So I just think something crazy immature shit or whatever it is.... Kotoko is my top 10 favorite awesome heroine in this story since i rarely found something who is really intelligent and a real independent character ..so i want kotoko to have some little accident and test how kuro really cares for her... i just want kuro to give even just a little affection to her and i will be really happy which is really rare for me cause sometimes i ship it with other guy(≧∀≦)

yeah, sometimes i hope for it too. and i think it did happen at some point, in that time frame when the chapter was spoken by saki-san POV. if i remember right, kuro said that kotoko got injuried dealing with the youkai. so yeah... maybe something that we hoped for did really happen, but the mangaka doesn't want to show us ヽ(`Д´)ノ i mean, what the heck?! there is even a chapter about her in high school before she came in contact with kuro... so... who the hell cares about that?? (surely i don't really care) i srsly wanna see kuro flustered at kotoko sudden disappearance or something like that, yeah! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

It Seems, author used to watch ranma 1/2 (≧∀≦)

Sigh* It is much better to focus in MD and Chanwoo's story instead of this pathetic relationship of Alex & Dg fuvk it! I can't stand it anymore or maybe DG WILL SNAP THE FUCK OUT OF IT! Fucking Move on and found another guy who will love him.END OF THE STORY...NOT PUSHING YOURSELF TO ALEX .....PATHETIC IM BOTH DISSAPOINTED IN ALEX & DG ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I guess nemu, telling his own opinion and feelings will be futile coz maya will just get pissed or angry or dodge the question or continue lying to nemu or whatever it is....mah poor son... always crying alone..... always in pain all alone and maya just chillin' getting excited, happy....not worried at all FUCKING UNFAIR SHIT! A RIVAL WOULD BE ENOUGH !!!!! ONE HANDSOME BOI.... I CAN FUCKING REST IN PEACE !!
I don't get why peeps calling hen a slutty boi ..or could it be they forgot that hen has a mark in his neck that causing him to be like dat and that he needs sex ... but oh well it's my opinion soo.....#Team Ivan for meh ... Alek is cool totally my type but can't accept what he did to my little hen huehue