"maybe hes fried" LMAOO nah cuz fr what the fuck is bro on, saying all that unprompted like hello??

yurr followed a list
22 05,2024

hey guys i keep seeing praise and recommendations for this and i want to give it a go, but quick question before i do- is it a happy ending? like i know theres killing/psychopathology/mystery which obviously wouldnt make it the fluffiest bl out there, but is it like.. a Love story where they end up together?? thankss and no spoilers, just whatever answers my question :))

yurr created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

im not even gonna read that chp, i only trust my true people cosmic scans

yurr created a topic of Stranger


yurr created a topic of Monday'saviour

dawg whos heejae someone kind and amazing and sexy lmk rq who that is i dont feel like rereading

yurr created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

aww man im gonna be said when the officials start uploading from the start because were already so far in with these amazing scans.. but i look forward to rereading when the time comes lol

yurr asked a question

very random but im curious about the process you guys go through to decide whether to read a manga/hwa/hua or not.
for me, the cover/title catches my attention first, so art style is a big factor for me. not super picky but i cant read something that looks bad yk. then i read the summary- if no summary, i look at comments from those popular users that make a summary/add to lists (always avoid spoilers!). after that, if im not interested i leave. if i am, i scroll down and rlly quickly skim the recommend lists and top tags to get more info on the genre/tropes. SOMETIMES, and this is when i want to get an idea of top/bottom positions if its relevant in the summary, i check a random photo. then if im set, into the want to read it goes and i click start read!

yurr created a topic of The best luck of my life

yall didnt his friend call earlier and say he was gonna stop by or smth??

praying and praying so hard for author to just let him end up with no one. hell id even accept him forgiving the alpha as long as he tells him he wont date him.. oh lorddd i dont think thisll happen look how he reacted when he called ughhhh
also lowkey wishing mc doesnt find out about the drugging before omega goes into heat that would be so fucked up HAHAH

yurr created a topic of My Perverted Stalker

get those fuckass censors out of my face lemme see the panties lemme see the positions NEOWW .... IS THERE A UNCENSORED VERSION ?? i remember there were a couple chapters where there wasnt any, the one where the guy tried to rape him to help the other idol guy

yurr created a topic of Dear My Killer Tune

i never rlly cared about top/bottom dynamics (maybe just a lil, as anyone would) BUT WOW THEIR POSITIONS SHOCKED ME??? would have loved some smut scenes

yurr created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

finally something to smile about, i was starting to think author just loved being miserable

yurr created a topic of Unfinished Business

i really REALLY hope this becomes a love triangle or he has a thing with second guy at some point if only for mido to get jealous and fucking suffer idcidcc like i have a feeling theyll end up together which is so fucked up so if thats gonna happen anyway i want mc and beta to have a thing i want mc to feel safe with him i want them fucking n sucking while mido watches i want mido to SUFFER

i feel like you guys r not giving author enough credit for writing a redemption arc for an asshole character, like ima be the first to say i fucking hatee alpha lowkey prefer omega (hes also horrible for what he did) but again i feel like the author is doing such a good job at showing that pitiful self-blame and guilt as "karma" for what he did, and even him acknowledging it, much better than most bls that have an asshole ml. like i bet half of yall read painter of the night and probably ended up liking the ml/couple at the end so is there rlly much of a difference? again, fucking hate alpha and am so glad hes suffering like this and realizing his wrongs, but thats like the whole point- that the author is setting up a good redemption IF they do end up together (i REALLY HOPE THEY DONT i want the mc to be off on his own but thats obviously not gonna happen). i guess i just felt like everyone was putting him in the 100% bad evil black area when i see him as a bit more gray with room for growth and forgiveness considering how hes reacting rn

yurr created a topic of Second Time of Dawn

man im ngl i dont even remember much of what this story is ab... i rlly dont wanna reread but i also wanna read s2 when it does come out

yurr created a topic of Dark Fall

wait so cliff and the ml ARE separate people right..

yurr created a topic of Crucial Point

tbf mc absolutely shouldve used the safe words if he felt like it was enough that IS what its for but also i did not like ml gaslighting him like that lmfao