I feel bad for suho • ‿ ,• I hope he gets out soon. And finally, a villain with common sense who actually covered lower part of suho's face to see if he is the guy with blackmask. Villains in other stories never discover their enemies identity even tho the mask is covering just 'half' of his face smh
imagine asking the 'victim' for permission to kill him, oh my god, this two is really.... freaky
anybody know where his mother at? i need spoilerssss, is she dead? or she on the enemies side, kidnapped? or is she with jinwoo? where the freak is she? anywayssss, I love that he's kinda stronger than his father when starting to level up and he got some unique powers. I hope there will be an incident where beru or any other unknown thing will 'accidentally' or 'intentionally' unlock other people's memories from previous world, especially with the s rank hunters. It's sucks seeing him and jinwoo protect the earth alone when there's a lot of useful hunter. Maybe if that happens, he can protect outer space along side his father... and mother? And then, the s rank hunters will be in charge of protecting the earth.
hot as hell top, he kinda give off red-flag vibe but so far he's acting cutesy, I hope no problems arise, please
I feel sorry for yayul(。ŏ﹏ŏ) but ryucheong and Yeon really suit each other well, I hope yayul end up with the red-headed girl instead.
when will this side story end, like? if it's this loooong like his schlongg, this should've been the season two and then make the side story after that, where happy things happen. I just want them to quickly get married and live a happy peaceful life, not a bunch of problem for a 'side story'. • ‿ ,•