dropping cuz of the blatantly racist art of a dark toned character in ch17
sorry but as a person of colour that disgusted me Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)
I'll just read the novel since the plot is decent

In the one of the latest chapters, the author makes a racist portrayal of a dark skinned character that the OP points out. Its a stereotype in asian media to portray Black men as usually large but more often with bloated lips. Its also a stereotype to portray gay men and transwomen all as flamboyant drag queens without much more depth to their personalities.
I was explaining that this isn't something new and it's a common trope to make fun of black/gay/trans characters then called it weird/wrong because well... It is. Then I also said that are drawn as joke characters because that is what they are drawn as, characters to make fun of and fulfill an awful stereotype.
May I know where the explanation was lacking that you had to ask what the explanation was?
the translations are so bad but im glad i read the novel so i understand whats going on, if only the translator referenced from the novel this may have been better for them
Could give us some spoilers please!!!
Can i ask where you ready the novel?
here 290+ maybe?
may i ask what chapter this again? i mean i drop reading it for a month so- hehe i only know that its 290+ or smh