Enzo created a topic of Waterside Night

give him a break bro

Enzo created a topic of Jinx

Yes!! That's good Kim Dan, you've made the right decision. Leave that shet. Now I'm hoping for a chasing arc <3 I hope you regret how you've been treating our baby Kim Dan, Jaekyung.. WHEN I CATCH YOU!1!!!1

Enzo created a topic of Jinx

PLSPLS WHENS THE UPDATE?? i need to know what happened to kim dan!! I hope jaekyung regrets all the things he did to our baby kim dan!!

Enzo created a topic of Jinx

dude i really thought he was changing bit by bit BUT WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?! LEAVE HIM KIM DAN C'MONN! that joo guy is really getting on my nerves.