is it wrong for me to think that he doesn't deserve our sweet loving teddy bear? I mean, I get that he's traumatized and afraid but he knows himself that geonwoo and his trash ex are like heaven and hell different. at this point, he's just being selfish, he doesn't care about geonwoo, he just want to keep him so he won't be alone, like a dog for emotional support and a convenient fvck buddy combined. ಠಗಠ

did u not read the last part that he knows that they are different but idt u get what it means to go through a relationship that scars you in such a deep manner. yeah i agree he probably should take some time off to get therapy work done. but he does care for geonwoo in his own way. idt anyone who doesn’t care would book a ticket to japan to apologise to him or care about what geonwoo thinks. he’d probably just shrug it off and wait for geonwoo to come back to korea to apologise or sweep it under the rug

I mean, is it a fully inaccurate take? Up until these last 3 updates, Hajin was 100% taking advantage of Geonwoo's kindness and devotion. Whenever Geonwoo asked for confirmation or a step forward in their relationship, Hajin has consistently objectified him and brushed it aside. He even just admitted to taking Geonwoo for granted all this time. Yeah, this ex backstory is useful for better understanding him as a character but that doesn't take away from the fact that he's been pretty terrible to Geonwoo. It may not have been as brutal or cruel, but he's essentially treating Geonwoo the same way his ex did him. Fucking him but constantly keeping an arms distance between them. Geonwoo is giving loaves of bread but getting crumbs in return. Idk. I've experienced both of their roles at one point or another so I feel a personal disappointment in Hajin rn. If he's not ready to commit, especially due to unresolved trauma, needs to stop getting Geonwoo's hopes up and let him down before the hurt blows them both up. It's cruel to toy with others' emotions.

Have you ever been mentally or emotionally scarred before? I have! That stuff changes you. My two closest best friends in the whole world. Who I knew growing up for many years. Both of them stabbed me in the back. The betrayal cut me so deep. To the point where I don't trust people for sh't. I can't stand people, especially fake people. I push people away, rather than let them get close to me. Stuff like that messes you up on a mental level...

I get your take and you're right that he was technically using him, but the difference is that he set the ground rules since the beginning and explained his intentions instead of just leaving him in the dark and letting him hope for something that wouldn't come. He COMMUNICATED the fact that he only wanted him for his body, versus his ex that never once did that and manipulated him into thinking that they were actually a couple. Another difference being that Geonwoo knew this and still CHOSE to continue to try. That was his choice to continue to court him despite knowing that Hajin only wanted him for his body. And now Hajin actually wants to be with Geonwoo but he's scared, which I fully understand him for. That isn't necessarily leading him on or manipulating him if Hajin was clear from the beginning on what his intentions were.

That's fair. I think it's worth noting here that Hajin is about a decade older than Geonwoo (who is about 3 years into adulthood). Geonwoo made a poor decision but this is his first crush and he's fairly naiive--both are things Hajin should be taking into account when engaging with this person. I agree that Geonwoo has to take accountability for his willingness to play into this relationship, but Hajin has most definitely been manipulating his hope for his own sexual pleasure. Their agreement hinged on Geonwoo believing that Hajin would come to care for him if he submitted his body to him--based on what we now know of Hajin's past, it's shocking that he'd agree to such a blatantly cruel arrangement. Hajin's ex similarly recognized Hajin's naivety and used it for his own sexual desire--however, you're right that that's where the similarities end. Even still, Hajin should have hardline said, "No, I'm never gonna want a relationship with this boy. I can tell this means more to him than me and I need to not mess with his heart." I'm glad that he's recently been reflecting on that and doing his best to change, but it's still frustrating as a reader to see him give so many mixed signals (with very little honest communication) while Geonwoo has been consistently patient and understanding only to be disappointed every time.
Feel the same too! I was like what a useless bitch she is,
Someone needs to get that hoe out of that room she’s not doing anything but get in the damn way (╯°Д °)╯╧╧