I'm a 32 year old fujoshi. Bisexual.
I love mangas(hwas)(huas) of all kinds -- bl being my favorite kind.
Please recommend me green flag stories.
Be it manhwas, mangas, manhuas, danmei...
ALL OF IT! I'm obsessed.
Let's be friends.
PS, I'm obsessed with Ennead, BWAT, Shutline, Hounds of Sysyphus, and omegaverse hehe.
Wow... I was telling people I just read this to see if there's any fucking character development, but the writing got even fucking worse! He seriously couldn't keep his dick in his pants?? Seriously???!
This chapter legit made me sick from anger--bash my head into a wall type of livid. Dan is absolutely pathetic: what complete garbage and shit character writing. And Jaekyung is ONCE AGAIN proving Dan that he really doesn't fucking care and only cares about sex. He couldn't even have the decency to FOR ONCE not think with his fucking dick and take care of a person properly. But nooooo! Just when I thought he couldn't be a bigger piece of shit, he does this? He can't even reassure Dan that he's worth more than his body? Dan is literally weak af, and JK be fucking him like he's fucking someone in full health.
The author seriously is adding porn in the middle for no fucking good reason. Another fucking update with no character development, no plot drive, and a chapter full of cliché shit, again proving that she doesn't fucking know how to write a decent fucking plot without sex. Her one hit wonder (BJ Alex), was just that.
Not to mention the awful fucking writing! "Monitor your situation." Yeah? Well how about offering him some fucking therapy or refer him to a therapist in his town!
"He can't sleep alone." How fucking cliché.
Yall Jinx lovers always be like, "there's worse tops out there! There's black flags!!" Yeah? Well we rational people think he has THE WORST personality ever. He's so fucking selfish and only thinks about sex. Me me me me me! Every fucking time. He's such a piece of shit, not a decent human, and is one of the worst characters ever written. Ffs, 67+ chapters later with ZERO character development and JUST sex.
Dan is the only one with character development... For the worst. He's become such a garbage pussy.