H.M.N.I God May 30, 2024 12:57 am

Anybody want to join an iMessage group chat for future millionaires, who are currently in between the ages of 16-20

H.M.N.I God May 28, 2024 2:25 pm

I still find it weird that women read yaoi/bl it’s kind of strange

    Howling Candy May 28, 2024 2:27 pm

    Why not

    H.M.N.I God May 28, 2024 2:30 pm
    Why not Howling Candy

    But why though?

    pretty when you cry May 28, 2024 2:35 pm

    the way that over 80% of bls wouldn't even exist if women didn't read bl. Genre would have been dry as fuck. I just wish gl was more popular too so we'd get more stories.

    ladyskeleton May 28, 2024 2:35 pm

    It is normal lol i mean women read bl more than anyone, be it bl or gl everyone have tastes and preferences

    Doobeedoobedoobaa May 28, 2024 2:36 pm

    There is video essay analysis abt it on youtube

    H.M.N.I God May 28, 2024 3:03 pm
    the way that over 80% of bls wouldn't even exist if women didn't read bl. Genre would have been dry as fuck. I just wish gl was more popular too so we'd get more stories. pretty when you cry

    Look I agree with this statement 1000% but I still find it weird that women read books about gay males, especially as being a gay male. It’s just kind of awkward

    H.M.N.I God May 28, 2024 3:05 pm
    It is normal lol i mean women read bl more than anyone, be it bl or gl everyone have tastes and preferences ladyskeleton

    I agree that it’s “normal” in a subjective opinion. But it’s kind of weird, the reason why is because you’re reading books about gay sex, with being a women. Like shouldn’t yall read GL?

    Lambiosis May 28, 2024 3:12 pm

    Absolutely agree with you. Most of them time they don't have any proper justification to it either. "I just prefer it over gl" "they're just hotter" blah blah stop yapping and just say you fetishize gay men

    maplesyrup <3 May 28, 2024 3:20 pm

    I understand where youre coming from , it’s weird if that’s all they read , like that’s the only genre and they don’t branch out and read other genres . But there’s those groups of fetishizers in all groups . Straight women and they’re obsession with yaoi , men and they’re obsession with lesbians going at it . But I think it’s fine, if people who don’t have an obsession read it . Like I read all genres , all love types . Depending on what I’m in the mood for , gl , bl , straight love . As long as people aren’t weird about it , I think it’s okay . your feelings are valid though

    Howling Candy May 28, 2024 3:20 pm
    But why though? H.M.N.I God

    Idk just because, I read all genres tho so I can't say I favoured bl more or anything
    Just stumbled on it one day and I just keep reading that's it, no deeper meaning or anything

    Just because someone read bl doesn't mean they fetishize gay men

    WeiYingcore May 28, 2024 3:33 pm

    I mean its just stories at the end of the day who cares

    ladyskeleton May 28, 2024 3:39 pm
    I agree that it’s “normal” in a subjective opinion. But it’s kind of weird, the reason why is because you’re reading books about gay sex, with being a women. Like shouldn’t yall read GL? H.M.N.I God

    i never had the thought its weird perhaps bcuz I wasn’t the only woman reading it , i enjoy reading it its a pleasure reading most of the fujoshis have and i really like how some of them are so well written abt relationships, perspective of love from both sides and furthermore. I simply enjoy reading them and it gives me satisfaction thats all there is to it. idk if i sound reassuring or not but thats all from my perspective.

    spuuki May 28, 2024 4:26 pm

    i do find it weid too but just for the straight woman that are literally obssesed with BL, it's so upsetting and disgusting when they fetishize gay male relationships. I myself am a lesbian and I really do enjoy BL, but it's not like that's the only thing I read, I like reading GL, straight, seinen, etc etc

    spuuki May 28, 2024 4:32 pm

    oh and also GL is not as popular as BL, so it's really difficult to find well-written ones. I feel that I already read all of them lmao

    H.M.N.I God May 28, 2024 4:35 pm
    i do find it weid too but just for the straight woman that are literally obssesed with BL, it's so upsetting and disgusting when they fetishize gay male relationships. I myself am a lesbian and I really do enjo... spuuki

    Yes see I understand that, I read GL when it looks interesting, an interesting story is an interesting story but like just reading BL because of fetishization makes me feel uncomfortable

    CuriousGumWad May 28, 2024 4:54 pm
    i do find it weid too but just for the straight woman that are literally obssesed with BL, it's so upsetting and disgusting when they fetishize gay male relationships. I myself am a lesbian and I really do enjo... spuuki

    Yeah true I've met some straight girls that are obsessed with Yaoi and only smutty yaoi and are homophobic as fuck.

    I (female) just don't read GL that often because it's usually on average very healthy, sane, safe and boring but I can usually get invested in their plots because they have a plot outside of the main romance that's usually good but the main romance is usually boring as heck. On average BL is usually better at the chemistry for me (don't get me wrong there have been yaoi that's just straight up smut though I don't read those because happiness>horniness) but usually I can't get invested in the plot unless it has relation to the characters like family or past friends and I can almost always get invested in the romance and dynamic but I can never get invested in their plots they always seem and feel like they're in the way whether this is because there's more BL I don't know.

    My favorite GL "her shimcheong" is more of a historical drama than a romance as it is slowburn as hell. Also most GLs imo have the same dynamic of introverted edgy butchXextroverted popular femme but sometimes they also use downbad simping lesbianXstraight(???) woman not interested or hates the downbad simping lesbian (but not for long.)

    Tea dealer May 28, 2024 4:55 pm

    I would like to add something to this thread about power imbalance. The relationship of two male main leads doesn’t bear a gendered difference of status/social recognition/everything that could involve male/female power dynamic. Maybe a woman enjoying a BL is also about enjoying a relationship without all of this as background.
    I just thought of something else: since our societies these days are centered around men, maybe it’s not surprising that there are a lot of romance centered around them produced, and that mostly male characters are complex while feminine ones are not.

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ May 28, 2024 4:59 pm

    Coming from the fact that 99% creaters of bl are actually women , so reading is definitely not wrong and not different from straight storyline..

    spuuki May 28, 2024 5:07 pm
    Yeah true I've met some straight girls that are obsessed with Yaoi and only smutty yaoi and are homophobic as fuck. I (female) just don't read GL that often because it's usually on average very healthy, sane, s... CuriousGumWad

    it's sooo good

    CuriousGumWad May 28, 2024 5:21 pm
    I would like to add something to this thread about power imbalance. The relationship of two male main leads doesn’t bear a gendered difference of status/social recognition/everything that could involve male/... Tea dealer

    Some other reasons for heterosexual women enjoying BL is for masturbation before you think it's weird or perverse imagine wanting to see a sexualized man you look at straight porn and most of the focus is on the woman and usually the man is average, underdeveloped or ugly but in BL the only one's to sexualize are the men so she does not need to search long for it and if one of them is effeminate she can imagine herself in his place.

    Another reason is because it is male centered it is more likely to be well written and have 3 dimensional characters because misogyny in writing.

    SIDE NOTE(feel free fo ignore): It feels somewhat ignorant to cast aside female sexuality as perverse and unecessary when previously the only other source women have had for pornography is erotic fiction that is to this day mocked. The most classic erotic novel trope to be criticized is kidnapping. on surface level this is because the desire to be abducted and wanted so much to just be plucked from your home is appealing but it might also be a redirection of guilt women feel at enjoying sexual acts. By removing the responsibility of being the sexual deviant and putting it all on the man then she gets to have all the kinky sex with none of the guilt or remorse of enjoying it and being labelled a "whore". And by being "kidnapped" she is also relieved of the guilt of running away from her oppressive restrictive social environment like a queer kid running away from a religious hometown there's still some fear and anxiety in hurting and disappointing the people who you care about and who care about you with your "selfish" "immoral" desires for flesh which you crave but cannot have for you will be seen as "sinful" for doing so.

    H.M.N.I God May 28, 2024 8:50 pm

    Okay I didn’t mean to cause a whole discourse but my problem with this is because being a gay male it just feels weird to be fetishized by women. I understand people find their things to get off too, and that’s cool and all, but it just feels awkward to me. Especially like with living the gay life etc. I understand that mostly women create BL, and I’m glad they do because I like seeing gay representation somewhere, somehow. But it just reminds me of like how women want a gay bsf because they’re gay. That’s all…. Also I wouldn’t necessarily call it perverted because people like what they like, but there’s a lot of perversion in the community of Yaoi.

    Lambiosis May 28, 2024 10:17 pm
    Okay I didn’t mean to cause a whole discourse but my problem with this is because being a gay male it just feels weird to be fetishized by women. I understand people find their things to get off too, and that... H.M.N.I God

    Yeah honestly I believe the term yaoi itself is a fetishizing term

H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:50 pm

Who would be interested creating manga with my websites but using ai to do it?

    Jayjay May 11, 2024 8:08 pm

    Weren’t u just scolded by a bunch of people for being unethical and disrespectful towards art lmao

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:21 pm
    Weren’t u just scolded by a bunch of people for being unethical and disrespectful towards art lmao Jayjay

    And do I care?

    Jayjay May 11, 2024 8:27 pm
    And do I care? H.M.N.I God

    You should, birdbrain. Get out of here and stop reading manga, you piece of waste.

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:35 pm
    You should, birdbrain. Get out of here and stop reading manga, you piece of waste. Jayjay

    I’ve been reading manga probably far longer than you, I think about close to 10 years now. And mostly if you think my ai art is doing damage to the manga community, you’re surely mistaken. All these repetitive stories for some fast cash or should I say the gamer knock offs, including solo leveling is crazy… I’m tired of the same stories and there’s only a few out here that’s good like jjk and chainsaw man, etc. Even Rimuru is just another op character knockoff that barely grows since his power is just too over powered. I’m interested in seeing what regular people got to bring to the table who can’t draw but got good stories to tell. If the books be better than actual illustrators that’s not my fault, it’s just a bad story being told which is boring. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:36 pm
    You should, birdbrain. Get out of here and stop reading manga, you piece of waste. Jayjay

    Also I’m a professional yapper (●'◡'●)ノ

H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 2:44 pm

What do people think about using ai art to make mangas if you can’t draw?

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 2:47 pm

    nooo fren..if you do that keep it absolutely private between you. putting it out online is a big nono..never use ai for that

    Poopoo May 11, 2024 2:49 pm

    write a book

    mfxchic May 11, 2024 2:49 pm

    grab a pencil and learn how to draw

    Poopoo May 11, 2024 2:49 pm

    or learn how to draw

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 2:59 pm

    I understand these new comments, but I’m more interested in stories being made than artist taking time to make them. Art isn’t a issue if you have a good story

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:00 pm
    grab a pencil and learn how to draw mfxchic

    Oh no this isn’t for me, it’s a survey to see

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:00 pm
    write a book Poopoo

    No im not into that

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:00 pm
    grab a pencil and learn how to draw mfxchic

    No that’s too much work for real, we got to cut time which ai can do

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:00 pm
    nooo fren..if you do that keep it absolutely private between you. putting it out online is a big nono..never use ai for that jjk enthusiast

    Why? Ai is the new wave for fast production

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 3:03 pm
    Why? Ai is the new wave for fast production H.M.N.I God

    why take away from real artist and their hard work though? people make money from just art itself..and now you’re gonna say to use ai and just replace that?? absolutely nottttt. ai art has a lot of flaws as well, it isn’t a guaranteed anything and i’m
    unsure how many people want to read something where the person only put lines on the screen and no genuine art work.

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:06 pm
    why take away from real artist and their hard work though? people make money from just art itself..and now you’re gonna say to use ai and just replace that?? absolutely nottttt. ai art has a lot of flaws as w... jjk enthusiast

    How is it taking away from real artists? It’ll just include a community who wants to create stories but doesn’t have the necessary skills to make them. I’m trying to build a product for a generic person, who isn’t skilled in drawing but wants to post their own stories. If artists who know how to draw get beat, that isn’t the ai fault, because good drawing without substance is boring. But if it’s a good story and it get beats, like some of these gamer manhwa out here, than it’s time for the creation of new and better stories.

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 3:09 pm
    How is it taking away from real artists? It’ll just include a community who wants to create stories but doesn’t have the necessary skills to make them. I’m trying to build a product for a generic person, ... H.M.N.I God

    twin i’m not having ts argument with you that sounds dumb asl, pick up a damn book & pencil, learn to draw. art isn’t smth that people are just GIVEN, you learn it. it screams laziness

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:13 pm
    twin i’m not having ts argument with you that sounds dumb asl, pick up a damn book & pencil, learn to draw. art isn’t smth that people are just GIVEN, you learn it. it screams laziness jjk enthusiast

    Ai is for lazy people but the more time changes we benefit from being lazy and want to produce faster ways, like a car is for lazy people who doesn’t feel like walking…. The skill of story making isn’t the drawing part, it just makes it easier to understand by looking at pictures. Cause a good story can have bad drawings like one punch man in the beginning

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 3:16 pm
    Ai is for lazy people but the more time changes we benefit from being lazy and want to produce faster ways, like a car is for lazy people who doesn’t feel like walking…. The skill of story making isn’t th... H.M.N.I God

    bro turn on a youtube video and WATCH….take an art class even. ohykgod make ur story with stick figures if it isn’t that important then. let’s not rely on ai art when there’s people with genuine talent in drawing who make living off it

    Ieatcarrotsraw May 11, 2024 3:22 pm
    I understand these new comments, but I’m more interested in stories being made than artist taking time to make them. Art isn’t a issue if you have a good story H.M.N.I God

    Art is an issue when it comes to comics, the author draws the story to convey to the reader what it is if it's poorly drawn then story doesn't matter, i mean like for example solo leveling the novel was mediocre, but the manwha adaptation did a wonderful job taking it to a whole new level, so yeah art does matter if your doing comic. i think writing will suit you best.

    Ieatcarrotsraw May 11, 2024 3:26 pm

    Ai steals an artists artstyle if you didn't know, plus when was drawing the only way to convey a story? Theres literally writing it requires you 0 art skills

    Ieatcarrotsraw May 11, 2024 3:32 pm
    Ai is for lazy people but the more time changes we benefit from being lazy and want to produce faster ways, like a car is for lazy people who doesn’t feel like walking…. The skill of story making isn’t th... H.M.N.I God

    If you have 0 talent apart from uttering a bunch of nonsense then just close your mouth bro,

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 3:33 pm
    If you have 0 talent apart from uttering a bunch of nonsense then just close your mouth bro, Ieatcarrotsraw

    right they’re tweaking cause who the hell

    cocknballtorture33 May 11, 2024 3:37 pm

    Pathetic, would use the manga as a toilet paper nigga

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:52 pm
    Pathetic, would use the manga as a toilet paper nigga cocknballtorture33

    It’s never that serious

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 3:52 pm
    right they’re tweaking cause who the hell jjk enthusiast

    I am, I’m finna be unethical ash

    Willow May 11, 2024 5:07 pm

    I'm a digital artist
    Been making money that way for about 10 years now
    And it pains me to see someone effortlessly use ai to create art, using the hard work of other artists like myself without even understanding its value

    But at the end of the day I don't give enough fucks about other people's business
    It's just annoying
    I'm too lazy to do anything about it haha

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:16 pm
    I am, I’m finna be unethical ash H.M.N.I God

    onion boy go away

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:27 pm
    onion boy go away jjk enthusiast

    (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:27 pm
    onion boy go away jjk enthusiast

    Also this my thread lmao

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:33 pm
    Also this my thread lmao H.M.N.I God

    i dont care it’s mine now go away

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:33 pm
    I'm a digital artist Been making money that way for about 10 years nowAnd it pains me to see someone effortlessly use ai to create art, using the hard work of other artists like myself without even understandin... Willow

    beat them up willow

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:44 pm
    i dont care it’s mine now go away jjk enthusiast

    You must be insane lol

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:44 pm
    beat them up willow jjk enthusiast

    S/he didn’t really say nothing, except that it makes it harder for artist to keep up with ai competition.

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:46 pm
    You must be insane lol H.M.N.I God

    no im jjk enthusiasts..my username is not insane thankyou

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:47 pm
    S/he didn’t really say nothing, except that it makes it harder for artist to keep up with ai competition. H.M.N.I God

    ai sucks

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:48 pm
    no im jjk enthusiasts..my username is not insane thankyou jjk enthusiast

    I mean you just spelt insane another way lol

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 5:49 pm
    ai sucks jjk enthusiast

    It doesn’t cause it’s the future of our society. The same way people said technology sucked, and didn’t want to conform to change. It’s part of life

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:50 pm
    I mean you just spelt insane another way lol H.M.N.I God

    what rhe hell does this mean

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 5:53 pm
    It doesn’t cause it’s the future of our society. The same way people said technology sucked, and didn’t want to conform to change. It’s part of life H.M.N.I God

    i’d support this if we were talking about dangerous jobs that are incredibly difficult and risky to do, but art?? seriously get out of my face with ts if u don’t pick up that damn pencil and watch art classes

    Willow May 11, 2024 5:55 pm
    S/he didn’t really say nothing, except that it makes it harder for artist to keep up with ai competition. H.M.N.I God

    Nah I said ai artists are assholes but I can't do anything about it lol
    And also, it's not reliable enough so I'm not really worried
    The designs come out weird with a lot of errors

    A real artwork is detailed and every single thing in it has a meaning, while the ai work is obviously some random stolen images that a computer program blended together

    An artist knows every single spot of their own artwork because they have put it there on purpose
    And because of that, real art will always have its own buyers

    Willow May 11, 2024 5:55 pm
    beat them up willow jjk enthusiast


    Willow May 11, 2024 5:58 pm
    It doesn’t cause it’s the future of our society. The same way people said technology sucked, and didn’t want to conform to change. It’s part of life H.M.N.I God

    Bruh the "future of your society" can't even draw a proper hand with five fingers attached to it lol

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 6:00 pm
    Bruh the "future of your society" can't even draw a proper hand with five fingers attached to it lol Willow

    So? Doesn’t affect how society works in a lazy way, inventions make it easier for us to be lazy. Like a dishwasher. It’s part of life move on

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 6:00 pm
    So? Doesn’t affect how society works in a lazy way, inventions make it easier for us to be lazy. Like a dishwasher. It’s part of life move on H.M.N.I God

    lazy ass get up and wash them dishes

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 6:05 pm
    lazy ass get up and wash them dishes jjk enthusiast

    Nah I’ll let the dish washer do it

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 6:14 pm
    Nah I’ll let the dish washer do it H.M.N.I God

    i dont need a mf speaking of anything if they can’t even wash their dishes gtfo my face..

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 6:18 pm
    i dont need a mf speaking of anything if they can’t even wash their dishes gtfo my face.. jjk enthusiast

    I can but why would I when we have technology to do it for us? Like hand picking small things off the ground when you have a vacuum, literally you’re reading books on a pirated site because it’s easier than going out and buying it? Like bruh lmao

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 6:27 pm
    I can but why would I when we have technology to do it for us? Like hand picking small things off the ground when you have a vacuum, literally you’re reading books on a pirated site because it’s easier than... H.M.N.I God

    you’re fully capable of washing dishes, and learning to draw. the fuck you think i expect you to use a microscope and pick up everything from your carpet?? dont act stupid lmfaaoo i don’t even care about the dishes LIKE SERIOUSLY but ai art??? cmon man lmfaoaoo and what do you expect me to do abt reading on here ?? hell you know abt my collection i could have a yaoi and yuri shelf with everything i’ve read tf

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 6:34 pm
    you’re fully capable of washing dishes, and learning to draw. the fuck you think i expect you to use a microscope and pick up everything from your carpet?? dont act stupid lmfaaoo i don’t even care about t... jjk enthusiast

    But why would I when there’s easier methods to go about it,it’s the same way as graphic designers being hated because it’s easier to draw on a tablet than on paper, again it doesn’t really matter how you feel, because ai manga is the new thing

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 6:41 pm
    But why would I when there’s easier methods to go about it,it’s the same way as graphic designers being hated because it’s easier to draw on a tablet than on paper, again it doesn’t really matter how yo... H.M.N.I God

    it’s not a new thing you’re just being delusional i have never seen ai in manga, and even if that was the case it most likely wouldn’t go popular. who the fuck would want to publish you? ai isn’t real art.

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 7:02 pm
    it’s not a new thing you’re just being delusional i have never seen ai in manga, and even if that was the case it most likely wouldn’t go popular. who the fuck would want to publish you? ai isn’t real ... jjk enthusiast

    Ai isn’t real art was like saying graphic designing wasn’t real art, but time changes. A good story has more weight than the art of the story. Sorry

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 7:12 pm
    Ai isn’t real art was like saying graphic designing wasn’t real art, but time changes. A good story has more weight than the art of the story. Sorry H.M.N.I God

    onykgoood i really dislike you. then write a book i feel like im repeating myself atp

    Willow May 11, 2024 7:20 pm
    onykgoood i really dislike you. then write a book i feel like im repeating myself atp jjk enthusiast

    Gurl you're burning too much of your precious calories responding to this idiot

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 7:25 pm
    Gurl you're burning too much of your precious calories responding to this idiot Willow

    LOLL you’re rightt

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 7:44 pm
    onykgoood i really dislike you. then write a book i feel like im repeating myself atp jjk enthusiast

    lol Ok, when I create my ai website for manga creation, I’ll send it to you

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 7:44 pm
    Gurl you're burning too much of your precious calories responding to this idiot Willow

    Nothing I said was idiotic or can be disproven, again I’m finna make manga creation easy ash for regular people

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 7:53 pm
    lol Ok, when I create my ai website for manga creation, I’ll send it to you H.M.N.I God

    and when it flops i’ll laugh in your face

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 7:53 pm
    Nothing I said was idiotic or can be disproven, again I’m finna make manga creation easy ash for regular people H.M.N.I God

    “ regular people “ pick up that damn pencil

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:02 pm
    and when it flops i’ll laugh in your face jjk enthusiast

    If it does doesn’t really matter cause I’m going to use it to create my book, that’s going to actually be the first use of my website. It’s going to be somewhat like jjk I think you’ll like it, but the name is going to be Deicide, pretty nice right

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 8:05 pm
    If it does doesn’t really matter cause I’m going to use it to create my book, that’s going to actually be the first use of my website. It’s going to be somewhat like jjk I think you’ll like it, but th... H.M.N.I God

    just find someone who will draw for you man

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:13 pm
    just find someone who will draw for you man jjk enthusiast

    I mean I could do that, but to illustrate a book cost about 100-500 per chapter. And again I’m pretty sure if I don’t capitalize off of ai manga somebody else will. Like the people who did ai art or chat gpt

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 8:30 pm
    I mean I could do that, but to illustrate a book cost about 100-500 per chapter. And again I’m pretty sure if I don’t capitalize off of ai manga somebody else will. Like the people who did ai art or chat gp... H.M.N.I God


    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:37 pm

    I mean if you got the money you can help. But we all reading on a pirated website am I right lol

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 8:43 pm
    I mean if you got the money you can help. But we all reading on a pirated website am I right lol H.M.N.I God

    i do have money but i am saving it for something lmfoaaaa sorry..do you have a job..?? i do buy webtoon passes for aslfua however so i am 1% higher than H.M.N.I God

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:46 pm
    i do have money but i am saving it for something lmfoaaaa sorry..do you have a job..?? i do buy webtoon passes for aslfua however so i am 1% higher than H.M.N.I God jjk enthusiast

    I buy WEBTOON passes too so no you’re not lol

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 8:48 pm
    I buy WEBTOON passes too so no you’re not lol H.M.N.I God

    5% higher then the hell. i was NICE with 1%.

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 8:55 pm
    5% higher then the hell. i was NICE with 1%. jjk enthusiast

    lol, when my website done and I got my first book on there, I’ll send you the link.. check it out

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 9:00 pm
    lol, when my website done and I got my first book on there, I’ll send you the link.. check it out H.M.N.I God

    okay i’ll grade you

    Poopoo May 11, 2024 10:51 pm
    It’s never that serious H.M.N.I God

    it is ai steals from artists

    H.M.N.I God May 11, 2024 11:43 pm
    it is ai steals from artists Poopoo

    I understand that but ai is the future of the world, and I need new stories that isn’t about having a broken ability and saving girls 24/7

    jjk enthusiast May 11, 2024 11:47 pm
    I understand that but ai is the future of the world, and I need new stories that isn’t about having a broken ability and saving girls 24/7 H.M.N.I God

    it can barely draw 5 fingers man ts ain’t Detroit becomes human be srs

H.M.N.I God May 10, 2024 10:24 pm

How many people here wants to create their own manga, but can’t really draw?

    Yuniki May 10, 2024 10:58 pm


    Mehatori May 10, 2024 11:15 pm

    And too lazy to complete writing it too ╥﹏╥

    Bunnybunny97 May 10, 2024 11:39 pm

    I want to create manga but my art skill has a long way to go XD i will practice tho

    Xeonii May 10, 2024 11:45 pm

    Me, so I just dreamed of being a novelist lol

H.M.N.I God May 3, 2024 8:57 pm

How do y’all feel about ai art?

    Rock May 3, 2024 9:07 pm

    can be a great tool to STUDY since we know for sure it's pretty to look at but it's shit since it steals from other artist.

    Justanidiothere May 3, 2024 9:16 pm

    I honestly don't know, it's bad since it takes artists work without permission and people are less likely to commission artists, but on the other hand ai art looks pretty darn good sometimes (saying as an artist myself)

    Strawberry_cheesecake May 3, 2024 10:10 pm

    I despise it

    helpy May 4, 2024 2:29 am


    H.M.N.I God May 4, 2024 8:15 pm
    can be a great tool to STUDY since we know for sure it's pretty to look at but it's shit since it steals from other artist. Rock

    Everyone steals ideas from other artists but i think the prompt making is kind of unique

    Rock May 5, 2024 5:23 am
    Everyone steals ideas from other artists but i think the prompt making is kind of unique H.M.N.I God

    Referencing is different from stealing tho, prompt making is just the same as pressing a number on the microwave to cook the food

    H.M.N.I God May 6, 2024 11:40 am
    Referencing is different from stealing tho, prompt making is just the same as pressing a number on the microwave to cook the food Rock

    Kind of different I think, but I was asking so I can double down on ai art

    yeah May 6, 2024 11:54 am

    I'll jerk off to it, I don't enjoy it beyond that though

H.M.N.I God December 29, 2023 9:57 am

Any yaoi recommendations? Something actually interesting possibly with an age gap, similar to Liebling?

H.M.N.I God October 28, 2023 6:33 pm

I can’t wait until I get my survey check probably can buy the volumes for JJK (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

H.M.N.I God October 28, 2023 7:43 am

I can’t wait until I get my survey check

    synfull October 28, 2023 8:18 am

    not this shit again...take your scam somewhere else...

    H.M.N.I God October 28, 2023 6:33 pm
    not this shit again...take your scam somewhere else... synfull

    Nope sorry, finna repost again

H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 3:11 am

Hey I wondering if anybody from the U.S wanted to learn how to make money online. I’m teaching for a profit of 30$. If you’re interested just reply or text me on ig @remakergod

    Kspacesystem October 14, 2023 3:14 am


    - STYX

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 3:17 am
    STOP THE SCAM PLS. - STYX Kspacesystem

    Its not a scam and no I’m not going to stop trying to inform people that they can make money online

    Kspacesystem October 14, 2023 3:19 am
    Its not a scam and no I’m not going to stop trying to inform people that they can make money online H.M.N.I God

    Nahhh, I'm LITTERALLY about to make a public form to clown an you please.

    - Styx

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 3:21 am
    Nahhh, I'm LITTERALLY about to make a public form to clown an you please. - Styx Kspacesystem

    I don’t care lol, only the mods can say stop because I have been on here since I was like 15, and they’re the only ones I’ll listen too

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 3:24 am
    Nahhh, I'm LITTERALLY about to make a public form to clown an you please. - Styx Kspacesystem

    Never mind I’ve been on here since I was 11 , that’s a long ass time

    Kspacesystem October 14, 2023 3:31 am
    Never mind I’ve been on here since I was 11 , that’s a long ass time H.M.N.I God

    And two of the horseman of the apocalypse, war and death read this site. They're god knows how old, Your point? Lol.

    - Styx

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 3:47 am
    And two of the horseman of the apocalypse, war and death read this site. They're god knows how old, Your point? Lol. - Styx Kspacesystem

    Lol I’m just saying that the only one I’ll listen to is the mods, regular people whose telling me to stop can get on. I’m just trying to make money and telling other people how to make money. Simple exchange

    cocopuffs October 14, 2023 3:59 am

    LOL no one cares about this scam. you posted this like four times already and nobody wants to know. ppl are on here to read not earn "money" bruh

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 4:12 am
    LOL no one cares about this scam. you posted this like four times already and nobody wants to know. ppl are on here to read not earn "money" bruh cocopuffs

    It’s not a scam though, you can keep calling it one but I can show proof. And you’re right people are on here to read but everyone loves and need money lol

    Local simp October 14, 2023 4:35 am

    Hope you enjoy getting restricted or banned

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 4:37 am
    Hope you enjoy getting restricted or banned Local simp

    I’m okay with getting restricted, since Mangago had went down and we couldn’t communicate with each other I didn’t really notice when the chats came back lol. So, if I get restricted cool cucumbers.

    Ms. Resha October 14, 2023 7:04 am
    It’s not a scam though, you can keep calling it one but I can show proof. And you’re right people are on here to read but everyone loves and need money lol H.M.N.I God

    If we need money, this is the last place we will go to look for one. Go to legitimate websites to post your ads. You cannot blame people for thinking you're a scam, because you're posting your ad in the wrong avenue. And the way you handle criticism doesn't hel0 with your credibility. Just my 2 cents.

    cocopuffs October 14, 2023 7:08 am
    If we need money, this is the last place we will go to look for one. Go to legitimate websites to post your ads. You cannot blame people for thinking you're a scam, because you're posting your ad in the wrong a... Ms. Resha

    fr why would anyone think it's legit when this is an illegal manga site.

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 8:14 am
    If we need money, this is the last place we will go to look for one. Go to legitimate websites to post your ads. You cannot blame people for thinking you're a scam, because you're posting your ad in the wrong a... Ms. Resha

    True but if you see opportunities I think people would take them no matter what. Like if you go to a restaurant and see that they’re hiring for 17$ a hour, you’ll be like oh that seems cool, let me put in an application. I can’t blame them, but I don’t care… if people think I’m a scam I’m gonna defend myself and my paid surveys, cause it’s annoying when you do something and people be like “oh no you didn’t and keep calling you a liar ” lol. I am posting in the wrong avenue but so what, people were posting about watching movies and joining discords etc, if people think I’m a scam they should just leave me alone and find someone else to talk too; so I can find real people who believe me. I don’t like criticism, sorry. I love your 2 cents, thank you

    H.M.N.I God October 14, 2023 8:15 am
    fr why would anyone think it's legit when this is an illegal manga site. cocopuffs

    I agree there ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ but so what, opportunities are opportunities

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