Ok Agia is lying obviously but I don’t think he’s lying about that last bit. He probably honestly thinks that Ken won’t love him the same after seeing him during the red moon or wtvr (and obviously Ken will).
I totally I agree, like when Agia killed Ken’s black haired friend ( I don’t know his name” Ken was mad but he still went back to him so him turning into a monster isn’t gonna change, what probably will hurt him if at the end Agia never loved Ken and Ken will get really upset but I also think it’s wrong that Agia is taking Ken’s love he has for him so he can fulfill the dumb prophecy when literally another set of people few years later are gonna have to do again.
Sometimes I wish mangago never fixed and restored the ability to comment
I think about this almost every time i go to the comments section now. What happened to this site lol
People are trying so hard to prove themselves to the invisible morality police is what
not even just that but fr when did people stop looking at fiction and reality as separate things? when kids got into the media (not meant for them) and makes it their good manners and right conduct lessons maybe? lol