So after reading last week’s chapter I was gonna go on a mini triad about how stupid a killer Sangwoo is for wanting to off a cop, and the chief at that. I was thinking for sure this is what will get him caught (still might but I digress)
Then Koogi throws a curve ball and makes it look suicide, pretty smart. But it does seem the other cops have some brains so we’ll see how long it’ll take them to work it out. Looking forward to the next chapter that’s for sure

Wait what???

No this only has up to 61...

Oh nvm, i see lol

Yes!, more plot development with the cousins, i’ve been waiting for this, it’s so interesting seeing what-
Gets halfway through the chapter and see Kyubin and Seungtaek being all cute and ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ THEY BETTER BE HAPPY FOREVER AND NO ILL WILL SHALL BEFALL THEM OR I SWEAR I’LL CUT A B*TCH!!

Me at the start sees Seunghee might have been crying: aw poor baby, he’s found out the truth and is now heartbroken. Suhyeok, comfort your man!
Seunghee: was sent a dick pic and wants to wash his eyeballs. Even ask Suhyeok to sell his.
Me: god I love histake-no-shit attitude and dry humour. Said it before, say it again, this story is awesome!

Bakugou haters: “He’s horrible. His characters is going no where. No one likes him, if they do they are Abuser apologists.
Lastest western popularity poll: Bakugou #1 with 38,000+ votes
Bakugou haters: ..........

I've seen people try to discredit the polls just because they don't agree with them. Thing is, bakugo came in first place 3 times in a row for the Japanese polls as well. I'd give you the benefit of the doubt being a little disgruntled with the first poll since it's a new series people were just trying to feel the characters out. The second time the poll happens the series is starting to pick up steam so I can understand if you're still a bit disgruntled. But the third and fourth time? Nah you had time and knew these polls were coming, what are you complaining about?
I love when they say he has no character development lol and they have the nerve to ask what character development he's gotten cuz they don't see it. I told one person if they don't see it by now then they're just being willfully ignorant and I for one won't be feeding into their stupidity.
People can not like him all day long, idc. That's their prerogative. What I care about is when they try to spread hate and thinks everyone should hate him too just because they do and make up shit to try to justify the hate. The only literal thing they have at this point is that he WAS a bully. They act like people can't change. Well he has and I think that makes them hate him more lol

What they love to jump all over is how he told Deku to kill himself. Yes that was terrible and he shouldn’t have said it. But god damn, he’s a kid, they say shit in the heat of the moment to look tough. I doubt he meant it to be honest. Give me a kid around that age that hasn’t wished some form of death on a person (usually a friend) they’re fighting with just to be spiteful and I’ll give you three that have. Hell, when I was 11, I told my friend I wished she died before I ever met her because of an argument I have no hope of remembering. It was said in anger and forgotten about when we made up half a day later.
Bakugou had a god complex but he’s been humbled and is changing for the better.
Nuff said.
Ikr that was fucking funny
Tottaly expected and not expected at the same time! (≧∀≦)
Yeah, I like how this story sometimes takes tropes and flip them. A lot of people wouldn’t have seen the proposal as random if the uke didn’t bolt.