After a nuclear war turns most of the Earth into desert wastelands, surviving humans had used the sa...
- Author: USUNE Masatoshi
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Ecchi / Seinen
Seventh grader Hayashi Renei is troubled by a strange dream: Her dead brother-- killed in an automob...
- Author: Oda Hideji
- Genres: Adventure / Drama / Fantasy / Seinen
It's a textless oneshot (full color) about a girl and her life out on a flooded city....
- Author: Sahara Masaki
- Genres: Drama / One Shot / Seinen
Asadora! begins the story of a young girl's life in post-war Japan, which will span several decades ...
- Author: Urasawa Naoki
- Genres: Seinen
Plot: They arrive in silence and darkness. They descend from the skies. They have a hunger for human...
- Author: iwaaki hitoshi
- Genres: Action / Drama / Horror / Mature / Psychological / Romance / Seinen
Based off of a story arc from Osamu Tezuka's Tesuwan Atomu, Pluto follows the Europol detective Gesi...
- Author: Urasawa Naoki
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mecha / Mystery / Sci-Fi / Seinen
The one-shot tells a story about the late Kenji End?, the real-life musician that was the inspiratio...
- Author: Urasawa Naoki
- Genres: Comedy / Seinen / Slice of Life
- Author: urasawa naoki
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mystery / One Shot / Seinen / Supernatural
From Baka-Updates Manga:The main character is the son of an English woman of noble birth and a Japan...
- Author: nagasaki takashi,urasawa naoki
- Genres: Adventure / Mystery / Seinen
Plot: A collection of 10 short stories spanning 12 chapters, NASA is representative of Naoki Urasawa...
- Author: urasawa naoki
- Genres: Comedy / Seinen
Billy Bat is a comic-in-a-comic and the real protagonist is a Japanese-American artist named Kevin Y...
- Author: Urasawa
- Genres: Drama / Mystery / Seinen