I wonder if collective annoyance was the reaction the author expected when they added that twist. I mean, I get that Seungho has a long history of mistrust for others, self-hatred and violent/toxic behaviour, and it would make sense that he finds those things hard to let go, thus returning to them if tried, BUT it also makes sense that he grows as a character. We've seen the beginnings of that growth, and were rooting for more, but somehow the author thought it more befitting to clip that arch right at the beginning, which is... Quite disappointing, really. You build up expectation (with mastery, might I add) just to throw it away. I'm not even talking about "oh but they're clearly in love, why not let love win in the end" (meh), I'm talking about storytelling. This is one hell of a let down, but all is not lost (that is, not if they wrap this up quickly instead of dragging it on forever, which will make it even more exhausting to put Seungho -as a character- back on that path of growth).
truly, this manga updating is the best thing in 2024 so far, I've loved this series for over a decade, it's the main reason I started taking Japanese classes, i just love these two little guys so damn much aaaaaaaaaa