So I really want to dye my hair in blue but I never dyed my hair before. I have brown hair that touches my butt. The main problem is that I want to change my hair but for only a couple of month bc I like how my hair is now. I want to be able to return to my natural hair and idk if it's possible

If you're worried about your hair not turning back to it's natural color, maybe dye only the ends? I've seen many people do it and they still look nice

Idk how well the shampoos and stuff other people are recommending are going to show through brown hair, I've never used it.
But if you're looking for more permanent, it's going to have to be bleached out first (depending how dark your hair is). That'll make the color actually pop nicely. You can always dye your hair back to a natural brown, a good stylist should be able to match your natural color nicely so as your hair grows out, it'll all look natural when it comes back. I've dyed my hair like every color, currently just have purple peekaboos. I have very dark hair, so bleaching is a must.

I just readed a yaoi where the main character had inverted nipples and the whole plot was about those nipples. Soo idk what it was so I check it on my best friend google AND DA FUCK IT'S EXACLTLY WHAT I HAVE. Rn It's gvguvgii in my head ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ. Then I go on the wikihow page that ewplains it. SO I'M GRADE 3 or whatever, so apparently the worst case where the nipple is complently inverted.
I'm 15 and I would like to know if it's that bad. It looks like there is surgery for it. Actually, before I thought it was only bc I wasn't very developed and I never never never wear a bra so having no nipple was kinda cool but knowing the fact I won't have nipple is pretty depressing. HOW THE FUCK I AM SUPOSE TO BREAST FEED HUHHHH, well it's not like I really wanted to do it but still........... (/TДT)/

If you have inverted nipples you can have trouble breastfeeding or not be able to at all. However, that's totally fine. You just take salts to dry up your milk and give the baby formula. If you REALLY want to breastfeed you can get surgery though, but it sounds a bit extreme to me. Or better yet, adopt! There are already too many damn people on this planet! :D

You could always try and get it pierced, that will also help with the flow of milk when breast feeding

Im not sure and not trying to scare you but Ive read before that inverted nipples can be a sign of breast cancer??

Don't worry. It's not. Some people are just born like that. Hell, some people are born with no nipples at all. Doesn't mean you have cancer.

So I was listening to a rap music and the guy say "let me love you like a moth" and I really really needed to anoy someone withthis ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

You didn't complete it.
It's "let me love you like moth, like a moth to a flame"
They said Moths and other flying insects are attracted to fires because of its light. But actually, the light disorients their vision.
Its up to you how you'll interpret the song.

I want to discover new music and new artist and I'm so curious( ̄∇ ̄")

bts is pretty big right now

Colonel reyel

Maybe try kpop ?) . I started listening to EXO a month ago and now it's stuck on me. I love the group so much :p

if you like.... here I like song+vid
bit yaoish XD
beware kinda creepy.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e65F2KHn6rY&feature=youtu.be

Yaoi ... (sort of) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=487t2wjouJQ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEfKooMunLI
My brain is potatoes with peper
Niiiiiiiice dude xD