So, there's been HUGE talk lately about this website being illegal because we're not paying to read the manga (like, bitch, I'm a broke teenager with parents who aren't supportive of gay shit, how tf am I supposed to read yaoi if I have to pay for it or ask my parents to pay for it?) and due to it being illegal...
We're all criminals!
Congratulations my fellow manga readers, considering a very large amount of us are all anti-social and depressed we've never had the chance to be all 'MWAHAHAHA IVE DONE SOMETHING EVILLL!', unless you put salt into someone's tea instead of sugar, or scared your sibling by hiding in their closet...
So, yeah, congratulations, you have accidentally become a criminal. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Yeah, we are. It IS illegal and we're breaking the law for accessing material that's supposed to be paid for, illegally, so what's your point? Everybody already knows this. And if you're a teenager, you're not supposed to be reading this stuff, anyway. Adults with jobs have the money to pay for it. If you're a teenager with no job, then oh-fucking-well. Not nobody's problem but your own.
Why are you getting upset...? I posted this mostly as a joke, you know? I know everyone knows about it, I just try being comical about serious things. Anyways, you're on this website reading yaoi too, meaning that you can't get mad at me for joking around about us being 'criminals' because you're not paying to read this manga either...
Anyways, I only read yaoi online. I buy a bunch of manga as it is, which is really fun!
You must have a bad sense of humor then, because the way you worded it, you just sound like every other annoying teenage girl that keeps complaining about her poor little self - can't read or buy b/c a poor little teenager with no job and strict parents blah blah blah. And I'm not mad at you because you were joking around (which was not so obvious), I'm mad at you because you seemed like an idiot.
Nah, I'm not complaining, sorry it sounded like I was. Anyways, yeah, I don't have a job because you have to be 16 to literally get a job anywhere so that's a bit of a bummer, but it doesn't stop me from looking! I think working is fun, actually... anyways, sorry if you took offense.
Maybe instead of getting upset you can ask, next time, what it is I'm trying to say? (=・ω・=)
Hello there, I'm Moritz!
Being a high school student and just a curious person in general, I want to know what you all are passionate about and what you aspire to be. Who aspired you, if anyone did? What is your goal? Are you doing anything to try to achieve your dream? That type of thing.
I'm actually trying to become a photographer, just mostly for my high school years and will get a more well paying job after I graduate, and currently have been discussing it with my parents and I'm very thankful that they're supportive. What is it like for all of you?
Im studying to be a dentist right now. Im already at my junior year so im already handling patients and such its hard but fun at the same time. My goal is obviously to finish my course and become a dentist. Oh also i want to be a top notcher in the board exam so imma gonna study well but i wont be disappointed if i dont get in top ten as long as i get my license then im good.
Also I have been taking english oriented electives while emailing colleges I want to go to for my sport because I am an student- athlete. I have been inspired by "Wattpad" because I love to read and also my english class because i love rhetoric since of style, its the art of persuasion. If you know english/fabulous writing skills... nothing can go wrong.
Photography can be hard to find stability in but it's definitely not impossible to make a business out of. My ex was a professional photographer and was quite successful but never truly dedicated himself to it.
I studied English lit! I graduated last year and I've been trying to move overseas to teach English. I'm hoping to work long term as a settlement worker in schools or with newcomers to Canada in the future. I also write and want to publish LGBTQ novels. My biggest dream however is to open or help run a youth shelter. :) Or I might just decide to say eff this and go get my Master's in studying the heck outta gay shit and become a professor.
No one thing exactly inspired me or one person. I've always been a very passionate person since I was a child. If anything, Hayao Miyazaki and his film heroines are a huge reason why I found myself and follow my dreams.
I am currently taking a degree in business. Fucking hate accounting. I was from science stream and everything that I learn in university is new for me. After studying for 3 years, I realized I fucking hate mathematics. I think I am just going to work at retail while studying foreign language. I prefer that life.
I lack passion to any thing, and right now, i just want to aspire to be a human and to 'exist'. But i do not take any steps towards such dream, for how can someone who does not have any humanity inside him become a human?
The amount of stress I go through while reading this is ridiculous...