Let Kile and Ray be happy!!!! Is that too much to ask?!
Despite all the shits that’s about to go down, the chapter was cute. I decidedly ship Asher and Ray.
Lou being overprotective to Ray in the non creepy way is nice, almost, ALMOST make me want to forgive him for what he does to Kile (he’s still a psycho) but it does shed light onto his motives. '

Asami is ninjaing himself out of that attack, full body pinning Akihito to the bed and DEMANDING answers. He will go to great, “tortuous” HOT SEXY lengths to to get them.
Oh, yes… we will get our answers!!!

Listening to you, one would not believe that you care about the relationship between Akihito and Asami.
As Lucullus said, their relationship has long passed the stage of rape and "making the other one confess his feelings" (very ironic coming from Asami), they are a couple who have confessed their feelings and they respect each other.
So, if Asami starts "demanding answers" in this way :
1 : It's a rape because Akihito is not consenting at all and it will ruin all the way they went through : It will mean that Asami doesn't respect and love Akihito enough (You don't sleep with a person you respect and love without his consent)
2: It will prove to Akihito that he was right to try to kill Asami: He's an asshole who raped her, and depending on what he was told, will prove that those people were right
3: It lowers the character of Asami, his "I love you" doesn't mean anything anymore since he will have committed once again one of the worst crimes on the person he loves
If he doesn't: It will be a huge opportunity for him to show Akihito his feelings and try to move their relationship forward, to show that he's not an asshole and to reflect on himself, on his mistakes and on what made their relationship was
That's one of the crappiest ideas I've ever heard. You guys are tiresome always asking for sex without giving any thought to the storyline, the relationships between the characters and the impact it has on them.
You don't like Finder for the story or the characters, just for the omnipresent sex between Asami and Akihito.

True. But saying that, it’s in his character to use force even if it’s for a good reason. Remember when he choked Akihito? That was to help him with his trauma but also to reclaim residence in that space in his mind that wasn’t focused on Asami.
Possible outcomes:
1) I think in the next few chapters (most likely not this one or at the end) Asami turns Akihito back into his old self the only way he knows how (the guy probably couldn’t stand Akihito acting so ooc) During said “intervention” Akihito will snap out of it. Then the arc is about finding out what happened and there’ll be hell to pay.
2) “Intervention” doesn’t take (or Asami doesn’t do it) and Akihito is kept locked up until they can work out what the go is. Then there’ll be hell to pay.
3) Akihito passes out then a mix of 1 + 2. With extra hell to pay
4) it’s not really him and those hair-brain theories were right. (Adding this one just in case they are right and I’ll eat my crow graciously) there still be hell to pay though.
Conclusion: whatever happens, Asami is going to make whoever orchestrated this his bi*ch.

He choked Akihito because Akihito told him "to strangle him or do whatever he wanted" to get those memories out of him. That is something entirely different from forcing himself onto someone who just tried to kill you. If in answer to that cliffhanger Asami now just took Akihito and tried to fuck memory back into him, it would be rape. And at this point of their character's development we should be beyond that.

You’re really judging me and how I see the story based off one of the very few comments I’ve ever made for this manga? (you need to check yourself on that, it’s not very open minded)
The comment was a running joke from IG I wanted to post here, god forbid I didn’t ask for permission.
The growth between Asami and Akihito has been in my top 10 for years and not just with yaoi. There are plenty other stories I go to for pure smut. And so what if people do like it for the sex scenes alone? That’s their prerogative, no one has any right to gate-keep.

I know this is not directed at me, but I still just wanted to post: I am personally not judging you, but the idea.
There are some noisy fans who are actually begging Sensei to give them more rape scenes, also fans that are annoyed and calling a chapter a literal waste if it's not one with AxA fucking or to say it more clearly: If it's a chapter that's having any kind of development or plot instead of just nothing and a lot of smut.
Your comment is sadly just running into the same direction, even if it's a joke, even if you are not one of those fans: It just triggers some annoyance inside me about some noisy fans who would actually hope to lock AxA in an endless spiral of no-plot-just-raping/fucking.
If Asami did that sort of thing he would just replace one trauma with another. I am not the writer so I don't get to have a say into how the characters react or behave, but if Asami raped Akihito I would find it hard to believe that in this situation Akihito would just shrug it off as before.
But in the end, I guess we all have to wait for what actually happened. I guess we are taking this too far already and in the end, it's gonna be completely different.
If you want my idea for the chapter: I hope Asami will be able to calm Akihito down, to wrap him up in his arms and then decide that they need to go to some place safe. He could decide that this is Baishe or his brother's home (where he himself had been able to hide for 5 months). And from there he would try to win Akihito back and get rid of whatever threat there still remains.

This is a better discussion than judging the personality of a faceless name on the internet. I can get behind this.
I stand by Asami being a “forceful” person. He’ll do what he can to get it done, it’s his character. I think the author might turn it away that there will be consent (no matter how dubious it might be) a sad trope for most yaoi is “if the uke is ‘enjoying’ it - getting turned on - it ‘ok’ (it’s sick and twisted and I’ve read only a handful of stories that actually shoot it down)
There might not be any actual sex but Asami might try and coerce him with foreplay (still wrong but fiction dances on that line a lot)
Hell, I would love the entire chapter be Asami soothing him back, getting him to remember by saying “I love you.” (Legit thinking about it playing out makes me tear up) Or it’s drawn out over a few chapters and Asami gets Akihito to fall for him the right way.
I only saw the preview page just before so I’m bouncing theories off in my head based on a few panels of their expressions. And the knife. But yeah, what do you thinks gonna happen this chapter?

Haha, that one was pretty close to the other theory I had. It brings the warm fuzzies for sure.
I probably did go off to hard. Talking about triggers, it’s when others think they know someone because of a few words. Fiction exists to escape reality and having others come in to tell you that what you are enjoying and how, something that is not hurt anyone irl, is wrong.

Oh, I just read the Japan fans’ summary. Really wanted it go a little differently but it is Sensei’s work, just happy to have a new chapter and the story’s progressing.
But it is what I mean about Asami’s character, fans might want him to be the traditional kind of loving and stuff but that’s going to be too much of a 180 that it mightn’t be completely believable. Not everyone is going to be happy with one outcome.
It’s probably going to end similar to Hong Kong but with the add “I love you” memory returning. Either way, looking forward to the next one in 2+ months.

I think people are misunderstanding the title. That or missing the grammar in it.
It say “Escape, Ray” there’s a comma, meaning it’s telling RAY to escape not for ppl to escape him.
Kile is still the MC, this story is about him but we’re going to have to learn how it all happened and that includes Ray and their past.
It’s “show don’t tell” would you rather sit through Asher taking a massive exposition dump?

Disclaimer: I like both Kile AND Ray. I want to take them both home with me and give them hot chocolate. I get some won’t agree, to each their own.
This is just my take on how I see Ray and believe he’s not bad nor deserves the hate. Base on the raws and the flashback happening. I can’t read Korean so feel free to correct any mistakes. I’m opened to any counter points too, I love know different povs on a topic.
For those worried he’s “Taking over as MC” remember he is currently “dead” in a glass box atm. He’s not doing much of anything.
On to my thoughts.....
None of this is Ray’s fault.
He couldn’t help all the creeps getting obsessed over him anymore than he could help being an identical twin.
He’s had a hell of a life, abused, kicked out of home, hunted and jerked around, he killed himself to get away from all of it. He didn’t know what was gonna happen to Kile, he just wanted out. He had even tried to keep Kile away from it all.
Yes he made a mistake joining Edith but he did that to save him and Kile from a terrible situation. He is just a kid, 14 when it all started (if there’s a numbers whizz up in here, what are their exact ages now?) Like ppl wanted to use him for his powers from the get-go, without giving him a choice.
I think he deserves just as much sympathy as Kile does, the poor beans have been through so much.
HC for happy ending (this is ignoring the pairing because i want to) Ray comes back to life disappears with Kile after getting rid of their powers and they are happy. Maybe Asher can come too (Lou and Edith can both go sit on it and rotate)
HC for sad ending Kile dies as well but meet with Ray in the afterlife(?) and they are together and happy. Asher is sad but glad they found peace (Lou and Edith can both go sit on it and rotate)
But yeah, sorry for the long post is nearly 12am here. I’m happy to talk about this story with anyone.

I believe they would be around 20 years old give or take a few years because Lou said Kile’s (or Kyle’s however you want to spell it it looks better with a Y) manifestation was six years late.
I could be wrong on the age which is why I said “Give Or Take a few years” I’ll assume around his twenties because Kyle/Kile was working in a cafe to pay off his tuition fees.
Lucas is enjoying this more than he should. And i don’t blame him.