The way I screamed “NO!!” At the end was crazy, even my bother told me to stfu but like why does it have to end!!!!

Right?! The chapters become shorter and shorter, especially when it gets hot and this I mean everywhere! Almost each manga or manhwa or whatever I read that's not "old" has this phenomenon. As if the artists feel too much pressure to produce new chapters really fast. I mean - I've got no problem to wait longer for better quality and longer chapters instead of getting tiny bites more often. It's just not that satisfying...

This was actually good. I was confused in the beginning as to who liked who, but when I realized I was like… oohhhhhhh!!!! you are weird, you need therapy, u need to be stoped….Anyways the main couple was cute, and will always be beautiful. The two other fuckers mmm… I didn’t get why he had such a high of an obsession with like the main lead, idk if it was bc he wanted to be loved or just wanted to eat him up ( I don’t mean this in a cute or hot way, we can all agree that it was messed up what he did and we can all agree that his dads was hot…but I won’t spoil for the people who haven’t read it yet) but ig it added a plot to this story. The art was beautiful and the top was hot, bye

Same thought, like t seen so many bl manga where obsession was crazy but didn't last long but this one is definitely so much crazier cus the obsession was never ending whether it was the white hair loving his brother or the cousin loving the white boy, all i could say they both just needed a good, long time therapy session and new characters to love but anyway I was just here for the main couple and it didn't disappoint me

Should I read this?? Or is this a novel?? I just don’t want to read another story where everything is just hatred or the top being an asshole that gets away with everything

Sorry this is long -
At the start Ml kills MC family ( this was explained - it was political , and the emperor doing)
In doing this a conflict starts between MC and Ml , now MC wants revenge , so he becomes the Ml "Boy toy" .
But he ends up catching feelings for the ml, ( ml had some times where he did not treat Mc kindly) do to testing how far MC is willing to go - ML is aware that he killed MC family, and often asked MC if he can actually accept having to do "explicit things " with the man who murdered his family. MC who trembled at the slightest touch from ML , didn't reply ( I think) but ML didn't continue anything.
Later on MC will try to push through ( and yes they did have consensual S***).
ML will also catch feeling for MC ( and yes he does treat MC with care before and now just a bit more and less cautious - as he wanted to believe MC genuinely likes him)
( Wise MC secretly sneaks out to get poison to kill ML)
This story is about angst and revenge, complex feelings)
Yes we have SA - in the last few chapters when ML found out MC plan to murder him ). He felt genuinely hurt, but he knew he was the man who murdered MC family.
This is nothing like jinx , the complexity of this was intriguing.
Can you actually have feelings for the man who murdered your family and forgive him?
Can you live with yourself knowing u murdered this boy family and do you deserve forgiveness?
These questions are the ones that burns within this (personally for me)
Yeah am not reading this new chapter. I think imma just leave it for a while and come back when it gets better (if it gets better) bc there is so much my brain can handle and my mental state can NOT handle it. Bye ( ̄∇ ̄")