blob March 14, 2024 6:53 pm

Is the black hair dude the endgame? Cause if not I don’t want to waste my time with spineless mc and rapey ml

blob March 14, 2024 2:59 pm

Where can i read the translated mature version? The r15 is wack specially for this type of story now its just business and law talks fucking boring

Betty February 19, 2024 8:58 pm

Sorry but the author doesn’t know how to write a story properly, the art is beautiful but the plot? I usually fall in love with character’s relationship quickly but this was dry af and rushed it had no feelings i dont know how to describe it its just dead i couldn’t get into their dynamic specially because it feels weird authoritative savior isk which is so not my cup of tea because it feels like it comes from gratitude and feeling like you need to give back than actual love, also the random rape that was then glossed over as well as the incest? Hit all of the shit marks huh ? So random, lifeless and boring, but beautiful art nonetheless

Betty February 10, 2024 7:30 pm

He ugly low key

Betty February 8, 2024 11:07 am

Any raws?

Betty January 14, 2024 12:45 pm

Im kinda of bored of him, not only does he have a shit personality he whines about the same nonsense and honestly he isn’t that hot for me to tolerate his character at this point i feel like the story is getting stale im simply here for the smut

Betty January 14, 2024 1:09 am

This made me cry god their relationship is so depressing and toxic but i will say the author definitely makes you want to read what will happen, lowkey i still dislike the blond dude even after his “redemption” but thats just me

    sH9 January 14, 2024 10:42 am

    yeah I'm just drawn it...
    about this "redemption" - which is a peculiar word - I don't think it can be considered to have happened / be over, since TJ hasn't gotten rid of the debt. So far, MC's objective situation has not changed.
    The change I've seen personally is that TJ has realised and acknowledged that he's harmed MC a lot and that MC's situation makes him suffer a lot. Also, he know wants to be in a long lasting relationship with MC. And the combo of these two reasons makes him consider getting read of the sex deal and perhaps of the debt. The current issues are that he's very very possessive (while MC feels oppressed by being at TJ's mercy in terms of money and security, and MC is very isolated he has no friends no colleagues etc I'm worried he'll have him stuck "at home" "at the end of his leash" again) and bad at communication (doesn't face that MC doesn't want to be with brother because he's having suicidal thoughts for instance).

    Also mini disclaimer that in front of real life abusers, seeking help and protecting one's self notably by talking to professionals and leaving the company of the abuser can help a lot. That there is no obligation to feel of "not wanting to abandon" the abuser or "change" them so they become a better person - reality ain't like fiction people don't change quickly, no one has to suffer abuse to help someone, and the best help the abuser can get is professional help for them as well, and if they refuse it's their problem.

    sH9 January 14, 2024 10:43 am

    *drawn in like pulled in

    sH9 January 14, 2024 10:49 am

    a real redemption would be: getting rid of the debt, getting MC an independent and competent lawyer, and eventually gifting him the ownership of an appartment. With that, MC would not be at the mercy of TJ and have a stable situation except for the issue of the guy who attacked him who's still roaming around.
    That would not require MC to make any promise to TJ, there shall be no counterparty involved.

    The issue is that TJ wants to have MC. So far it looks like he's prioritised that and not MC's happiness.

    That, in addition to all the fucked up shit he's done - which in real life would unduly mean he's a bad enough person that the only reasonable thing would be to run away from him - makes it inconceivable for me to call him a "green flag".

    sH9 January 14, 2024 10:51 am


Betty January 11, 2024 9:07 pm

This was kinda annoying to read idk why but the characters just gave off teenage anime character personality the writing (dialogue) is weird and childish for their age? Also I honestly laughed when they wrote the ml is 30 then you see his face looking like a baby girl

Betty January 4, 2024 12:08 pm

And still people find them hot together or even romantic i love enemies to lovers but this is more of a criminal and his victim gotta have stockholm syndrome to fall in love with him

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