This chapter made “some” head way with the characters. I’m not gonna get into the debate about the sex scene coz that’s been done to death. Am gonna leave this quote I found here so do with what you will: “All sexual interactions in FICTIONAL media are consensual unless explicitly outlined to be otherwise in the story or by the creator.” I think that relates to yaoi in most cases.
I love the topics and conversations this story has brought up but damn the hostility in here. There are ways to express opinions without outright insulting people.
Anyway on the meat and potatoes of the chapter. Yes! They talk it out (kinda) they said they’re feelings and what not. Say what you like, even if it’s minor, that’s still progression.
And who’s to say Hyesung isn’t out in the kitchen having breakfast, being with baby, arguing with Heeso? Yeah, I’m not that optimistic either..... still, loving this story and looking forward to next week.

I love the role reversals. You have Kyubin, the class “bad boy” who really is caring and considerate of others, not willing to beat up his friend (even if they deserve it)
Then Seungtaek, class president, smartest kid and model student. Would go completely Rambo on you if you piss him off. They complement each other perfectly and they love each other. It’s so sweet.
I love Seunghee as well, his snark is brilliant. He does seem to think everyone is out to get him tho, hence the defence tactics. I’ll delve more into that on a later date however.

New Chapter is out!!
Spoilers below!
If anything, this chapter proves that u shouldn’t take this story so seriously.
But God damn this chapter was hilarious! Whole theories about how Dojin was going to deal with finding out the truth and he just ends up scolding the two like a disapproving parent. Ha!
I love how the pacing has gone into overdrive with these chapters, it makes it all the more amusing. Loving this story

Let me explain, i get this the update chapter on Lezhin at 11:02pm so I usually read it then. I started nightshift work now so I was at work when 5he chapter updated and couldn’t read it until I got home. I read it just before going to sleep after having a “AHHHHH!” moment at the last page. Then fell asleep and had some weird as hell dreams regarding the story. The one I remember was the Hyesung wasn’t really there with Dojin and baby, he had somehow astroprojected himself to be near them and was just following them around in his pjs making comments. It was funny

Now, I love, LOVE drama, angst, love triangles, possessive and/or stubborn partners in the stories I read. I live for the shit. And I enjoyed this story.
BUT every once in awhile I need/want something happy and simple. In the wake of what’s happening in this story I think I’ll share one of these rare gems with ppl here. (Unless you’ve read it already)
This is the most cutest cuteness I’ve ever read. I get gooey thinking about it.
Looking at chapter 90 in the raws with the two black hair cousins and Seunghee sitting on the couch. I kinda low key want the cousins to go down on Seunghee like nobody’s business.
Can you give the link?
Seunghee >>>