So I’ve been trying to find this manga for awhile now. It’s buried deep within my reading list.... or my want to read list, whose to say? I can’t remember what the cover looked liked.
Anyway, it’s about two twins and the seme. The seme falls for the quiet twin and they date. But the other twin one is obsessed with his brother to the point he locks him up and even tries to stab him (or succeeds, I’m not sure) If anyone know what manga I’m talking about let me know. Pleas and thank you


So I asked a similar question a long time back and got some good replies. So here’s hoping for a second time.
Is it wrong/wiggy for a 400+ Supernatural being (looks 25) to sleep with a human aged 26-30? Like both consenting adults and all that but does it sound messed up? This is a New adult/ adult book so they don’t really need to connect of the emotional or intellectual level. It’s pretty much set but I’d like a non bias opinion and feedback for this.

That’s what i was thinking and i loved those stories (night huntress, Anita Blake etc) but I’ve also heard reviews saying that in reality the couple would really have nothing in common, different interest and all that. That what gave me pause. I am finding it interesting writing a character thats 400 years old, like they “should” be wise to all the tricks in the book but then have to fall for some of the obvious ones because of plot purposes.

Maybe i should read Midnight Sun to get the prospective of the 100 something dude lusting after a teenager and use it as a “what not to do” guide. (I read the 12 chapter leak years ago, it wasn’t pretty) hence why the base age is 26, technically speaking the human body is fully developed around mid 20s. That’s without the mental maturity aspect to consider. But in my story most of the MC’s attraction to others is purely physical, heat of the moment stuff.

ヾ(☆▽☆) Thank you so much for filling me in on the backstory and it makes a lot more sense now. And i agree with you that side characters with dark backstory is so exciting and makes me want more. I think my fav persons in the Cullen family is Edward (because his backstory is interesting) and also Alice (because she has amazing abilities and also her backstory is very interesting)

Coz I’m guessing the majority here will fit into the target audience, I’ll like to get your opinions on this.
What is less creepy for a vampire and an 18 year old human being together.
A) a 150+ year old vampire (turned between 18-20)
B) a vampire turned roughly 40 years ago at age 18-20 (is around the same age as the 18 year old’s father but IS NOT THE FATHER. Spoiler: Father and vampire were friends and grew up together before the vampire was turned, the father is dead)
Please comment (A) or (B) and if you like give your reason. Thank you in advance, this will help me out a lot.

Less creepy would be A because thered be less people to remind me (the reader) that vamp is over 100+ yrs old and immortality becomes no biggie when you get past a certain age
But interesting is B because we dont get much of that but it WOULD be rather creepy because Ill be reminded that vamp is actually just a 40+ uncle who is likely still trying to get used to immortality so probably his mentality as an immortal is still not mature. Also the fact that a 40 yr old will be dating a human that just turned legal doesnt sit well with me. Probably when the human is around 21 or 22 is much preferrable because people are usually more experienced and mature at that age.

Thanks, age is knowledge haha. B is the original plot coz it works better but I was always thinking how weird it was for the vamp to be the same age as the human’s father. Like if they didn’t look 20ish he’d be alive and look in his 50s, at least if they were 150+ the human would be long dead so age restriction goes out the window

Haha, that’s more or less what I said in the other reply. I thought of it before for the reason it was new and different but couldn’t shake the “creepy uncle” vibe. Kinda reminds me of a book series “Strange Angels” there was a vamp who was 100 years old or something like that, he had the hots for the MC’s mum who died, then he started pining after the MC herself.
Thank you very much for your input. I was resorting to “enny minny miny mo”

I think B is fine so long as you age up the human a bit more. The uncle vibe wont be so prominent if the partner is emotionally and mentally mature and secure with themselves. Besides, im of the belief that (as a general rule) anyone above 21 can date whoever whoever they want because at that age, theyd have a bit more experience in life considering thats usually the age people arent sheltered by school anymore.
Also i havent read that book yet but it definitely isnt my cup of tea. I mean some people could roll with it I guess (and I totally hold no judgements over it) but i dunno, its weird for me. Haha

I was thinking of ageing up the characters a bit, the Mc was 16 in the first idea (yeah, I know bleh) 18 is the legal adult age in my country and the character is graduating from an academy.
I’m iffy about making the characters too old, aiming for the YA gap and they want someone to relate to. It’s tricky coz I found the older I get, the more I think how impossible a person in a story under 17 could do the things they did. I’m in my mid 20s now and watch “The little mermaid” and I was like “Brat, listen to your father!” to Ariel
That was a minor thing in Strange Angels and the MC shot that down, she even called him out on it.

Gods I love that manga.... it’s pure gold.
I like the different types of lore about vampires (everything but the sparkling ones) and enjoy mashing them up.
Thanks for the input. I am thinking of going A mostly now. Talking it out with ppl online helps a lot, I get embarrassed trying to explain it to family coz they’re not big on supernatural stuff. And I can see their reactions....

Why are some reader so hell bent on using real life “logic” or “laws” in manga?
So this has been plaguing me for a while now, maybe it was reading one to many oh-so serious “discussions” or I just figured “What the hey?”
In my own opinion, fiction exists as an escape from reality. A place where the real world shouldn’t have to apply. Hell the author has every right to do whatever they want in their fictional world and is our choice whether or we like the story and want to read it.
Anyway, the question stands. Any and all answers are welcome. I just want to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions on the matter.

I agree, realism is not nessecary for a story to be enjoyable. I want to see terrifying, hilarious or ridiculous conclusions that would never happen in real life. That’s the fun of fiction! I’m also alright with normal solutions and simple jokes, that’s the beauty of fiction. It can be whatever you want it to be but instead you want it to be a mirror of real life? This is why I’m not really a fan of live action, I just want a way to go to another world in another time where everything is a perfect bubble of indifference and ignorance to whatever is happening on the other side of the screen. When I hide under my covers and read manga or a book or even watch anime I’m not hoping to see people, I’m hoping to see a portal into another dimension where things are similar but far better or worst.
I love drawing and sculpting anime boys and everyone always tells me the same thing “you need to make it look more real or it’s not talent” or “it doesn’t look real enough, it’s not that good” This frustrates me because it doesn’t have to look real for my work to impact people, the poses and colors do not have to reflect your standards for it to be meaningful or “””””unique”””””. I think people are just dead set on killing creativity and keeping everything and everyone the same. Monotony in everything we do, which is fine by me in the real world but fiction is where I can let go. I hate being dictated in the only outlet I have to express my thoughts and feelings.
Sorry this was kinda long I am really passionate about freedom of expression.

I got a lot to say but in too tired to write it (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
But I agree with you fiction and reality shd be separated. Howeve, I also understand that some things are morally wrong or just plain dumb. And the fact that there are dumb people out there that use fiction as reference to reality, when in fact it's the opposite

Buddy, you said everything I was about and then some. Yes to all. Fiction had always been the best way to express freedom of speech. Many books over the years were written so the author could say what they need without back lash. Take “Animal Farm” for example, that was young adult book about farm animals (duh) but it was also about a real life revolution. At the time when it was published, the author couldn’t have out right stated the story’s meaning or they could have been killed.
It’s why I get mad when I hear about “book burnings”. Books like Harry Potter and the like are put to the tourch for their content. It drives me nuts. But that’s a whole new can of worms.

I use it to draw a line between good fictional story telling and bad fictional story telling. You can argue that anything can happen in fiction and we don’t need realistic logic, but honestly, when you really read into something and intend to enjoy the story, when things happen that doesn’t make any sense logically, it ruins the flow.

That goes with the saying that I think ppl take to seriously, “life imitates art”. It in fact goes in a circle where art imitates life just as much. It’s up to the individual how they choose to go. What ppl don’t think about is that for every 1 person that chooses wrong (taking fiction and making it real, hurting others etc) there’s at least 99 others who do it write. Unfortunately is the bad that get the attention and the good suffer for it. (That can be said about pretty much anything and not just fiction tho)

That’s fair, it’s easier reading when things make sense and you don’t have to scratch a hole through your head trying to work it out. But that usually falls down to the author explaining it properly and/or the reader understanding it.
It takes a really good writer to have something so amazingly far fetched happen in their story but still leaves the reader believing that it could really happen in our world. Those stories are rare

Yeah, its easier liking horrors or the like when knowing it’s all fiction. But then you get ppl forgetting there’s a soiled line and calling those who enjoy that sort of stuff monsters and sickos. Like I have my fantasies, kinks and dark sh*t I enjoy read/watching but it doesn’t mean I’m gonna do ANY of the stuff in real life or get off on real monsters and sickos doing it. Hell, I’ll hardly talk about my fantasies out loud or write them, they canstay nice and snug in my twisted little head

I’ve just read the read chapter 17 (latest update) been reading the story since 2016. I would like to gush about the plot and the art if anyone reads it. God the art..... ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Yes! I’ve read the chapters over and over again. Plus the side stories. Asano is the best, love his take-no-shit attitude. Who do you like more with the semes? David or Kenji? I personally like David for the relationship they had and want to know what in God’s name happened to them....
Kenji is cool and I really like him but he’s a bit too much like a puppy, always trying to please and get attention. He definitely wanted more out of the relationship from the start than Asano did.

me too i desperately wants to know what happened to David in NewYork .. i like their relationship more dynamic and cute for me ... i just wants to know wtf actually happened to David ..
yup i am like his present relationship too but the first one was more pure and fluffy in comparison this one is all about lets eat each other up

You can buy either print or digital.

It has to be something to do with the “Bad Company” story that’s still ongoing. Whatever happened I just know it’ll be heartbreaking, in David’s stories that are the current timeline, it appears he feels sad about how things where left between them (WHAT THINGS?!?!) and Asano seems a lot colder now, not opening to love Kenji.
Can someone please help me find a bl?
Detail: interesting art style (not traditional)
MC becomes a prostitute to the ML’s brothel. They bond, a twink gets jelly and plots with others to kill the ML. He “dies” and the MC is more or less sold off to a creep bowl cut guy. He becomes famous but bowl cut guy is still bothering, try’s forcing feeding him cake.
I can remember most of it except the title. Many thanks to who can point me in the right direction!
OMFG! Thank you! I probably never would have found that by the cover alone. It’s different to wants in my memory. You are a bloody legend!
You’re welcome! It’s one of my faves, tbh. lol
It’s really great rounded story. I love tragedies but I’m a sucker for happy endings and bad guys getting their karma. Also sassy MCs that can hold their own are the best. Need more of them.