperthyroidism so i'm thin but I'm mentally fat as fuuuucckkk XD)
Jiwon: *passing over his plate* "Here, you can eat mine as well"
DG: "S-sunbae, you barely ate... did you not like it?"
Jiwon: "No, that's not it..."
*chibi panel of them two. Jiwon's gloomy and DG is awkward lol*
Jiwon: "It's that recently I've just been at restaurants with you...I've gained weight..."
DG: "Oh..."
*zoomed out panel of them two and other tables*
DG: "Just by looking at you I can't tell."
Jiwon: "It's because you see me everyday. Ah..you're distracted"
DG: "But even so, you look great sunbae!"
Jiwon: "just eat."
*panel of waiter dropping off DG's drink*
Waiter: "here's you're drink sir."
DG: "Thank you~"
*up and down panel of DG looking up and the waiter looking down.*
Waiter: "oh,"
*panel of the whole table*
Waiter: "Are you...Nam Donggyun?"
*panel of water looking excited to bump into someone he knows*
waiter: "you're nam donggyun right? Don't you remember me?"
"I'm from XX high school, Park Sungwoong!"
"We used to hangout a lot~"
*panel of DG looking up. sweatdrop*
DG: "Oh..." "Eh..."
*Panel of Sungwoong talking in the corning and a focus on Jiwon's face*
Sungwoong: "What a coincidence! It's nice to see you again!"
Jiwon: "?"
Sungwoong: "How have you've been?"
*zoomed panel of Jiwon's face*
Sungwoong: "Y'know, I still hangout with the guys from high school~"
"The guys we used to hangout with often"
*panel of DG's anxious face pretending to smile*
DG: "Oh, y-yea I r-remember"
*side by side panel. First panel zoomed out of waiter facing DG. we see his back. second panel zoomed in onto DG's worried face*
Sungwoong: "Do you want to come to hangout later?" "we're going to go for drinks together~"
"Ah, maybe you already got plans?"
*zoomed out panel of side view of the table and someone at some other table calling Sungwoong over*
Nobody 1: "Waiter!"
Sungwoong: "Ah! I'll be right there! Hey the next time you come I'll offer you a special."
*panel of Sungwoong walking away but looking back*
*panel of Sungwoong then turning back to continue on with his work*
*panel of Jiwon with his arm on the table and his head leaning on it*
*letting out a sigh*
Jiwon: "Who was he? Do you know him?"
*panel of DG trembling*
Jiwon: "He's a friend from high school righ...?"
DG: "....."
Jiwon: "!"
*zoomed panel of DG anxious and trembling looming background*
DG: "....."
"No it's nothing like that..."
*panel of Jiwon looking worried*
Jiwon: "Ah..."
*panel of restaurant ceiling*
DG: "Sunbae, can we go now?"
Jiwon: "Yeah, let's go."
*panel of city skyline*
*panel of Jiwon's car parked*
*Panel of Inside the car with them two. DG looking down*
Jiwon: "Today we'll head home and rest early."
*zoomed panel of DG looking down in the dumps*
*panel of him recalling a memory. Looks like rando was sungwoong except the panel still shows him with mystery shadow eyes*
Rando: "Nam Donggyun, you...."
*panel of DG clenching his hands*
DG: "Sunbae..."
*panel of DG and Jiwon. DG looking down and flushed and nervous*
DG: "Sunbae, do you have to go?"
*panel of DG's face with tears beginning to whell up*
"Only for today..." "I don't want to be alone..."
*panel of Jiwon's eyes with shocked effects*
*Panel of Jiwon pulling DG in for a hug*
*panel of Jiwon's face during the hug*
Jiwon: "I'll stay by your side, don't cry."
*panel of DG's face during the hug. He's crying and tears are rolling down his face*
I'm guessing DG got bullied and the bully (sungwoong) either forgot or was being an inconsiderate ass and didn't think much of his actions but DG did (considering he was being mad friendly at the restaurant). Either way DG was hurt. This is probably why he keeps distance. Looks like the beginning of DG's backstory.
Okay now back to studying medicine. aaahhhhhh so much work due soon. lol
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