I hate it sm when I check up on the stories I've been marinating for YEARS still be on going
No what they’re complaining about is the fact that they comeback to an incomplete story when they let a story marinate awhile expecting it to be finished by the time they comeback. Plus they already acknowledged what’s happening with the author is sad and wishes them the best, their complaint isn’t about new chapters or the author not making new chapters it’s about how they left a story alone for awhile expecting it to be completed when it’s not and they are sad about that cuz now they’re excited for what’s new in the story but they can’t read it further. Not to mention they’ve said this feeling has happened MULTIPLE TIMES to them meaning it was never about the author and new chapters in the first place. It’s not fair to say all that without asking them to at least clarify what they meant themselves
is this completely finished? advance thank you to anyone who answers (⌒▽⌒)
No, it’s still ongoing to this day, and there's no sign of the end of the story.