I was really sad because when I wanted to marry the person i love my family did not allow me ... They said that he was not a good person for us ... and now I live ironically, I hear my family talk when you get married ... and they only talk about getting married. Why did not you go out in order to see you someone and marry you why and why and why ... But when I read this manga I felt a little better ... my desire to cry is gone... and my problem is I can not talk to anyone about this subject ... Oh God I feel I am dying

I really hate them all, they really are crazy and fucking disgusting, I really hate them so much and I'll really hate the manga if he falls in love with him again Who can allow others to make love to his lover and let other get close to him and how can he forgive who Rape him, how can he continue to live with them, the best to me death on this !!!!!!
What the fuck is wrong with him ...i hate this fucking bastard....shut i said some kind of word I don't like....