Have to say what?? WHAT DAMN YOU?!
But yeah..... just gonna let that hang there
Suhyeok be like: “so um, you wouldn’t do this kinda thing for anyone else? Right??
SeungHee: ???? No....
Suhyeol (face expressionless but internally cheering): *yay! I’m special!”

I also think his cousin has been pressuring him to get said revenge and he figured killing two birds with one stone. Until his priorities changed and he fell in wuv (≧∀≦)
Honestly I feel sorry for Seunghee, he’s so on guard with everyone he can’t open up and now a person he thought he could talk about stuff with is possibly becoming distant from him for reasons. Like yeah the older guy is sus in a “grooming the child” way but I don’t think he was gonna really do anything like ppl in the comments were suggesting he was up to something ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Seunghee might get hurt and end up more withdrawn from ppl *cough* Suhyeok *cough, cough*

Me: reads “that” scene. Ahhh! Awesome!! (Slightly disappointed in censering laws)
Fleeting stupid thought: your in ur twenties, don’t you find it strange you’re so excited about watching to teenages got at it?
Me: .......
Me: beats fleeting stupid thought to death with the Yaoi Love stick. Turns to comic: “Rip his clothes off Seungtak!!!
God I’m loving this story so much. They are so cute! And I can’t wait till Seung-hee and the cousins get their story going, that looks amazing it the raws

This chapter was great, delving deeper into sangwoo’s mind and what happened between him and his mum. Terribly twisted and horrible but it’s fits the story. Definitely some parallels with past and present. Maybe it’ll end up the same.
But honestly, what had me laughing even as I reread the chapter. Bum’s face.
If that’s not an “l’m so fu*king done with this shit.” meme then I don’t know what is.

Me: *burries face into pillow* siiiggghhh
Friend: *wonders in* what up with- *sees my iPad* Oh! This is the new chapter of LIAI! Is it any.... *reads chapter, places iPad down, lies next to me, grabs extra pillow and burries face into it* siiiggghhh....
Both me and friend: SIIIGGGHH......
I really just felt “meh” in this chapter. Seriously. Not annoyed at Hyesung or anything. Just meh and an “here we go again” eye roll.
I loved this couple in IYHMTM and was really excited that they get their own story. I think it might have been better to leave in the original universe. But it’s the author’s prerogative.
I still like this story and will pay to read it till the end tho.
Shit is gonna hit the fan and it’ll be all because of A MISUNDERSTANDING BECAUSE SOME STUPID TABLES WERE SPILLED. GOD DAMN