blockheart created a topic of There, Not There

I'm a little bit of an Erok myself.

blockheart created a topic of The World Without You

and I'm like where??? And then I continue to read the story in one sitting so I acclimate my eyes to the visuals so I go "he kinda does" but then I run out of chapters to read so when I get back to reading a new update, my opinions are back where I first started.

I like the story though. And the art style/presentation has its own charms...just not my preference.

blockheart created a topic of Reunion
blockheart created a topic of Honey Trouble


Also, what a waste of a pretty top. Ig it's only the 1st season but why did he have to be such a frustrating character? He won't communicate, won't confess but will act jealous? Hello?

Also, does being Beta come with being oblivious?

blockheart created a topic of Waterside Night

Fxck, if that isn't the most fucked-upically romantic thing I've ever heard.

The self-awareness is what gets me. They both know it.

blockheart created a topic of Double Bell

Fire had good concept and art. I wish it was more fleshed out but I really liked it. The characters were so pretty. Art was gorgeous. Turquoise Love could have been a standalone, it was that good.

blockheart created a topic of Within My Shadow

Mc's masochistic tendencies root from his guilt from when ml got hurt in their childhood. Mc is still very much traumatized by that event and we know that bc of how he reacted in the tunnel.

Mc being clingy to ml to the point of being whiny is not an expression of love, but rather, of mc's worry about ml's physical well-being. Mc has expressed worry about ml when he kept going out for some period of time, and he was also in the know about the family business. He has also witnessed ml being violent with others, and ml getting into fights meant that he was putting himself in harm's way as well. I think, that bc the trauma is so big (to the point it is expressed as separation anxiety), it just trumps all the feist and the fight that mc used to have???

Or at least, that's how I'm convincing myself.

We can't deny that Mc holds an affection for ml given their long history, but also, to MC, ML now holds the punisher role, the thing he's been craving all this time, perhaps from ml himself, which is why ml has become that much more important to what I'm thinking.

blockheart created a topic of Half of Me

If I'm correct, the last chapter I remember was around when the ml laughed hard at the mc in the hallways?? Or the pink hair guy being at the same hotel as mc?? I can't remember which chapter I stopped reading from and I didn't even have it bookmarked

blockheart created a topic of Haunted by Desire

But it's been a while since I finished the main story so I was confused about who was the third couple (for some reason I only remembered the couples in old korea) and then realized it was the ghost king and the modern day shaman. They were my favorite. Ah it's time. It took me some time to realize Sanggil was probably one of the ghosts too, lmao

blockheart created a topic of The Alpha's Bride

I started reading from chapter 3 (don't ask why) and only read the beginning after I finished it and wow, it was so weird slowly realizing mc was a minor when I saw him graduating and telling ml he wants to get into uni.

Reading this really clarified something for me, and it's that you should expect noncon/Dubcon to be the norm in omegaverse. In the first chapter, when ml was like "your pheromones made the alphas attack you" was it for me. Can we call it victim-blaming? He was just stating facts of omegaverse. It's true that alphas lose their reason when they smell pheromones. They're like animals at that point. And that was the point I realized that omegaverse characters are sub-human. Humans should never lose reason the way they do in omegaverse, and it's fine to consume omegaverse as long as you have a grounded understanding of that.

Nevertheless I am still disgusted. I always strayed away from omegaverse for a reason that I didn't know until today. I thought it was just about the smut. But uh, it's the very nature of omegaverse that doesn't sit right with me. Regardless, it was good art.

blockheart created a topic of Lima Syndrome

Bc Heewon actually truly fell in love with Muyoung but he's just sick at the core that he can't really help it anymore. So it's not that he can't empathize, it's just that he hurts for Muyoung as well and it's eating him up that's why he thinks it's better to just get rid of his feelings so he can stay in his "fairy tale"

Muyoung is such a sorry case too, because even though he knows how much of a fuck-up Heewon is, he still holds on to the times when Heewon was kind to him, because he didn't have anything/anyone else...and Heewon is to blame for that.

It's amazing to me when the author writes the characters so that they reflect the "what-ifs" of a story. Heewon is still wearing a red stud because it's Muyoung's favorite color. His feelings for Muyoung haven't changed and it will be like that forever. Heewon really could have gotten the fairytale that he wanted with Muyoung if he just let things take its course, but instead of being just the main character in the fairytale, he just had to go ahead and be the writer too. :(

blockheart created a topic of Corrosive

Like I'm sorry about the wording but I need him to accept ml's protection. He's been on his toes for far too long

Sadu won't let Eon fall asleep bc he was afraid he wouldn't wake up again just like the other guy.
I imagine Sadu just sitting beside the other guy's body for hours BRO T_T

ALSO, the possibility that that guy wouldn't have chosen to do what he did if Sadu hadn't left his side for a bit BROOOO

blockheart created a topic of Red Area

I read the raws but I'm just leaving a comment here for keepsake

It's so interesting to me how the story came across as poignant and vivid to me despite it being mostly black and white. Is it the panelling? The close peering into the characters' point of view? I feel like I've lived at least a day of their lives, like I WAS them. But at the same time I was just an observer, just peering in, watching their the characters sway, bend, break.

It is a story that utilizes a lot of smut; smut just might very well be this bl's selling point, but at the same time, this was more than just smut to me. I feel deeply for both the characters. They're just so beautiful to me, so pure, which, again, is ironic considering the amount of smut.

Idk if this was explained in the translated version, but Myeongdo's name is literally "brightness level" and in that scene the morning after Myeongdo finally admitted his feelings for Cheongok, Cheongok was portrayed against the bright light of that morning. And when they laid back down together, they were both finally in color.

I interpreted that as Myeongdo finally letting down his walls to let light in, and letting the light in means letting the colors show themselves. The colors have always been there. To Myeongdo it was just a matter of seeing them or not. I would argue that he didn't even know that his world was black and white. But that scene was very impressive to me. It was the first time they were both shown in color, the first time they both felt at peace, certain.

This feels like gibberish I don't know what I'm writing. I hope I come back here and edit this after another read (expect two years)